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Search results

  1. M

    Do you use miniatures

    I'm something of a Lego freak, so I have lots of little Lego people lying around. I mixed and matched to make custom Lego minis for all the PCs in our group -- they're the perfect size! We now have plenty of WotC minis in our group, but the comic value of little Lego figures is too good to...
  2. M

    Do *Players* like to buy magic items?

    In one of the campaigns I play in, there is an annual festival which is a major social and political event (my character got married at the last one). We get to run a session that is not a typical adventure with contests, intrigue and lots of roleplaying. Anyhow, one of the events at the...
  3. M

    Deck of Many Things

    Hmm, we had one of these show up in our campaign around 6th or 7th level. None of the PCs wanted anything to do with it except our barbarian, who chose to draw FOUR cards, figuring that at least one of them had to be good.... He got a radical alignment change, lost all his material wealth, got...
  4. M

    Mawage, that Bwessed Institution...

    Short answer: Yes. Long answer: My character, Kalin, is a dwarven cleric of Thor. When my DM discovered that Kalin was past the normal marrying age for a dwarf, Kalin started receiving sendings from his parents about the potential brides they had found for him. Kalin finally agreed to marry...