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  1. BelXiror

    Looting bodies. Eww.

    Reminds me of Forensics. You know, the guys who turn up, loot the body looking for ID, then cart them away and cut them up looking for what killed them, if it isn't already obvious. Stomachs of Steel.
  2. BelXiror

    Help! Defense vs Mindflayers

    Adamantine helmets. Arcane locked to your heads. :p
  3. BelXiror

    DM depressed about Shapechange

    Fear Aura (Su): A pit fiend can radiate a 20-foot-radius fear aura as a free action. A creature in the area must succeed on a DC 27 Will save or be affected as though by a fear spell (caster level 18th). A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same pit fiend’s aura for...
  4. BelXiror

    Eddings or Fiest D20

    Feists Midkemia IS his homebrew. Apparently it's a house ruled to the hilt 1st ed game, and that all the players get a commission from the books, as there pretty much what happened in game. one guys who wrote Amber diceless went to a Con I attended, and stayed in the same house as I did. He...
  5. BelXiror

    No vampire giants?

    One thing to keep in mind when giants and such start becoming Vampires, is the grapple check. Vampires drink blood by grappling, and how many PC's stand a chance against a grappling Giant, specially when it's no longer subject to sneak attacks, so the rogue can't pursuade it to put you down...
  6. BelXiror

    Do elves grow up quicker in Dragonlance?

    I don't think they grew up faster so much as was forced to act older than they were by circumstance. The same way a early teen may be pushed to act older if absolutly necessary, partucularly if they've inherited something, like a kingdom. Put simply, they had there childhoods severly cut short.
  7. BelXiror

    Yeah! I'm in Dragon (again). Want to argue?

    I'm 23, and I have no problem with the current art. It looks fine to me, and I don't really see the "punk." Then again, I am a Final Fantasy player, so what do I know? My first fantasy books where the original Dragonlance novels. But then, my second fantasy books where Weis and Hickmans...
  8. BelXiror

    Critting beneficial spells.

    Now, you can critical a Inflict Light Wounds spell, right? So, can you critical it's opposite, a Cure Light Wound spell?
  9. BelXiror

    Mmmm...Libris Mortis.

    Actually, something DOES happen to the soul when someone's turned undead. Look through Raise Dead, Resurrection and True Resurrection. Raise Dead - A creature who has been turned into an undead creature or killed by a death effect can’t be raised by this spell. Resurrection and True...
  10. BelXiror

    a non-monk unarmed fighter/grappler - doable?

    Another thing to consider is the Goliath from Races of Stone, or the Half-Giant from the Psionics Handbook. Both get the Powerful Build racial ability, making them count as large for the purposes of grappling/tripping/bullrushing and weapon size/damage. Both are ECL+1 though, but a Goliath...
  11. BelXiror

    Find me a home for my hexblades!

    How about Hexblades being Gypsies, as you say, but there EX-Ravenloftites. One of the few groups of people who managed to escape, and the taint of Ravenloft has followed them since.
  12. BelXiror

    Find me a home for my hexblades!

    I don't know much about it, but how about Ravenloft? The bent on curses, not being good and necromancy spells seems to fit from a superficial view point.
  13. BelXiror

    Why would a frost giant have a frost weapon?

    Why wouldn't giants in the same area get along? Simple: Food. Giants are big, and need lots of food. If there was a decent hunting plain nearby, and on one side is a glacier housing Frost giants, and the other a set of volcano's with Fire giants, they'll likely fight over who gets the food...
  14. BelXiror

    Whatever happened to all the adventurous heroes?

    You said they'd been on the ship awhile, mingling? If they didn't actually do anything, I would have had someone they know turn up dead the next day. Say the fighter or rogue was hitting on a pretty lady, and was one step from success... Have little things like this happen. Show them that evil...
  15. BelXiror

    Daylight Sensitivity-combatting goggles?

    Does your world have stained/coloured glass? Does it have normal glasses/spectacles/goggles? If so, figuring out to make those spec's/goggles dark isn't that hard of a stretch. Those which get dazzled by bright light, like orcs, can ignore the dazzlement. Those who don't get dazzled by...
  16. BelXiror

    D&D 3E/3.5 Complaining about 3.5 weapon size rules

    Unless, of course, they are small weaponsmiths, who make small weapons, for small people.
  17. BelXiror

    D&D 3E/3.5 Complaining about 3.5 weapon size rules

    I think your missing that you CAN wield weapons not sized for you. With a -2 to hit penalty. A halfling can use a human longsword 2 handed at a -2 to hit penalty, or a human short sword one handed. As you said, using something the wrong size is a little difficult. Thats what the penalty...
  18. BelXiror

    D&D 3E/3.5 Complaining about 3.5 weapon size rules

    It's not necessarily the length of the grip that matters, as the girth. When a grip is too big around to hold it properly, when you hit things the weapon can rotate in your grip accidentally. or just plain bounce out of your grip. I remember when I was a kid and trying to use a regular sized...
  19. BelXiror

    Is it evil to eat intelligent monsters?

    I think how the critter died is somewhat important. killing an intelligent being just so you can eat it is much the same as murder. However, if you've just saved the day by slaying the evil red dragon, stopping it from destroying whatever, and your tired, hurt and hungry, then cutting a bit...
  20. BelXiror

    Changing the size of a weapon.

    This is a thought that came to me recently. Could you use the spell fabricate, and/or polymorph any object to change the size of a weapon? Ie, turn a medium longsword into a small longsword? And further, could you do it with a magical weapon? Another thing, could a halfling take that medium...