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  1. deadestdai

    A Grand Entrance!

    My wife is finally in labour and I will obviously be a tad too busy to check up on the games I am in for a while. Please autopilot my charcters and wish my poor wee wife luck! - Dai
  2. deadestdai

    **For Those With Ferret-Affiliations!!!!**

    **ferretguy is having internet problems and won't be able to come out to play for a wee while, just wanted to let all know. We wish his crappy dsl company all speed with the recovery (Though I doubt they will come through with the goods anytime soon cos they really are awful :/)**
  3. deadestdai

    Deadest to almost a "T"

    For those who I game with here, Right now my life is throwing more curve-balls than I am able to cope with. Between kids on the way, gettin' married and moving house, my attendance here is going to be a little iffy. I'll try to get things back on track asap. Just wanted all to know. - Dai
  4. deadestdai

    GM Needed! Apply Within! Umm... Yeah - but really, we need direction here!

    Chaps and chapesses our game has just lost it's "second" GM. Those of us who remain do not want to see this game dissolve into the nothingness that is seeming to permeate these boards of late. Is anyone up to the task of taking up the reigns and leading our characters further on and to level...