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Search results

  1. R

    Which Edition Do You Use?

    3.0 D&D. Bought and sold the 3.5 core rulebooks. A handful of improvements, mixed in with an equal number of negative changes. A ton of changes that seemed to be made just for the sake of changing something. All considered it was really only on-par with 3.0 IMHO, just different. Given that I...
  2. R

    Leveling, how do you handle it

    I calculate experience during the session as the players acquire it. If the PC's gain enough to experience to gain a level then they have to wait until the end of an in-game day or another natural lull that has the characters waiting about for whatever reason. No training is required as I...
  3. R

    What campaign setting do you use?

    I'm quite firmly in the DragonLance camp and that's definitely not about to change. I on the FRCS but that's primarily to steal ideas from as I'm not muh of a fan of the setting. I'd like to purchase another campaign setting and considered Greyhawk as I like it, but the relative dearth of...
  4. R

    Who are your 5 favorite Game Designers?

    Monte Cook Gary Gygax Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman Skip Williams Jonathan Tweet
  5. R

    Do you read D&D books on public transport?

    I never really use public transport so that's not an issue for me. If I'm riding in the passenger seat of a car for a long way, or on the plane I may bring Dragon/Dungeon magazine but that's seldom as I'm not really big into either magazine. I don't bring along D&D manuals simply because of...
  6. R

    Just got Dragon 315 - Campaign Classics

    For those that have the magaizne, can anyone give me some information on what the section on DragonLance is like?
  7. R

    Do people use the core classes/PrCs from Dragon?

    Core classes - No. I dislike new core classes unless they are very broad and serve an important wide ranging function in the campaign world. I've as yet to see any core class on Dragon that remotely fits that criteria. Prestige classes - Very seldom. I will use a rare PrC if it fills a...
  8. R

    Rich Redman: Why licensed properties suck

    One would think WoTC licensing DragonLance to Soverign Press was a good idea, as most of those behind Soverign Press were the original designers of the DragonLance modules, and the primary writers behind the novels... surely they would understand DragonLance and care more about it then anyone...
  9. R

    Your RPG X'mas shopping list

    This will be the first time I've ever actually wanted anything to do with RPG's for xmas.... hoping to get Key of Destiny adventure for DragonLance :)
  10. R

    [Dragon] Contents of Dragon #314

    Dragon #315 looks VERY cool. Nice to see some of the classic campaign settings that still have a strong fanvase being given some attention for once. I'll definitely have to pick it up for the DragonLance article alone.
  11. R

    RPGSheets.com (merged - it's back up!)

    I was just coming to post that the sheets were back up but it seems adienpryde has already covered that, so in that case this serves as a bump.
  12. R

    RPGSheets.com (merged - it's back up!)

    Me wonders why people speak in the third person.... Me needs to look for another half decent DragonLance styled 3e sheet.
  13. R

    RPGSheets.com (merged - it's back up!)

    Sheets still arent showing for me...
  14. R

    how close to the rules do you play? poll #4 (alternate classes)

    I'm running DragonLance so anything from the Campaign Setting or Age of Mortals is perfectly all right, beyond that I allow most of the PRC from WOTC's class splat books with a few exceptions. No third part material at all beyond what's published in the Age of Mortals.
  15. R

    Tinkers Handbook?

    Tinker Gnomes devices seldom work as intended though, I'd imagine any hypothetical tinker PC would desire for something they've created to actually work properly.
  16. R

    Statistic Generation Methods

    I generally use 4d6, drop the lowest, repeat six times, arrange to taste. A few times in the past I've actually used 3d6 rolled straight, no options in arrangement if I felt like running a campaign with very 'normal' real world characters that werent especially heroic or above the norm.
  17. R

    Out of the dice bag? (secrecy and D&D)

    I simply reply that I'm otherwise occupied that day, just as I would about anything else. If someone asks for more details I'll reply that I have a weekly roleplaying session with a small group of friends and cannot change those plans without messing up a lot of other peoples schedules...