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    Rangers favoured enemy

    True I guess it all boils down the DM and his setting. To me if you choose to hunt the "good" aligned races elves,dwarves,halfings,etc.. then to me it's would be considered evil but then that would depend on the setting. It appears that it was left open in the rule book for such an...
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    Rangers favoured enemy

    Yeah to me that sounds more like the role of an assassin than a ranger. Maybe it's just me and I have the ranger stereotyped. Now I could see it if the character was someone that lived in the woodlands all his/her life and had no contact with humanity besides ones that were tearing down his/her...
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    Rangers favoured enemy

    Yeah that to me is a bit more reasonble limiting it to an alignment or organization.
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    Rangers favoured enemy

    Good points, it seems rather munchkiny to me for a player to take that in a human dominated society. I'd have a hard time allowing it but then again it depends on the player.
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    Venger! Hank! Uni! Dungeon Master!

    i found these links http://members.boardhost.com/helix/ http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/2599/tradpol.html
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    Venger! Hank! Uni! Dungeon Master!

    No they can't be bought I went on a serch for them a couple years ago and luckily found someone who had all the epsiodes on tape. So I sent him the money for the cost of the tapes and had him copy all of them for me. Unfortunatley I can no longer find the website or I'd post it for you.
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    Rangers favoured enemy

    Forgive me if this has been posted before but my playes and I were discussing this possiblity one game session,jokingly of course. Say for example you play a half orc and you choose human as you favored enemy. I don't see how that character could function in a game world dominated by humans. To...
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    Uh Oh Healing potions are dangerous

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    Would you hold it against a book if...

    It depends on how much was in it. I personally don't like anime/manga style art work at all.
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    Does your Spouse/Significant other game with you?

    Yes my girlfriend games with me she enjoys playing so it's never been an issue with us.
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    Linux Users

    Wow no linux users:eek:
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    KoDT fans out there?

    Yes since issue#1 I've been a fan. I'm so proud to be the owner of issue#1 from what I hear it's rare. My girlfriend is in love with bob though LOLOL
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    To Enworld martial artists: Hung Gar vs Muay Thai vs BJJ.....

    It depends upon your friends tastes, Would he be interested in a slower more tradition approach to fighting? empty hand and weapon froms of hung gar. Or would he prefer a more excellerated high intensity competion style of Muay Thai or BJJ. Like was mentioned earlier it really boils down to the...
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    [OT] Are you being tracked online?

    Yes it's free you can download different distros. You can alter it how you'd like look at the source code etc.. I run linux also currently rehat 8. If you are thinking of trying linux and you've never used it before I suggest SUSE,Redhat or Mandrake as those are the most user friendly and...
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    Linux Users

    For anybody else out there that uses Linux. What pc tools beside PCgen do you use with linux? How many of you are using wine?
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    [Slightly OT] What to do if you're invited into a group?

    First impressions are very important. I Aways show up wearing my best pair of meat pants along with my tinfoil skull cap.
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    How may martial artists are out there in the Rpg world?

    Re: Re: Re: How may martial artists are out there in the Rpg world? I already have that covered my instructor also teaches kali and mande muda silat:D
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    How may martial artists are out there in the Rpg world?

    Wing Chun currently, I've been in and out of Martial arts for years. But most of those schools were garbage anyway. In the U.S we have the same issue with BJJ but eventually that art will water down and be come a mcdojo art also so I don't let it upset me. I find what I do very practical for the...
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    Martial artists help needed here - what can you tell me about Hung Gar?

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    Online Stores
