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  1. M

    lost INT and affect on skill points

    When a character permanently loses points of INT (say from a curse, god's wrath, magic, whatever) do they lose skill points if their INT mod drops? Say, a 1st lvl cleric (skill = 2+INT mod x 4) with an INT of 16 (+3 mod) loses 2 points of INT. Would their skill points drop from 20 to 16? If...
  2. M

    3.0 drow from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting

    Can someone please post the 3.0 stats of the drow from the FRCS? I no longer have the book in my group and after an hour of searching can't find it online. Thanks, Myst
  3. M

    can you upgrade magic items?

    I know you can recharge wands, but is there any rules that talk about upgrading magic items? Say you have a Flaming Longsword +1 and you want to make it a Flaming Longsword +2, spell storing. Would you just pay the difference for another +2 (going from +2 item (+8000 gp) to a +4 item (+32000)...
  4. M

    Questions a/b Fighter builds

    Get a character concept What Altamont is getting at is this: The most important thing to first realize before making a character is defining a character concept. Do you want to be a herculean fighter like Conan? Do you want to be a swift swashbuckler like "the man in black" from the...
  5. M

    An official database of items & their costs

    sadly, my talents as a programmer are non-existant. The best I could do would be an excel spreadsheet with items alphabatized. I suppose I could have multiple workbooks sorted by item type. I just figured somebody out there for organized and talented than myself would have already done such a...
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    An official database of items & their costs

    bump If no one knows where one is, would there be enough interest for me to create one?
  7. M

    An official database of items & their costs

    Is there a "master list" out there anywhere that has all of the magic items from all of the books and their appropriate prices. You know how 3 items named the same show up in different books with different prices (i.e. Dragon Scale Armor). Somebody Somewhere must have gone through the...
  8. M

    About to start a psion-only campaign. Any pointers?

    get the Quintessential Psion If you're going to be running a psion-only campaign, I'd suggest purchasing the Quintessential Psion from Mongoose Publishing. It has some wonderful expanded rules that really add flavor to a psionic campaign, particularly echoes, fragments, and symbiotic...
  9. M

    gythka: base damage & STR damage

    according to the SRD: *Wielding a Weapon Two-Handed: When you deal damage with a weapon that you are wielding two-handed, you add 1-1/2 times your Strength bonus. *Off-Hand Weapon: When you deal damage with a weapon in your off hand, you add only 1/2 your Strength bonus. *Double Weapons: You...
  10. M

    How would you defend against this?

    hack 'n slash mentality The hack 'n slash mentality never ceases to amaze me... Why stay in the cavern and get shot? You're in a bad situation, recognize it as such. Elder Basilisk has the right idea - put out your light. Since you've traveled into the cavern following the right wall, your...
  11. M

    Echoes, Fragments, Parasites, and Symbiotes

    I just picked up the Quintessential Psion from Mongoose and was wondering if anyone is running a campaign that has implemented any of these elements. If so, is it balancing out pretty well or is it dramatically unbalancing the psion? Although they all seem pretty complex, I think they'll...
  12. M

    Mulitiple Attacks

    yes, your character gets two attacks, provided he/she takes a full-round action. That rule is on pg 123 of the 3.0 PHB. The Base Attack Bonus is spelled on out pg 22 of the 3.0 PHB. I'm relatively new here as well but every time I've posted I've had a lot of good responses. I've found it...
  13. M

    psions & the move silently skill

    well, the thing is that it varies depending upon what discipline the psion takes (egoist, nomad, savant, shaper, seer, & telepath). It lists all of the class skills on pg 9 for each class, but move silently isn't listed on any of the classes. It is like they forgot to account for the skill...
  14. M

    psions & the move silently skill

    I just realized that the move silently skill is not listed on pg 18 of the Psionics Handbook (the table that says what skills are class/cross-class/restricted based upon the Psion discipline). Our group has not yet migrated to 3.5, but nonetheless I checked the 3.5 SRD but it isn't in there...
  15. M

    many questions stemming from our recent combat

    they cant move the spider webs say the person caught in the web "cannot move." I was just curious what people's translation of that would be. Weigh in with your opinion, please.
  16. M

    many questions stemming from our recent combat

    I threw my PC's up against an orc group consisting of 7 fighters, 2 clerics and a mage. I gave each of the orcs Amber Amulets of Vermin (which they all used before engaging in melee combat w/ the PC's); two of which were the Lg Monstrous Spider type. During combat, I had the spiders using...
  17. M

    how does "calling a mount" work for a Paladin?

    Gnimish88, Where did you find that 2 hrs/level thing?
  18. M

    how does "calling a mount" work for a Paladin?

    Is it like summoning a creature? Whenever he wants it, it is there, and whenver he wants to release it, he can? Does it just vanish in a puff of smoke? Or, is it more like the Paladin prays to his diety for it and one day it comes running up and stays with him the rest of his days? Myst
  19. M

    MM2 - The destructive power of a Rampager's acid

    On pg 177 of MM2, the Rampager has: Acid (Ex): The acid that coats a rampager's claws...disolves an opponent's armor...unless the wearer suceeds at a Reflex save (DC 22). I threw this monster against my group and attacked our shiny paladin in Plate Mail +1, Platinum. Sure enough, this...
  20. M

    jumping and attacks in mid-air

    Are there any rules anywhere that govern PC's jumping to attack something with a melee weapon? Here's the scenario. I put my group against a huge party of orcs lead by a winged half-fiend orc. The only archer of the group was surrounded by orcs leaving our unfettered assassin to take on the...