• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Dhes

    The Ancient Paths (OOC)

    I hear by hand over Tyr’s torch of justice to Rygus, most noble of follower of Grumbar
  2. Dhes

    The Ancient Paths - Path II

    Hrolf shacks the still twitching kobold of is sword as he hears the sounds of more charging creatures. Moving into position to face of with the next kobold, ”Hold your position, let them break there teeth on our justice”
  3. Dhes

    The Ancient Paths - Path II

    Hrolf stands ready sword in hand, waiting for any of the Kobolds to venture to close to his position. +6 Melee, Long Sword, 1d8+2
  4. Dhes

    Lamentation of Lolth - Chapter VIII

    Only having one adversary left, Dunstand takes aim for the retreating priest hoping the battle to be finished with the last toss of his dagger.
  5. Dhes

    The Ancient Paths - Path II

    Seeing Nae’talis take up position where he has a direct view of the rampaging Kobolds. Hrolf takes up a defensive position next to the caster. ”Do what you have to do and than get behind me.” first of all I would like to apologies for my lack of posting, the last few weeks at work where...
  6. Dhes

    The Ancient Paths - Path II

    ”Maybe we should take a look at this room where lady Sabriel apparently woke, before we start drawing swords and wands on one another.”
  7. Dhes

    Lamentation of Lolth - OoC VIII

    We celebrated the fact that a old guy came to Holland on a steamboat packed with black slaves and candy. If you’re a good boy the slaves puts something in your shoe :uhoh: , but if you’re a bad boy they put you in a bag and take you to Spain :cool: (a country warmer and nicer than Holland).
  8. Dhes

    The Ancient Paths - Path II

    Drawing his sword, Hrolf takes up position in front of Nae’talis. ”It doesn’t sound like a big group, but better be save.”
  9. Dhes

    Lamentation of Lolth - Chapter VIII

    A grin creeps onto the Rogues face as he sees his dagger bury itself deeply into the ogre’s neck. With one fluid motion, Dunstands calls his dagger back end sends it of again.
  10. Dhes

    Lamentation of Lolth - OoC VIII

    What we really need is a scroll that ups Calenthangs will save. But while I’m at it I’ll just wish for a wish-ring and Drizzt and the rest as party members (not Wulfgar, he should really die …again).
  11. Dhes

    Lamentation of Lolth - Chapter VIII

    Teleri does know that she’s the party Cleric? …right :uhoh: . Thankfully we still have a bard with a wand. :D
  12. Dhes

    Lamentation of Lolth - Chapter VIII

    Lightly touching the hilt of the dagger up his left sleeve, Dunstand draws on the inert power trapped in the dagger. As the rouge disappears from view, he cocks his hand for another shot at the Ogre. casting invisibility with dagger, +12 Throw, Magic Dagger, 1d4+2 + Sneak Attack +2d6 Can...
  13. Dhes

    The Ancient Paths - Path II

    Strapping his shield back to his back and taking up his sword. Hrolf turns to Dowkan, ”Please lead on, non of use could master your instinct for the subterranean. “ Sorry guys, it didn’t comput with me that everyone was waiting on me.. :uhoh:
  14. Dhes

    Lamentation of Lolth - Chapter VIII

    Kicking puppies = cool skill. Every time a Evil character (or in Krinke’s words “Big Bad Meany “ the BBM) kicks a puppy he gets a skill point, if he kicks 3 in one day he gets a new Feat and 5 puppies will get him a random magical item of less then 10K gold. It’s all in the book of Vile...
  15. Dhes

    Lamentation of Lolth - Chapter VIII

    Looking Jahon square in the face, ”One wrong move and I’ll make you feel more pain than a male elf in a West Gate bar.” Tugging on the correct cored, Jahon’s bonds the slip of his wrists and to the floor. I made the knot myself so I’m guessing untying him will be a standard action. You will...
  16. Dhes

    Lamentation of Lolth - Chapter VIII

    As quickly as the dagger returns to his hand, the rouge lets it fly for a second time at the masked ogre. +12 Throw, MW Silver Dagger, 1d4+2
  17. Dhes

    Lamentation of Lolth - Chapter VIII

    He not so, there is a description of him. I’m pretty sure its in the character sheet. If you click on his name you will even get a photo. To get there fast, just click on the Lamentation of Lolth Loot List link under my post (normally the first) and then click on the characters name that you...
  18. Dhes

    Lamentation of Lolth - Chapter VIII

    Did you just call me old, or are you talking about Sielwoodan?:)
  19. Dhes

    Lamentation of Lolth - Chapter VIII

    Dagger at the ready, Dunstand will stand back and let Calenthang do his handy work. He’ll try and skewer the first thing that slips past the fighters sword. +12 Throw, MW Silver Dagger, 1d4+2
  20. Dhes

    Lamentation of Lolth - Chapter VIII

    Beinding Jahon’s hands, ”Don’t worry, we normally don’t let other people kill our prisoners. Just sit back relax and enjoy the show.” Taking up position next to Jahon, Dunstand retches out with his hand in wills his dagger back to him. ”Ready when you are Calenthang.” LoL, you own me a clean...