• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. feydras

    Food and Water

    I would appreciate the challenge this provides as a player. It makes you think, act creatively and searching for food could be an interesting diversion from hack and slash > collect loot. But then i'm a player who always figures out my encumbrance. - feydras
  2. feydras

    Lesser Known Movies Worth Seeing

    Some i haven't seen mentioned yet... House of Yes - black comedy starring Parker Posey. Clever and twisted. Angel Heart - private eye, new orleans, set in post WWI?, and voodoo. - probably fairly well known, but maybe not to younger folks. Serpent and the Rainbow - voodoo set in Haiti - feydras
  3. feydras

    Settings you want to like

    Scarred Lands = I love the concept and much of the original ideas such as Hollowfaust, the dwarves under seige and the southern evil empire. I also loved the idea and implimentation of Ritual magic. A good idea done very well. What I don't like = Far to few true rituals. The way the gods are...
  4. feydras

    GURPS vs. Harp

    One of my favorite things about RPGs, whether they be CRPGs or tabletop is the character development. Both in terms of psychological and ability-wise. So I like the advancement of D&D in so far as you aquire new abilities and options (hit points far too quickly) fairly quickly. The way GURPS...
  5. feydras

    Coolest bits of Unearthed Arcana

    Weapons Group Proficiencies - this is my favorite, adds lots of flavor for a minor change Variant specialty wizards Urban ranger variant Paladin as prestige class - haven't used, but the concept is much better Wound points and Vitality points Racial paragons - neat idea, especially for prereqs...
  6. feydras

    What 80's Cartoon Series Do you most want to see released on DVD?

    Don't forget Thundarr... http://www.thundarr.com/ - feydras
  7. feydras

    Ninjas or Martians?

    Where is all the ninja, martian porn? There has got to be a market for that. I'm tired of pizza delivery guys and tennis instructors. - feydras
  8. feydras

    What 80's Cartoon Series Do you most want to see released on DVD?

    "Demon Dogs!" you forgot Thundarr the Barbarian! - feydras
  9. feydras

    Ninjas or Martians?

    Hmmm, by mythologies i am assuming you mean fantasies? Ninjas all the way. I actually had an ongoing wish/fantasy when i was in elementary school that a cute asian* girl would move in down the street from me and she would be very skilled in martial arts. Over the course of the summer we would...
  10. feydras

    Who else considers he has now enough d20 stuff and won't buy more?

    I can't be done as long as Privateer Press is still publishing, although admittedly painfully slow. Their Iron Kingdoms World Guide is due out next month and it looks great. No crunch, tons of dense world info dripping with atmosphere and innovative ideas. The Iron Kingdoms leaves Eberon in...
  11. feydras

    GURPS vs. Harp

    To beat the chainmail vs. shotgun arguement to death: D&D in this example would be more ridiculous. You could score a critical hit with a longbow at point blank range and still wouldn't kill or even drop a mid-level fighter. If you are using the rules for guns in the DMG hit points would make...
  12. feydras

    GURPS vs. Harp

    Anyone played both and can give a decent comparison? After years of house ruling D&D or adding in variant rules to the system i have recently begun to explore GURPS and am very excited with so many of the differences. Some of my favorites... Skill based magic system, not fire and forget! Magic...
  13. feydras

    Core concept or rule that just bugs you beyond your ability to put up with it?

    As a player who loves mystery/thriller plots i think this solution sucks. I prefer plots where the DM uses the system's rules or adopts variant rules to create his adventure and doesn't just make up stuff to fit his/her plan. This is sort of like published adventures i've run where an...
  14. feydras

    Powerful people vs high-level characters

    Agreed. This is just one of many, many problems with d20. I just finally went to the trouble of exploring GURPS and it easily allows for high skill ranks on weak combat characters. GURPS also deals with magic, armor, and a host of other things better. After years of house rules and variant...
  15. feydras

    New Map: Drogan Isle

    Stunning map. But, naming a city "Evilland"? - feydras
  16. feydras

    Spellmaster - impressions?

    Green Ronin released a preview from their new Advanced Player's Manual of this class - Spellmaster. My first impression is I love it. This class fits much more succiently my conception of magic than the blocky core system. The magic they can cast is...
  17. feydras

    Why is Jump skill so useless?

    As I type I'm watching Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and just saw the scene where the sword is stolen. The thief and her pursurer do all kinds of amazing jumps and climbs bordering on flying that are impossible for real world but are fantastic for a fantasy world. I want my Monk 6 /...
  18. feydras

    D&D 4E What I'd Like to See in D&D® 4e

    Great topic! I really like many of the suggestions i've heard so far. A few of my own, some already mentioned... 1> Scrap current magic system. How about a skill check based system. This would entail a major overhaul of the current framework but would more closely mimic a lot of magic in...
  19. feydras

    So you're joining a new game...

    I agree with a lot of the comments above so far. I think you can weed out a group that doesn't match you preferences with a series of email questions. The question someone suggested of are their any house rules is a great one. Also, are there any rules you ignore, for instance do you use...
  20. feydras

    Looking for mini and pic for my monk PC

    Thanks for the help. That figure looks perfect with a little modding. I'm going to see if my FLG has it. - feydras