• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. R

    After Nockmort

    As no one here seems to be able to help Oceas, he will make the journey to Mt Korliss as well but would like to hurry a bit as he's not sure how fast this transformation will occur. If he lives then he will train there. In the meantime he is going to try one last thing here in preparation for...
  2. R

    Against Nockmort!

    On top of that you'll have the vigor healing every round. So if you do get knocked down you'll probably be up just as quick. I think this is our best bet! :) Oh... I know this is odd but this is actually Brandon. I'm on mikes computer who is currently signed in under russ. But anyway... yeah.
  3. R

    Against Nockmort!

    Oceas has 1 flask of oil left, along with a torch and some cloth to burn. He also has a Spiritual weapon spell and 2 more spells. Either 2 healing, a healing and an offensive, or 2 offensive spells. If we use one of the flaming potions on my trident it could provide some bonus damage as I have a...
  4. R

    Gwendolynn Von Holden's Diary: Can't a girl get some sleep around here?

    What a time we're having. First the little whiner comes down for breakfast in a huff. I could swear she was staring daggers at me. It's not like I stole her book or tore the pages. Then she barely touched breakfast. I had to convince the tavern keeper that the food was O.K. just the little...
  5. R

    Game Administrivia

    I like this idea. It still makes it worth needlessly avoiding death but doesn't necessarily mean that I have a character die and be gone forever (I still miss Korliss). Sometimes it may still mean you're gone for good but probably not as frequently. I'm all for trying it out.
  6. R

    Gwendolynn Von Holden's Diary: Can't a girl get some sleep around here?

    BY the gods I slept good last night. A soft bed at an inn does wonders over the hard ground. I always wondered what that little girl was writing. I thought maybe she was gonna rat us out to somebody but it was just idle prattle for the most part. She seems to like a few different men and has no...
  7. R

    Gwendolynn Von Holden's Diary: Can't a girl get some sleep around here?

    Perhaps I, Korliss, should step in right now to help with the diary entries before they get out of hand. Lady Gwen, it most certainly was true that I tried to discourage you from joining our quest early on. I must confess to having a certain weakness shall we say, for the fair ladies of the...
  8. R

    Adventures in Delve & Greerson

    Oceas will wear his tabard/tunic given to us by Lord Tannerson and explain that he would appreciate an early audience with the governor. As a representative of the lands of Greerson the message we bear is of some importance. He will also give 5 gold pieces to the administrator in hopes that it...
  9. R

    Adventures in Delve & Greerson

    Oceas will register with the governors office as required. Then he will try to find a leather working shop so he can get a cover made for his trident. He will then try to find a temple to Belmay and request an audience with the head priest. That night he will try to find Tyrm and see how he...
  10. R

    Dinner at Li's

    Oceas smiles at Tormal. "Yes I can ask Xanthos for guidance but will I recognize the nature of his response? The gods are sometimes mysterious in their ways. Xanthos allows his followers to exercise free will which is the only true path to balance in nature. The brotherhood which serves Xanthos...
  11. R

    Dinner at Li's

    Oceas asks Lord Tannerson if there would be any objections to his touring of the shrine of heroes. Oceas would like to study them a little and see if he can find any clues to their successes or any divine guidance from their spirits. Perhaps the gods of the fallen heroes of the past would bless...
  12. R

    Game Administrivia

    I'm probably one of the weakest players as far as understanding the intricacies of DND but I like the sound of getting the partial credit in the multiclassing mode. It keeps you from losing ground that you should ordinarily get for your experiences and levelling.
  13. R

    Dinner at Li's

    Oceas speaks up. " I believe we are diminished in capacity due to these losses and I respect the decision of those who made them. Each of us must follow our hearts else life has no real meaning or value. I would like to put word out in Greerson for any who wish to accompany us on our journeys. A...
  14. R

    The Festival

    As Brother Oceas main craft skill is weaving, He will make a few baskets and household type items for display at the craft competition ( I don't have enough time to attempt a tapestry type affair). I will attend all 12 days of the festival as I wish to study the people and gather information and...
  15. R


    O.K. Here's a little note on Xanthos. I've been meaning to give the info sheet to everybody to read on their own but never got around to it so here's the overall flavor in a post. God's Name - Xanthos, known to his devout followers as Xanthos the provider...
  16. R

    June Scheduling

    Hell,death and destruction God it was good to be back to a decent level character. I know we will build these new ones up in time but it was a fun break. It may not be a bad idea for everyone (Sage) to have an alternate character for these summer days when we are missing a lot of people but...
  17. R

    Greerson's Glory - 3 years later

    Gwens letter Hello Lovely Gwen, Indeed it has been a quick three years. I am glad to hear that all is well with Crill and Johannes. Her quick temper can be a bit of a trial but I think his affection for her and his patience will be a soothing balm to counter her outbursts. I am happy to hear...