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Search results

  1. I

    is there a market?

    I have heard the arguements that campaign settings don't sell, and I believe them. But I also see how many of the big publishers have fairly new ones out... Eberron of course, Oathbound, Ptolus (coming soon), Diamond Throne. I didn't think the big boys did anything unless there was a big...
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    How do you organize spells and feats?

    I also just do it the old fashioned way - Word, edit and re-edit, and use of Headers. Arcana Evolved's magic system is easier though as you don't have to cross-check to individual class spells. Cheers Ian
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    First-Timer Questions About Publishing Material

    My follow up question to this is: if including your own character creation rules forces you to use the OGL, how 'original' do you have to get to duck through this loophole. I am thinking of the recent Iron Heroes release - not d20 - but with a neat little point-buy system. Or Arcana Evolved -...
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    Hobgoblin & Lizardfolk PCs

    I thank everyone for the continued feedback I have recieved it has been very valuable. I have a few revisions based on this feedback - and that recieved on other lists - and this is my updated version. The flavour text remains the same, but I will not reproduce it here for length. I continue...
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    Hobgoblin & Lizardfolk PCs

    My Complete Humanoids is several thousands miles away on a different continent with the rest of my 1st and 2ed stuff - care to share anything that you worked up? Cheers Ian
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    Hobgoblin & Lizardfolk PCs

    The BAB's and Sav's are where I believe I need the most assistance. It is my understanding - and I have used the existing racial levels in Monte Cook's Arcana Unearthed as templates - that those bonuses ARE cumalative. just as those gained in Spec are too. If this is not the case, I would...
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    Hobgoblin & Lizardfolk PCs

    Many thanks for the continued feedback - this remains a work in progress but I have taken all comments on board and updated the lizardfolk entry. The flavour detail is obviously written with my own campaign world in mind, and my lizards are culturally not similiar to the standard. Again, I...
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    Hobgoblin & Lizardfolk PCs

    Thank for the continued feedback - I understand the even/odd progression consequence of the 3ed ruleset. I shall make the ajustment to these races. I included Multiattack as a free feat at third level, simply as another skill to flesh them out as closely to the MM lizardfolk as possible. Of...
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    Hobgoblin & Lizardfolk PCs

    Thank you for your feedback. The racial levels concept is the same as used in Monte Cook's Arcana Unearthed and WotC's Unearthed Arcana. Hobgoblins and Lizardfolk can take up to three levels in their 'race' as a class, just as humans and the rest can. I would likely give both races 1d8 Hit...
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    Hobgoblin & Lizardfolk PCs

    I put the advice found in the DMG (and on MonteCook.com)to creating Hobgoblins and Lizardfolk as PC Races. My intention was to create a race that could be played from 1st level - without the ECL causing imbalance. I used the optional Racial Levels (Arcana Unearthed & Unearthed Arcana) for each...
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    EN Pub Submissions

    Does the new site have an address yet? When will the site be available? Cheers Ian
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    EN Pub Submissions

    I have been searching but cannot find... does EN Publishing have any kind of submissions guidelines? If so, where can these be found? Also what about questions regarding all other legal issues, such as ownership of intellectual property, cost, advertising and so forth. Thanks Ian Hewitt
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    (World of Llowellen) Open Call for Artists

    I have so far recieved a very positive response to this Open Call. The Call will remain open for the time being, and anyone else still interested may still contact me. Everyone who already has emailed me, can expect to hear back from me individually over the coming week. Many thanks Ian Hewitt...
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    (World of Llowellen) Open Call for Artists

    It is of course alot of work, just ask the writers! The World of Llowellen is still in its early stages of development and although a payment ratio is being arrived at as we speak, there will be no remuneration until (if/when) the work sees publication. I realise that this is not the ideal...
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    (World of Llowellen) Open Call for Artists

    The World of Llowellen is a new campaign setting currently under development for possible future publication. We are looking for at least one artist able to illustrate a 250 page world guidebook with sidebar and chapter heading illustrations, conceptual art detailing different and varied...
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    Open Call for Artists

    llowellen The contact email can be found under 'Becoming a Contributor' and in my own (Ian Hewitt) biography. It is llowellen@msn.com Cheers Ian
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    Laramie, Wyoming

    A DM with just a single player seeks 2-3 more players to play 1-2 monthly in Laramie, Wyoming. We will be playing DnD 3.5 in a homebrew world (www.Llowellen.com), both are serious, long-time, mature (well-mostly) beer drinking DnD fans. I don't check this message boards as frequently as I...
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    Open Call for Artists

    The World of Llowellen is now a month old and growing fast. A colloborative work in world design and PBeM play that provides a solid and reasonably well-trafficed platform for honing and advertising your skills and talents for free. Many avenues are available for becoming a Contributing Author...
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    Open Call - World of Llowellen

    A new world setting has been born. The World of Llowellen. Designed as both a place to play and a platform for creative minds to hone and showcase their talents, this free and shared world is issuing an open call to all writers, players, artists, deisgners,cartographers, editors and fans. Find...
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    Open Call - World of Llowellen

    A new world setting has been born. The World of Llowellen. Designed as both a place to play and a platform for creative minds to hone and showcase their talents, this free and shared world is issuing an open call to all writers, players, artists, deisgners,cartographers, editors and fans. Find...