• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. T

    D&D in the Military?

    I'm an E-4 in the Navy, stationed on an aircraft carrier, and within reactor department alone there are multiple roleplaying groups (not just DnD). During our deployment overseas last year we had at least three campaigns running simultaneously. I'm sure there are more groups in other...
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    Good city-based modules?

    I'd like to run an urban, roleplay-heavy campaign for a few friends of mine - one with plenty of political intrigue, social interaction, all that great stuff. But I don't really have time to develop such a thing myself. Anyone know of a good pre-written adventure I could use? Preferably 3.5e...
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    Have you ever played an old character?

    I'm playing a 67-year-old cleric of Tymora (1st level) in a dndonline game. She is by far the oldest person in the group. She's also the only old (game mechanics-wise) PC I've ever seen in a game. I've seen some middle-aged characters in high-level campaigns, but they've always started out that...
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    [IC] Halfling Quest - Rooting Around

    Kiylea smiles at Eddie and shrugs. "It wasn't really very brave. They look like normal critters; that pig didn't." She grimaces a bit at the memory. "If they were tainted I would've noticed, I think. But they must get water from somewhere... C'mon, let's go climb up that rock in the middle and...
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    [IC] Halfling Quest - Rooting Around

    "It's all right," Kiylea calls up softly. "Everyone can come down." While waiting for the others to arrive, she scans the cavern from this new vantage point, trying to discern any kind of exit. OoC: Spot +4 (taking 10 or 20, if possible)
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    [IC] Halfling Quest - Rooting Around

    "Let me go first - I might be able to deal with those things better if they get upset." Kiylea finishes her meal and moves to the top of the ladder, peering over for a few seconds before starting her descent. Upon reaching 'ground' level she eyes the nearest beast cautiously to see if it...
  7. T

    [IC] Halfling Quest - Rooting Around

    Kiylea tilts her head at Alton for a moment, puzzled. "Do you mean down here or up there? Here it looks pretty impossible. I'm not sure we should try eating that moss stuff. There - well, I couldn't gather enough food for all of us. Not by myself. And it would take quite a bit of time." She...
  8. T

    [IC] Halfling Quest - Rooting Around

    "I have enough for today and tomorrow. After that..." the little ranger shrugs. "But we won't be down here that long, will we? Our lamps won't last for one thing." She gets up and wanders over to see the winch for herself. "Hmmm. Sure looks noisy to me. I'd rather use the ladder."
  9. T

    [IC] Halfling Quest - Rooting Around

    "Not terribly long, I'd think," Kiylea replies with a yawn. "But it's still a good idea. We might as well try it if we can." She reaches out some rations from her pack and begins breakfast. "Should a few of us maybe climb down there and have a look around?"
  10. T

    [IC] Halfling Quest - Rooting Around

    Kiylea shrugs as she goes about helping Alton attend to his wound. "I can't see any way of keeping time. Maybe if we lit those torches, but I think you're right that fire would be a bad idea. Anyway we might need 'em later if our lamps run low."
  11. T

    [IC] Halfling Quest - Rooting Around

    "It's probably just not good for eating. If it was dangerous to touch I don't think the... the herdsman, or whatever, would let them wander around near it." Kiylea scoots a bit nearer to the edge. "They don't look like mean critters, but there's really no way of knowing. Can anyone see another...
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    [OOC] Halfling Quest - [Calling EvilHalfling]

    Yo Ferrix - a knowledge (nature) check on the beasties too, please? Never know when a nat 20 might show up ;)
  13. T

    [IC] Halfling Quest - Rooting Around

    Kiylea gazes in awe at the scene, taking in beasts, moss, ledge, and cavern with the same reverent amazement. "Our gracious Lady! Clara will never believe me...." She glances around to see if any of that strange glowing fungus is within arm's reach, listening distractedly to the others'...
  14. T

    [IC] Halfling Quest - Rooting Around

    "Yes, let's keep going. And if we can't find another way out, I think we should go back up. Spend the night outside. We'd barely have any lamp oil left in the morning if we stayed down here.... we wouldn't even know when morning was! And those things could attack us easily." Kiylea glances...
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    [OOC] Halfling Quest - [Calling EvilHalfling]

    I think the plan is to explore that other branch now, in hopes of finding an alternate exit.
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    [OOC] Halfling Quest - [Calling EvilHalfling]

    Oh, me! Me! Me me me me! ;)
  17. T

    [IC] Halfling Quest - Rooting Around

    "Right. Shall I walk by you, Bubbles, or in the back with Alton?" Kiylea shrugs her pack on again and awaits orders, keeping her bow ready in one hand.
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    [IC] Halfling Quest - Rooting Around

    "Right. Okay." The ranger nervously slips her pack off and begins digging through it, eventually finding the few strips of cloth she carries for cuts or scrapes. "Someone help me put these on." They seem entirely inadequate, but there's little else at hand. OoC: Heal +3. Hoping for some aid...
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    [IC] Halfling Quest - Rooting Around

    "I think I can bandage him... but Clara hasn't really taught me a whole lot about healing." Kiylea glances over her shoulder. "Should we move away some?"
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    [IC] Halfling Quest - Rooting Around

    Kiylea frowns, looking off into the darkness before them. "It seems like we're getting closer - I'd hate to turn back. But if just one of those things could give you such a nasty cut, we don't stand much of a chance against more. Maybe we should go see where that other tunnel leads. Bubbles...