Search results

  1. P

    Female gamers: Weal or woe?

    Yeah. While statistically women are probably more prone to be interested in roleplaying and social maneuvers, and guys more in combat, when you get down to specific game groups and individuals those statistics don't mean much. Of the three girls in our group: one plays a low-compassion...
  2. P

    Female gamers: Weal or woe?

    Hmph. I honestly don't remember when I last ran a game for an all-guy group. My current regular game group consists of 3 girls and 2 guys, and I don't recognize anything like the OP is describing. Everyone plays wildly different characters (and no, there is no stereotyping based on gender there...
  3. P

    Best D&D Adventures

    In random order: Against the Cult of the Reptile God (fantastic low-lvl adventure) Tomb of Horrors (classic and fun deathtrap dungeon) Ravager of Time (very cool and atmospheric) Ravenloft (very innovative for its time) Desert of Desolation trilogy (just a ton of fun, all around)
  4. P

    Out of Print games You Miss...

    Trinity and Tribe 8 for me. Damn good games, both of them.
  5. P

    Death of the LGS

    Well, I usually try to support our FLGS (which is very "F", and excellent in many ways). However, it's not always economically feasible. As the most blatant example, take 4e. The FLGS is selling the set at a price of 105 euros (that's about $160, at current rates). Amazon has it at $63, and...
  6. P

    How does Burning Wheel play?

    Ok, thanks. That's a good way to put it, and yeah -- that point of using the number of successes to bring some "grayness" (i.e. you succeed vs some guards but not against others) is a good one. I don't like absolute succeed/fail things, but you're right: it doesn't need to be an absolute success...
  7. P

    (Call of Cthulhu) Ransoming Delta Green

    Sure, I hear you :). Just wanted to comment on the small print run issue.
  8. P

    How does Burning Wheel play?

    This sounds weird. Are you claiming that BW is somehow a totally different game paradigm than D&D, and not just a different ruleset? That sneaking around an orc fortress is something that would never happen in a "BW game"? That sounds bizarre, to me. Sure, your typical BW game would have less...
  9. P

    How does Burning Wheel play?

    Ok, fair enough, on reflection I agree. Still think "exponent" is a bad term to use, though.
  10. P

    (Call of Cthulhu) Ransoming Delta Green

    ...aaaaaaand it's complete. $20k secured. The ransom is still accepting pledges, so I assume you can still pledge your $50 if you want to make sure you get a copy of the book -- the "leftovers" will go for normal sale at a slightly reduced price, but of course there's no saying how fast those...
  11. P

    (Call of Cthulhu) Ransoming Delta Green

    Yup, here's hoping. I'd love to see some new Delta Green stuff -- and since if this succeeds if will be a limited run of 1000 copies (like Eyes Only), I'm guessing that it too will sell out pretty quickly. Even if you decide later that you don't like the book (gasp!), it'll be easy to sell it...
  12. P

    How does Burning Wheel play?

    Yeah. I've been tinkering with the idea of using BW to run some D&D modules, and "Let It Ride" is the first thing that would fly out the window. It reduces the typical "shades of success" thing (which my players tend to enjoy a lot) into a binary thing, and as you note if a player makes one bad...
  13. P

    Solid RPG system for modern/future campaigns?

    I recommend you take a look at Nemesis. It's free, lightweight, and works like a charm. While it's originally meant for Cthulhu-style modern stuff, my wife is using it to run a hard-scifi space opera / horror game at the moment, works fine.
  14. P

    Pathfinder 1E Rate Paizo's Adventurers

    Well, I haven't run any of them yet (and when I do, I doubt I'll be using any form of D&D rules, more likely Burning Wheel or Exalted). But anyway, the ones I've read so far have been very cool. I was most impressed by Hangman's Noose. An actual D&D horror scenario, and one that sounds like it...
  15. P

    price of pdf's compared to price of printed books

    I'd say anything up to about half the price of the printed version is ok. Even though the actual cost structure of producing a printed copy and a PDF aren't maybe all that different, to the customer they are worlds apart. Pretty much everyone I know views printed books as *much* more valuable...
  16. P

    RPG Illegal File Sharing Hurts the Hobby

    Like others here, I'll answer with a "hell yes!". The RIAA lawsuits haven't really had much effect in practice. If I look at any random p2p service, if anything I see more stuff available than before. iTunes makes booming business because it's a convenient, well-designed, one-stop solution to...
  17. P

    RPG Illegal File Sharing Hurts the Hobby

    Oh please. I was using "child labor" as one category of things that might make buying something unethical to someone, and talking in the general sense. This should have been obvious for anyone who actually read what I wrote, instead of grabbing a couple of keywords and playing indignant. In...
  18. P

    RPG Illegal File Sharing Hurts the Hobby

    Yeah, I honestly don't know. I also hope that there's vastly more honest people out there than not, but you're right in saying that Apple has a lot going for them that your normal small-press (or large) RGP publisher doesn't. Also, comparing books and music is always hazardous, since a PDF is...
  19. P

    RPG Illegal File Sharing Hurts the Hobby

    Trust me, they buy them. These are 30-40 year old professionally employed people with pretty good incomes -- shoplifting from a game store isn't exactly a thing they'd do. :). I know these people, and this is something I'm 100% sure about. This is not about money, it's about previewing without...
  20. P

    RPG Illegal File Sharing Hurts the Hobby

    Heh, touché :) Still, I'm sceptical about you having knowledge of what the real effect of piracy on your products is. If you do, I'm impressed, you'd be the first in the industry (or any industry, for that matter) to claim that knowledge.