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  1. R

    Please critique my devil-related campaign

    My friend mentioned that there was a prestige class that as a person gained levels in it, they became more devil or demon like. He said there were three "branches" or "paths" that the PC could take, one for winged fiends, another that specializes in claws and bite attacks, and a third (he...
  2. R

    How do you organize your D&D computer files?

    Would you mind taking a screen shot or two so I (and whomever else) can see how you organized your catagories? I'm still learning how to use OneNote so I'm fumbling around in it for now.
  3. R

    Please critique my devil-related campaign

    Please critique my devil-related campaign. I have attached a word file (I will update and repost as I come up with new material) which has many ideas, some jumbled, about how I want to run it and what I want to happen over the course of the adventure. I would like advice on anything from NPC...
  4. R

    Acid Splash, Ray of Frost, Touch Spells, and Sneak Attacks

    Sorry - What is IIRC? I don't recognize that.
  5. R

    Why the Ogre is the happiest monster in the MM

    But there are positive modifiers for being large when you’re grappling or intimidating a naked woman across the page from you....
  6. R

    What makes a great campaign setting?

    I love Ravenloft because it is full of mystery but it can be hard to create custom adventures because the lands are so specific and small. I also run Forgotten Realms and I have much more freedom to place an entire city where I need it since it is not so detailed when you “zoom in” and look at...
  7. R

    Throwing in NPCs to help along small parties

    If it is important, we play a different campaign or just hang out playing xbox or the like. Otherwise, I let the party hire NPCs if they are in town, or I adjust the encounters a bit.
  8. R

    Gaming aids

    I too use my laptop for NPC generation, quick house rule lookups, and sometimes I record our session - I like to write an adventure log afterwards. Index cards for taking care of initiative, and clear plastic pieces cut to the correct size and shape as the area of effects for spells. A special...
  9. R

    Why the Ogre is the happiest monster in the MM

    I never thought of that. Ogres tend to be grumpy when adventurers get to them - could you immagine what kind of mood if they didn't have nymph eye candy to look at between violent bashings. Do you think the nymph likes the ogre back? Maybe for his muscles?
  10. R

    My Wonderful Silly Players

    Ha! That's sweet! Good story.
  11. R

    Put the ranger in the spotlight!

    I am looking for a pre-made module or some ideas to create my own module where the ranger of my group is significantly in the spotlight. I’m hoping for something with lots of tracks to follow, animals to interact with, and orcs and giants (the ranger’s favored enemies) to fight. A few scenes...
  12. R

    Dungeon #110

    I am going to have the giant heal up which takes a few days so the halfling village can suffer a bit more and get irritated at the PCs for the lack of promptness to a remedy. The PCs will probably go and harass the giants to “get a move on it” before fully healed though. When the giants do get...
  13. R

    Dungeon #110

    My apologies – I didn’t realize that until a few hours after I got home last night. I found issue 110, and noticed you wrote one in 105. I grabbed it and read part of it but decided it wasn’t what I needed. Then I went to bed and before I took off to work, I grabbed 105, not 110 since 105 was...
  14. R

    Challenge Rating Question

    The big question is what benefits the template gives the base creature. I doubt the benefits gained would be miniscule, otherwise why make a template in the first place. If they were however, I would bump it from 1/3 to 1/2. 99.99% of the time (IMO) the benefits gained would bump it to 1...
  15. R

    Figments of my Imagination

    As a DM, I allow ghost sound and minor image to potentially distract people. This usually translates to a -2 to spot or listen checks. YMMV
  16. R

    Figments of my Imagination

    As an alternative to a spellcaster getting two chances to detect an illusion, what if spellcraft provided a synergy or circumstance bonus to the will save? +2 alone seems week since it is not uncommon for a spellcaster to have a +15 to spellcraft or even knowledge of arcane. Trying to figure...
  17. R

    Acid Splash, Ray of Frost, Touch Spells, and Sneak Attacks

    Personally I think that the spell resistance was overlooked when creating that spell. It is a 0 level spell afterall. There is nothing special about it (except less things are immune to acid than cold). IMCs we changed it to "Spell Resistance: Yes"
  18. R

    How do you organize your D&D computer files?

    Sweet. I have access to this program. I'll install it today. (Our company is on the Microsoft [Yuk!] Affiliate Program and they send us free MS software.)
  19. R

    How do you organize your D&D computer files?

    I too am folder happy. I somehow feel organized when it required twenty double-clicks to get what I want. It just my catagories are too specific and yet too broad. How about web page links that you got your content from? How do you know what type of content was at "The Official Black...
  20. R

    Dungeon #110

    Since I was on a time constraint, I kept the bees as bees but instead of 20, there where 30 of them and had a group of four hill giants place the bees on the bridge for their (not the halflings) convenience. The party found Shim Longbranch which led them to town. Party talks with the mayor and...