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  1. J

    New GSL Announcement

    Gsl Pawsplay is right. I remember the bad old days when TSR would send cease and desist letters to people for putting up home-brew modules and materials on their personal Websites/BBS. Consider this hypothetical. Joe the Average DM runs a 3.5 game. He puts his PC's and best NPC's on his...
  2. J

    D&D 4E What was Paizo thinking? 3.75 the 4E clone?

    Anyone remember IBM? I disagree with the premise that the "bulk" will go 4E. A sizeable percentage has no intention of switching. Perhaps not a majority but a sizeable enough percentage they can carve out a nice share of the market. There is precedent for Paizo's move in the computer...
  3. J

    Raise Dead: A nice big bone to the simulationists

    While I agree with the sentiment, I am not sure what this changes. If most PC's and major villians have unfinished destinies, how is that different from what we have now?
  4. J

    D&D 4E 4E Mechanics can reduce the need for combat!

    Why could you not do that in 3.x?
  5. J


    According to this site http://grognard.com/ a grognard is someone who likes to play wargames. By that I mean either a minatures game (such as Chainmail) or a hexes and chits type wargame like GMT puts out. At least, that is consistent with my understanding of the meaning of the term. It...
  6. J

    4E or 3.5 or something else - what's in your future?

    After 4E If I play D&D, it will be 3.5. If I run D&D it will be houseruled 3.5. The only houserule I may incorporate inspired by 4E is that you can use an action point to gain a healing surge (hp = Con Mod * your level). My preference is to play/run True20. I would also be amenable to...
  7. J

    My take.

    Better games 4E may allow role-playing, but there are other systems out there better suited for it. The same could be said about 3E. I play 3E not because it is my favorite system but because it is the one I am most likely to find games for. Now that 3E is being replaced, the question is...
  8. J

    D&D 4E SRM Marking Marked and Other 4Eisms

    Bwahahahaha Welcome to the Dark Side. :D
  9. J

    Chess and diagonals

    Chess 4E? Yes remembering all those exceptions makes chess complicated and unfun. Someone needs to do a new edition of chess where any piece can just move x number of squares in any direction. And while they are at it they should get rid of those boring pawns and replace them with...
  10. J

    Respect for the DM?

    While I do not disagree with the posters who said you should discuss your concerns with your players, I think you did want an objective viewpoint first. So here goes. Without knowing more about the specifics of the encounter, I would say they are being whiny. Even if the encounter is too...
  11. J

    The awesome encounter that wasn't.

    Playing styles No. Your playing styles do not seem to mesh. Their playing style doesn't seem to lend itself well to subtle clues like that. That is nobody's fault.
  12. J

    Dragon Editorial: Fearless

    I agree with you that this style of play is annoying and boring. However, I think it is a flaw of the players and not of the system. If - as has been argued - 4E retains a real risk of PC death then players like this will still be risk-averse to the extreme.
  13. J

    Why are you still here?

    Why still here It is important to consider all points of view - even the points of view of those with whom you disagree. There are some aspects of 4E which are good ideas and I would not mind incorporating those into my game if practical. Besides, I do not think the founders of the forum...
  14. J

    Why won't you switch?

    Digital Initiative Your blog on the Digital Initiative is one of the best gaming-related pieces I have read in a while.
  15. J

    What's your game plan?

    4E Game Plan In the last couple of months I discovered True20 and like it better than even 3.x. So I will be focusing on that. If I stick with D&D it will be 3.5. I have pretty much realized 4E is not for me - at least, it is not aimed at my style of play. Not that it is bad, and in fact...
  16. J

    History repeats itself

    Its different for me
  17. J

    D&D 5E Critical Hits Appears to be Next in D&D Archive

    Not fun? Not fun? I can understanding preferring the 4E approach over the 3E approach. Thats a matter of taste. But did you really believe - prior to the publication of the WOTC design notes on the 4E critical system - that the system was actually not fun? I am just saying that it was...
  18. J

    D&D 5E Critical Hits Appears to be Next in D&D Archive

    Dumbing Down I did not intend to insult anyone. I apologize if that is how I came off. What is insulting to me is the "lets-coddle-the-players" attitude behind this and other changes. I never considered missing a crit "disappointing". And its not just this change. Lets change crits...
  19. J

    D&D 5E Critical Hits Appears to be Next in D&D Archive

    Dumbing it down I like it, but it wont fly. It requires math, and apparently WOTC is marketing to people who have a problem doing math EDIT: When I say I "have a problem" I meant that they dislike doing math - not necessarily that they cannot.
  20. J

    Critical Hits - another thing fixed that wasn't broken

    Oops! Doh! My bad. I completely missed it. Moderators, feel free to kill this one.