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Search results

  1. redmetal

    Early Modern d20, or post-D&D

    Thanks for all the suggestions everyone, I've made good progress already. Oh, and Hobo, you have the best damn signature.
  2. redmetal

    Early Modern d20, or post-D&D

    I've been playing with a group for a short while now, and our DM decided he no longer wished to run his D&D campaign, so I took it upon myself to volunteer. Part of the condition however, is that I didn't want to run "straight" D&D any longer. I'm pretty burned on the high-fantasy aspect of D&D...
  3. redmetal

    Point buy...

    Sorry to have to resort to this, but I don't have my DMG in front of me, and I couldn't find it on the SRD: Could someone write me off the standard point-buy table from the DMG or show me a link with it on it. I have eager players and they want to get started designing, I told them to use the...
  4. redmetal

    What's with feudal Japanese guys and the "bald look"?

    from what I've been told, it was basically a way of masking hair loss...
  5. redmetal

    What color are yer gobins?

    My goblins are dependent upon their location of origin. Cold winter goblins are white-blue. Desert goblins are sandy yellow. Temperate Goblins are green, so it's pretty much standard.
  6. redmetal

    Would YOU want a book of hand-drawn maps?

    I wouldn't personally buy this book, but that's because I understand your lust for drawing beautiful maps. Many times I've been mid campaign when I began drawing maps of a new land just for fun, and then, I start writing a new setting, and before long I want to switch to that new campaign. Boy...
  7. redmetal

    Campaign Setting Websites

    "http://dndworld.com/kbd20/index.html" That's amusing, especially since I'm the co-author of the long dead Karanblade d20 site, lost contact with the primary author, but I submitted a bunch of stuff several years ago that never got put on the site. But do check out the Desert Mage class, that...
  8. redmetal

    Campaign Settings poll XLII

    Currently I'm on hiatus from my homebrew group due to finals and the upcoming winter break. It's basically a homebrew with a very heavy influence from dark sun, al-qadim and birthright. I'm using the desertish setting of Dark Sun and Al-Qadim and then using the political intrigue from the...
  9. redmetal

    Your Christmas wish list

    My Christmas list (some of which I'll probably buy myself...): Dragonlance: Tower of High Sorcery Dragonlance: Bestiary of Krynn Dragonlance: Key of Destiny Dragonlance: Dungeon Master's Screen Conan: The Role-Playing Game Egyptian Adventures: Hamunaptra Complete Warrior Complete Divine Complete...
  10. redmetal

    Dragon Mountain

    I too came across a complete (i think) box set of dragon mountain, and was asked by the owner of the set to convert it to 3.5e and run it for him and his friends. I would also be interested in existing conversions of it or tips on converting it (never converted anything before...)
  11. redmetal

    Stand Alone D&D Wargames

    Lately I've been addressed with the problem of missing players from my campaign which is really starting to enfuriate me. So I'm looking for alternatives to D&D, but using the D&D rules. I know lots of sentiment has spread about being anti-wargame and pro-role-playing (I don't personally see...
  12. redmetal

    4.5 Scariest DnD Monsters

    http://www.dungeoncore.com/slacker/dndmon/ I thought it was pretty funny, and I must say the gibberling mouther is one of my all time favorite monsters.
  13. redmetal


    I never got to play in 2nd Edition back in the day, so I missed all the old campaign settings, so if I sound ignorant, that's why and I apologize. I just found the Birthright 3rd edition (or 3.5 not certain) playtesting rules (at www.birthright.net)for the setting. I have heard many great...
  14. redmetal

    I found a site with more biast opinions about how DnD is Satanic

    bwahaha! I love this stuff! Did anyone else take a look around the site and it's links? The New World order! Satanism! Illuminati organizations! It's all quite hilarious. Unfortunatley I've met people like this, and they really believe this garbage... Thankfully ignoring them is pretty easy
  15. redmetal

    The coolest campaign idea (you never used)

    Dungeons and Dragons - Exile The basic premise for the campaign is quite simple. The players start on a small world which is actually a moon to a much large unsettled (as far as the inhabitants know) planet. No attempts at colonization had ever been sucessful, and teleporting to the planet...
  16. redmetal

    Best Character Sheets

    Hey All, I just moved out to Seattle Washington and am attending the University of Washington and convinced my floor mates to let me DM them, so I was wondering, where could I find the BEST possible character sheets? Thanks all
  17. redmetal

    Old monsters we still haven't seen...

    stained glass golem from the 2nd edition monster manual I haven't seen. I thougt that was an awesome monster and was dissapointed when it wasn't in the monster manual I, II, or III. Also I don't know if the scarecrow golem has been in any yet either
  18. redmetal

    Best 3e or 3.5e Adventure?

    So I've been mulling around looking at different adventures and thus far nothing has caught my eye in the way of the 3e or 3.5e books, so I was wondering, which is the best adventure out there? Which is the best for low levels (there seem to be a major lack of low-level adventures)? Which is the...
  19. redmetal

    Half-Dragons. Do you used them? (And WotC's half-breed fetish)

    I've never been much of a fan for all the half-breeds, they just seems like an odd thing to include. I think when wizards realized how cool of an idea templates were they went a bit insane with them. Why would dragons change into a human form to contaminate a lower species with their seed...
  20. redmetal

    Forgotten Realms Modern?

    Well, what got the ball rolling was finally looking at a copy of urban arcana and how much I wanted to do a modern fantasy game. I started thinking how large sums of time pass without any technological advancement in settings, and I thought, why not change that. What do you mean by a Shadowrun...