Search results

  1. MoogleEmpMog

    Mongoose Traveler's Amazing New Initiative System

    Just saw this off a link on :eek: :eek: Mongoose normally doesn't ride the cutting edge of game design, but this... :eek: The future of Initiative is now...
  2. MoogleEmpMog

    Campaign Duration

    I'm curious how long a typical ENWorlder's campaign runs, and how long the typical ENWorlder would LIKE campaigns to run. If you participate in campaigns of varying lengths, pick an duration that seems average.
  3. MoogleEmpMog

    "Naturalist" Alignment

    St. Thomas Aquinas famously said (disclaimer: almost nobody knows or seriously reflects on this, it's NOT one of his famous ideas, and this isn't an exact quote) that if human nature were different, human morality would also be different. In the animal world, this certainly holds true: a wolf's...