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Search results

  1. P

    IRON DM 2014 Tournament

    in the final round, a matchup between Wicht's Easy Come (EC), vs MortalPlague's Beneath Ratter's Dell (BRD), here comes my thoughts on the matter... ...before I jump in with the judgement stuff... when there is an ingredient with two or more words to it, I parse both words and ask myself, did...
  2. P

    IRON DM 2014 Tournament

    by the way, Wicht and MortalPlague, Rune forgot to mention that we're really looking for something REALLY creative and original here...
  3. P

    IRON DM 2014 Tournament

    ...not that far off really. I write it out and then go back and re-read and edit two or three times to make sure it comes out the way I want it to.
  4. P

    IRON DM 2014 Tournament

    alas, my once former position in Information Technology fell apart with the recent recession and I spent most of the past week (40+ hours) hand dipping strawberries for Valentines Day. entertaining in a way, but not the sort of job you can do while also surfing the internet and keeping up with...
  5. P

    IRON DM 2014 Tournament

    this should be interesting. OK, we have Gradine's The Diamond Toad (DT) and MortalPlague's The Queen Under the Stars (QUS). and the ingredients were... ...let me start out by saying there were things I liked and things I didn't like about both entries. the ingredient list was intended to be...
  6. P

    IRON DM 2014 Tournament

    the rest of the week is pretty tight for me, but I will see what I can put together.
  7. P

    Scheduling Thread for IRON DM 2014

    ...and on to round 2!
  8. P

    IRON DM 2014 Tournament

    sorry this took so long. I've had a lot of stuff going on in RL, and I wanted to make sure that I had the time to do justice to, what I expected to be, a couple of off the wall, but solid, entries. I realize that the standard fare for judging is to break things down, item by item and look at...
  9. P

    Scheduling Thread for IRON DM 2014

    you've got a bit of extra time if you need it. ingredients are posted. good luck!
  10. P

    IRON DM 2014 Tournament

    Iron Sky, MortalPlague, you have until 6AM Friday to post your entries to this thread. Please include a list of ingredients at the beginning of the entry and please do not edit your post once it is submitted. Please refrain from reading your opponent's entry until after you have posted your...
  11. P

    Scheduling Thread for IRON DM 2014

    Iron Sky, MortalPlague unless I hear from you, I will post your ingredients late, late tonight, early tomorrow morning. you will have all day Thursday to work on them, until 6am Friday morning. that will give me the weekend to hopefully get the judging done (and I'll probably need it).
  12. P

    Scheduling Thread for IRON DM 2014

    ok then. PnPgamer and Iron Sky, since weekends/Sundays work best for both of you (and Wicht is unavailable for round 2 for a while anyways), I will be posting your list of ingredients late Saturday night/early Sunday morning. because of the odd start time, I will give you until 7:00am...
  13. P

    Scheduling Thread for IRON DM 2014

    as soon as PnPgamer responds, we'll figure out a start time.
  14. P

    Scheduling Thread for IRON DM 2014

    judgement is up
  15. P

    IRON DM 2014 Tournament

    Ok, in the judgment between The Hatred of Ares (HoA) and Power Struggle (PS), I think I've got a pretty good idea of who took this one. But let's go through the motions just the same and see where things turn out. The six ingredients were Celebrated Orc Diseased Alderman Distant Terminus...
  16. P

    Scheduling Thread for IRON DM 2014

    there they are!
  17. P

    IRON DM 2014 Tournament

    Gradine, UselessTriviaMan, you have 24 hours to post your entries to this thread. Please include a list of ingredients at the beginning of the entry and please do not edit your post once it is submitted. Please refrain from reading your opponent's entry until after you have posted your own...
  18. P

    Scheduling Thread for IRON DM 2014

    Gradine, UselessTriviaMan I will be posting your ingredients at noon today.
  19. P

    Scheduling Thread for IRON DM 2014

    ok, UselessTriviaMan and Gradine,your ingredients will post sometime tomorrow. my schedule is still up in the air a bit, so it may be noon, it may be 6pm. let me know if that works for you, and we'll go from there.
  20. P

    Scheduling Thread for IRON DM 2014

    ok then. I've been called into work today, so if we can get a match setup, I will post the ingredients at around 5pm Eastern and you will have 24 hours from that point. UselessTriviaMan has said he's ready. Ashoka, Gradine, PnPgamer, I need one of you to step forward and post that you're...