• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. doktorziplok

    News on upcoming Wizards errata

    sounds about right.
  2. doktorziplok

    Building a character is like designing a magic deck...

    and you can't using a more strict* class/level system like castles & crusades, od&d, or ad&d? i've never had a problem. in fact, my characters built under other systems are invariably more memorable and "custom" if for no other reason than it forces me to develop a personality for the character...
  3. doktorziplok

    Educate me about and recommend Tablet PCs to me

    can you post a link? i haven't seen anything for laptop sized screens, and plastering multiple sheets on a display seems...uh...tacky.
  4. doktorziplok

    Educate me about and recommend Tablet PCs to me

    question heavily whether or not you want a device that invites you and others to poke the screen. i have to use a panasonic for work and the screen is wrecked. dirt, smudges, scratches, wear marks.
  5. doktorziplok

    Another laptop overheats ... very expensively!

    meh, at least he gets a remodel out of it...provided he has insurance or a lawyer willing to take on dell.
  6. doktorziplok

    Vista: Get it now or wait?

    you might try ubuntu 6.06 (dapper drake). i've installed it on multiple machines with no issues. sure it lacks drag-n-drop installation, but it does have a software installer where you merely check a box and click "install." the actual process of installing ubuntu is one of the most hassle free...
  7. doktorziplok

    Vista: Get it now or wait?

    doubtful, and by doubtful i mean "it won't happen." apple is a hardware company, the software is just an "extra." please elaborate, especially about being so far ahead of linux.
  8. doktorziplok

    Vista: Get it now or wait?

    wait, vista (at least this time around) will be an albatross. complaints of aero glass giving users motion sickness, constant "click me" security warnings, etc. is your pc even up for anything higher than vista home? there is a difference between "vista ready," "vista capable," and "designed...
  9. doktorziplok

    PS3 600 dollars? Sony is on crack

    qtf exactly. someone brought up the notion earlier that the ps3 may run on linux thereby allowing homebrew. do you really think sony would allow ANYTHING but sony-licensed software to be run on the ps3? not bloody likely. look to the psp, if sony had a clue on how to pwn the market they would...
  10. doktorziplok

    MMIV Art Gallery...the hell?

    this is something i've been thinking about lately. a sort of "complete npc." a book for the lazy dm or dm/player looking for a jumping off point. it would be really easy to do as a community project (provided there was a format/layout standard).
  11. doktorziplok

    MM4 and Secrets of Xen'drik

    my flgs shows mmIV's release date as 7-11 (so be sure to get a slurpee too)
  12. doktorziplok

    Yet Another Lonely-Gamer Thread UPDATE 7-8!!!!

    THAT IS HOW SHE MANIPULATES OTHERS TO BEND TO HER WILL. (dc35 save or die) i'll venture that a closer inspection of this young lady's past relationships show a long trail of such mind-humpery. run, run as fast as you can. quoted for truth
  13. doktorziplok

    My Jones Soda Christmas Eve

    yup, i brought some for the family to try: salmon pate, broccoli casserole, corn on the cob, turkey & gravy, and pumpkin pie. they wouldn't be so revolting if the weren't sweetened with artificial sweeteners. i honestly don't see why salmon pate, broccoli, corn, or turkey would be sweetened to...
  14. doktorziplok

    Tolkien as GM. CS Lewis as paladin...

    yeah, she got better. not long after being turned into a newt. ...yeah, i know, but you're gonna set up the pins and i'm gonna knock 'em down. :P i can't think of any ideal group, although it would most definitely be gm'd by john houseman.
  15. doktorziplok

    Have you ever played an old character?

    my first 3.x character was an 82 year old "druid" named hinton. i rolled straight 3d6 (in order) for my stats. that is to say, i said "now rolling strength" and rolled 3d6, "now rolling dex" and rolled 3d6, on down the line. i started with someting like 5,4,6,12,12,6 (after age modifiers). i...
  16. doktorziplok

    have you been micromanaged?

    by state law i do get two breaks, although since i work in the field i am considered to be "taking a break" whenever i drive from customer to customer. so, legally yes and technically no. and yes, we can smoke, but only outside in the designated approved smoking area. this area is invariably...
  17. doktorziplok

    have you been micromanaged?

    ha, obviously none of you work for the phone company. i do... i've got a 6-foot stack of 3-ring binders at home detailing policies/practices for everything. not to mention the emails, online docs, classes, and quarterly...
  18. doktorziplok

    bards in your world, advice sought

    funny thing is, the bard is what i built after the deaths of my previous characters: a sorcerer (who only ever got to cast magic missile, scorching ray and fireball) and a dumb fighter (a two-weapon fighter who could throw his swords).
  19. doktorziplok

    bards in your world, advice sought

    agreed, but when it's for something like: [cast charm person] "hey pc, look over there while i cast alter self because i don't want you knowing i'm a spell-casting bard and not a rogue." is kinda weak to not let it work. to paraphrase what the dm said when i presented this concept: "super...
  20. doktorziplok

    bards in your world, advice sought

    hey all, after a series of character deaths, i've decided to tempt dm-wrath and am out to play a bard. not just any bard mind you, a nasty bard. "felix" doesn't run around looking for court favor or even acceptance. he is a con-artist, a scammer, a wolf-in-sheep's-clothing. he excells in...