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Search results

  1. H

    [Hart-Felt Productions] Capers, Cliffhangers and the Kandris Seal

    Did Someone Say "Heroes"? Evil is eternal, but every age has its defenders. Return to an era when being a hero was a two-fisted affair, Tommy guns were the height of gangster innovation, and every episode ended on a cliffhanger. Here, masked avengers work beside canny private eyes; spacemen...
  2. H

    [Hart-Felt Productions] Tke Kandris Seal (Modern d20)

    For centuries, a war has been fought in secret, hidden away from the public and covered up by powerful organizations. Our enemy is a race of demons from beyond the dimensional barrier that surrounds Earth. They seek to warp the world, to taint it with their magic, and through that taint...
  3. H

    HFP Seeking Writers for Modern Horror

    From the Horrific Pastimes submission guidelines: The adventure frameworks will contain stats for Modern d20 games. Only the Modern SRD, available for download from http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=d20/article/msrd may be used to create characters. The adventures must designed to be...
  4. H

    HFP Seeking Writers for Modern Horror

    Hart-Felt Productions is seeking authors (either as individuals or as teams) for Horrific Pastimes, our new line of modern horror d20 adventure frameworks and support materials. What is an adventure framework? It’s a detailed outline of an adventure for a GM, providing a plot, a timeline of...
  5. H

    Hart-Felt Productions Requires Steampunk and Fantasy Writers

    Search Closed We'd like to thank everyone for their interest. We have found the authors we needed.
  6. H

    Hart-Felt Productions Requires Steampunk and Fantasy Writers

    If you define "fluff" as anything other than rules, then the book would have a lot of fluff. The book will expand on the history of the campaign world during the Steampunk era, lots of characters and new creatures, and at least one fully detailed adventure. However, we have just offered...
  7. H

    Hart-Felt Productions Requires Steampunk and Fantasy Writers

    We've hired a freelancer for the Fantasy Kandris Seal book. We are still looking for an author for the Steampunk Kandris Seal manuscript.
  8. H

    Hart-Felt Productions Requires Steampunk and Fantasy Writers

    Hart-Felt Productions is expanding our line of products for our Kandris Seal campaign setting. To that end, we are looking for writers who are familiar with the HERO System and the SRD to create Steampunk and Fantasy genre books for the Kandris Seal setting. Familiarity with the setting is not...
  9. H

    TEG Seeking Writers For Two Projects

    We have found the writers we need. Thanks to everyone who expressed an interest!
  10. H

    Request to add Hart-Felt Productions

    I took a quick look at the HFP entry in the database, and I see there's links for the website and contact information. Could these be added, please? website: http://www.hartfeltproductions.com/ contact: bosslady@hartfeltproductions.com Thanks!
  11. H

    Request to add Hart-Felt Productions

    If you could add the following products, I'd appreciate it. Love Never Dies Merchants' Quarter: Malkov's Jewels Thanks!
  12. H

    Request to add Hart-Felt Productions

    I'm the owner of Hart-Felt Productions, and I'd like to have our products here for review. Can you add me to the list?
  13. H

    HFP Presents Merchants' Quarter: Malkov's Jewels

    Merchants' Quarter: Malkov's Jewels is a fully detailed jeweller's shop that can easily be used in any d20 fantasy setting. Malkov's Jewels includes four pages of description of the shop (including six adventure hooks), 300 dpi color versions of the shop's two floors, and the Campaign...
  14. H

    TEG Seeking Writers For Two Projects

    The Explorers' Guild is currently looking for two freelancers to complete products in our publishing schedule. Kobolds of the Coldwind Forest, the first in TEG's Bluffside Travel Guides series, is about the tribe(s) of kobolds living in the Coldwind Forest outside of Bluffside. Red Mountain...
  15. H

    The "Oh My Goodness, It's Not the End of the World" Sale

    Just a reminder that the sale is on, and will continue until October 7.
  16. H

    The "Oh My Goodness, It's Not the End of the World" Sale

    From now until October 7th, 2005, all of Hart-Felt Productions books and map collections at HFP's RPGNow.com storefront are on sale at 50% off. Come and take advantage of the great savings!
  17. H

    is there a market?

    I'm slowly working on one for Hart-Felt Productions. I'm hoping to have it ready to publish by the end of 2006, beginning of 2007. As I write the text of the core book, I'm also doing the supplements, and have ten planned in all (and that number does not include any adventures or the like). I...
  18. H

    is there a market?

    I have to say you're wrong about this. I'm a freelance cartographer and use CC Pro for all my maps, and am doing so legally. Now, you cannot distribute the symbol catalogs and so on, but maps you create using the software can be used in published products.