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  1. Sorrow The Man Bear

    Casefiles Reopened: Agents of D.E.L.V.E.

    Okay, it's been nearly a month, and not a word out of Sereth. It seems to me I have three players. Target party: six. I've had three, maybe four players just drop. Do we continue, start over (again), or count it as a loss?
  2. Sorrow The Man Bear

    Casefiles Reopened: Agents of D.E.L.V.E.

    Erasnyl Shouts the arcane word and raises his hands, there is a flash which nearly blinds anybody looking at him and the ghoul. The Ghoul is flung back off it's feet from the force of the point blank magic missles, it's torso and head an unrecognizable charred mass. Telaria continues her...
  3. Sorrow The Man Bear

    [SPOILERS] I play Guild Wars, and can't get the whole Gwen thing out of my head!

    Okay. Not the most popular game, but it is at the very least fun, and a free MMORPG. Now here's the meat of the matter. In the beginning (Pre-Searing it's called) there is this little girl, Gwen who wants you to recover her flute, which happens to be broken. After several little follow up...
  4. Sorrow The Man Bear

    Casefiles Reopened: Agents of D.E.L.V.E.

    Erasnyl looses a barrage of magical force, the missles finding their mark unnerringly, striking four of the loosed ghouls. Two of the creatures allow the magic to wash over them harmlessly, the other two howl in pain as concussive force collapses parts of their ribcages. Telaria continues her...
  5. Sorrow The Man Bear

    Casefiles Reopened: Agents of D.E.L.V.E.

    I need init from Thorn. I'd like to get moving, so, if I don't get one by later tonight, I'll roll one for her in Invisible Castle.
  6. Sorrow The Man Bear

    Casefiles Reopened: Agents of D.E.L.V.E.

    Ferrix has left us for the forseeable future. Therefore the active player are now down to Thorn, Erran, Sereth, and Telaria. I have another player in te wings ready to go when I can introduce him. Now Harlan, Shadowstone, and Ferrix will be NPC'd. I need Thorn's actions this round, and we can...
  7. Sorrow The Man Bear

    Casefiles Reopened: Agents of D.E.L.V.E.

    The kick from the bound woman forces the Hangman back a step and it howls in rage, the sound hollow, and wrong. As the cry bounds off the stone walls of the courtyard, the hanging bodies twist fervently, snapping their nooses and wrist bindings, landing on their feet. Thorn's chain slithers and...
  8. Sorrow The Man Bear

    Casefiles Reopened: Agents of D.E.L.V.E.

    So, I've got actions from Erran, Thorn, and Telaria. I'll run Shadowstone and Harlan as usual. I need an action from Ferrix if he can and an action from Sereth and then we'll get into the meat of this.
  9. Sorrow The Man Bear

    Casefiles Reopened: Agents of D.E.L.V.E.

    Your pick really, but since you seem more ranged than melee I'd say you shadows Thorn, along the outer wall.
  10. Sorrow The Man Bear

    Casefiles Reopened: Agents of D.E.L.V.E.

    My choice of words was improper. I meant if you move your speed (a regular move actual just at the full distance) you can just reach him with the fast movment granted by being a Monk (The Hangman and Telaria are at about the midline of the courtyard, meaning just about 40'. If you wish make an...
  11. Sorrow The Man Bear

    [OOC] Ethend Game: The Hunt for Cantus [Recruiting]

    I feel like a jerk for asking, but, any updates for us Ferrix?
  12. Sorrow The Man Bear

    Casefiles Reopened: Agents of D.E.L.V.E.

    You guys definatley have the suprise round on this. I'd say the courtyard is about 80x40, so you should be able to close with him and strike Erran, albeit with a full move. However I will need a Fort save from you. After I get everybodies action, I resolve the round and begin combat init.
  13. Sorrow The Man Bear

    Casefiles Reopened: Agents of D.E.L.V.E.

    Telaria's motion is fluid, she turns the momentum of her fall into a powerful kick, forcing the Hangman back a step and incidently causing him to drop the lead to her bindings. She is still blindfolded, and her arms bound behind her, but she is free... for the moment.
  14. Sorrow The Man Bear

    Casefiles Reopened: Agents of D.E.L.V.E.

    As a rule on the fly, I'd say an unarmed strike, with a strength check to push him back a little if you want to do more than just make him let go of the rope.
  15. Sorrow The Man Bear

    Casefiles Reopened: Agents of D.E.L.V.E.

    Gwen: You pick out the sounds of several other creatures moving in the courtyard you've been looking at through your cell window for the last week, as your team mates have been slowly led out and hung in turn. When the Hangman came for you, his touch paralyzed, in a manner consistant with...
  16. Sorrow The Man Bear

    Casefiles Reopened: Agents of D.E.L.V.E.

    Gwen: Okay, the time has come. Make yourself a listen check followed by an Escape Artist check, sblocked if you please
  17. Sorrow The Man Bear

    Casefiles Reopened: Agents of D.E.L.V.E.

    Erran:You notice the Hangman's walk is wrong, his movements unnatural. What ever he (it) once was he is no longer. More striking however, is the barely visible tattoo on the female captives arm. The unmistakable mark of the Namless Legion.
  18. Sorrow The Man Bear

    Casefiles Reopened: Agents of D.E.L.V.E.

    Ferrix:The gloom is a little much even for your elven eyes, however ther is something familiar about the Hangman. his movements and the pallor of his skin suggest a creature you recognize. You have no doubt that the Hangman is undead.
  19. Sorrow The Man Bear

    Casefiles Reopened: Agents of D.E.L.V.E.

    Also, something I forgot: Spot checks.
  20. Sorrow The Man Bear

    Casefiles Reopened: Agents of D.E.L.V.E.

    Harlan pauses for a moment, and whispers "Shadowstone and I can bring up the rear. We'll hang back in the tunnel entrace, the shadows here are favourable." He draws his bow. "Aye, we'll cover ye," Shadowstone nods and readies her throwing axes. With the invisible casters and slinking...