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Search results

  1. ViciousPenguin

    Help me!

    There's a feat (in Complete Divine?) that allows a druid to cast spells while Wild Shaped. Totally broken. Use it. There are some very strong creatures on the Summon Natures Ally list. Use liberally. And buff (Bulls Strength, etc.) Druids come with a meat shield. Use their animal...
  2. ViciousPenguin

    Defending against an 'army' of shadows

    A wise reader on another board (yes, I'm cross posting) pointed out that I should: I always overlook divination spells. Evacuations would prove to be difficult, as there are known to be spies for the enemy floating about, plus it's winter time. Tough breaks. But divining time and place*...
  3. ViciousPenguin

    Defending against an 'army' of shadows

    Well, the spawning is really integral to the BBEG's plan. You can't conquer a religious nation with only 100 shadows. Recruiting new 'soldiers' is important to him. I have seriously considered nerfing the ability though. Maybe you should only spawn if your CON is under X, or you get a dying...
  4. ViciousPenguin

    Defending against an 'army' of shadows

    That would be a great idea . . . if arcane casters weren't so shunned in this land. :( Novel idea. It could stop a few of them. How did I overlook that one. They can even sit within their Hallowed / Death Warded zones and pick them off. "I'm calling primary," says the high priest. Thanks...
  5. ViciousPenguin

    Defending against an 'army' of shadows

    I may have painted myself into a corner in my own campaign by giving the BBEG an "I win!" button, and I'm trying to figure out how to control the amount of damage I'm doing while still raining a little death and destruction in my campaign world. The BBEG's lieutenant, a lich necromancer, has...
  6. ViciousPenguin

    Dead Levels: Great Idea, But Let's Develop It

    Nonsense! Those of us considering this house rule may want to hear a counterpoint to it. House rules are very handy when the 'Official' mechanic is broken, less so when it is not. This forum is absolutely appropriate or discussing whether something needs to be fixed or not. - ViciousPenguin
  7. ViciousPenguin


    I'm only half inclined to agree that this is a matter semantics. More accurately I suspect that this is a matter of language, and while the rules are not always well defined, the English language generally is. Where 'piece' is not a term of art in D&D, I think it appropriate to fall back on...
  8. ViciousPenguin


    To clarify, I (the DM of the group) considered what qualifies as "an existing piece of stone". The SRD reads: My interpretation was that a "piece" needed to be contiguous and unbroken. A castle wall, being made of 'pieces' of stone, could not be manipulated by the spell, unless it was cast...
  9. ViciousPenguin

    How dumb are constructs?

    I was thinking the same thing when I saw this thread. It's not unreasonable to assume that all golems are constructed with these basic rules as well as whatever tasks they are meant to accomplish. Of course the "Laws" would have to be modified slightly . . . The Three Mandates of the...
  10. ViciousPenguin

    lethal combat

    The system you're looking for (and that you have recreated, in part) is called Grim-n-Gritty, by Ken Hood. There is an updated version that is available for purchase and download from www.RPGNow.com, and if you Google for it you may be able to find an older version hosted online for gratis...
  11. ViciousPenguin

    Help me find DnD resources.

    Let's see what I can do . . . 1) A source of free, printable, overland maps that I can flick through in the hope that I won't have to make one up myself. look here: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mwa/archive2006 View previous years archives by changing the '2006' to, say, 2005, et...
  12. ViciousPenguin

    Trying to foil a PC

    A quick thought - a psionic warrior with improved + focused SUNDER might do the trick for you. Or, as mentioned before, warp wood.
  13. ViciousPenguin

    Artifact Forge - Looking for ideas

    Just a quick thought - if the Forge is native to Pandemonium it should have some random qualities to it as well. They could range from curses to random boons (free metamagic qualities or enhancement bonuses, etc.). And perhaps people using the forge risk going insane for a time.
  14. ViciousPenguin

    Fantasy becoming too fantastic...?

    A problem occurs when there exists an abundance of these atypical, fantastic things in any given world - after so many of them they're no longer fantastic. When a half-this and a touched-that exist around every corner there's nothing special about them any more. This overabundance of the...
  15. ViciousPenguin

    Curbing Multi-classing

    That's the best suggestion I've seen yet. :-) Kudos Cabral.
  16. ViciousPenguin

    Selectable saves. I would like some imput, please.

    It may be notable that none of those aren't particularly high either.
  17. ViciousPenguin

    What Would Persuade You To Play A Fully Classed Fighter?

    Fighters do seem to loose a little something a higher levels. A choice of 'Focus' and 'Specialization' feats that are only available at higher levels seems like a reasonable incentive to stay with the class. Regarding the feats you propose, I think your 'Focus' may be a bit much. It's quite...
  18. ViciousPenguin

    Elementals and Charm

    There's nothing I can see in the Charm Monster spell or in the Elemental type description that would indicate that they cannot be charmed. As to the whole 'shade-illusion' thing . . . ???
  19. ViciousPenguin

    Tweaking Grim & Gritty

    I and a friend of mine, whom we shall call D, have been play testing the Grim & Gritty system and have found a couple of issues with it that we need ironed out. We have some thoughts of our own regarding them, but I suspect that some of you have seen these issues as well and have found other...
  20. ViciousPenguin

    Accumulating and 'Spending' Experience Points

    If you're still reading this thread, and it you have it written down, could you post your system? I'd be curious to see it.