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  1. D

    Have we lost the dungeon?

    I've always been a bit thingie about dunegons. I'm new to the world of DM'ing, and as such, all my adventures so far have taken place in natural settings, or in cities. I have yet to write or use a dungeon crawl. That being said, I defintly want to write/use some in the future, because it's the...
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    Next Huge Minis

    Got one =D GoL and Abberations were mad sets.
  3. D

    Unexpectedly Useful Items

    A flask of some description, oil or choclate, Paper or a rag 50 ft of rope. A knife/dagger/sword. A dish or pan You can survive forever with that kit. You can light fires, catch prey, make some basic accomodation, Store food away from carrion eaters, keep your food cold (if you're near a...
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    GM Workshop

    Sorry to interject, but I'm in a bit of a rut myself. Okay, so I'm a newb DM. I've run about 4 sessions now, and I'm pretty sure I'm getting everything under control. Roleplaying (both for myself and the group) is a lot easier and smoother. In that aspect, everything is smooth sailing. My...
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    Evil wizard casting Protection from Evil on himself

    He obviously gets blown apart, and the rift in logic causes a black hole to open up. Seriously though, wouldn't it just protect him from *other* evil creatures?
  6. D

    What is this creature?

    Too funny. You win the internet :D That is a weird little thing though. Psionic powers are such a must. You could maybe create more brutish but mentally incapacitated versions for them to control. Done before, I know...but this this just looks so freaky. Oh, and it should talk like gollum on...
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    Silliest Game Quote

    (In Character) "Go! Stop! Healing time!" *points to cleric weilding warhammer*
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    Kengar's miniatures & scenery thread

    Very freaking cool. What paint did you use?
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    Characters Making Money

    I didn't think Epics would ever need to use those rules. IMO, they're more for low level parties (level 2 max) who needed some pocket money, but weren't equipped for a dungeon crawl. A little off topic: I've always wanted the pc's to be captured, and have to work their way to freedom.
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    I cast a sudden Maximised and Empowered fireball!

    Here here, but I run straight D&D. My party is nearly third level and they have yet to enter a proper dungeon.
  11. D

    How many dice do you own?

    I originally had about 60 (including 20 Pipped D6's) but I've lost, at a guess, about half.
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    Oh Man, Is This Party Screwed

    How about a party of three level 2 characters being turned to stone by two cockatrices? Worst. TPK. Ever.
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    The Dungeon Masters' Foundation Mk.II

    I wish to sumbit myself before the glorious DMF for membership. I am only a new DM (have so far hosted 3 D&D sessions, but created everything from scratch). I Hope that I will grow and exapnd in experience under the watchful eyes of the council =)
  14. D

    Stupid Dungeon Master Syndrome

    Yeah, I'm guilty of this too, but only in my first games. When in combat, I'd tell the players the AC, and potential damage the creature could do. It wasn't so much SDMS, but Lazy DM Syndrome. I've long since stopped doing that though. This thread made me think of a KotDT arc, where Dave was...
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    What makes D&D, well... D&D?

    Editions are what run the game. Each new edition just makes the game run faster. D&D is what happens when you're sitting around a table playing the game. It's the fun you have - which shouldn't be dictated by what the rules are.
  16. D

    Loki's dogma: I need pranks and trickery

    You should check out Hackmaster by Kenzerco (http://www.kenzerco.com/rpg/hackmaster/). It has heaps of prankster cantrips - albeit teenager ones, but you could modify them. It also has dances (Such as the Manu Weasel Dance, that damages peoples Honour).
  17. D

    How much should New players know?

    Okay, to begin, I'm sorry if this is in the wrong part of the forums, but this seemed to be the most likely part to post in. Bit of a Noob DM question here, but first let me explain: Okay, so I'm a new DM, and I'm running a group that consists mainly of new players. I've created my own world...
  18. D

    Artist looking to do some fun sketches.

    Holy cow Bobacus! That is near *exactly* how I pictured Karel! That is so cool! I've shown some gaming cohorts, and they can't get over it either! it's just...wow! Thanks!!!
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    Artist looking to do some fun sketches.

    Hear hear, and thanks for the speedy response Bobacus! Can't wait to see the results!!! :D
  20. D

    Artist looking to do some fun sketches.

    Well, okay, here goes. My character is a lithe but toned Human, standing about 6"4' tall. He has long white hair (often worn in a low ponytail), and grey eyes, with a small white goatey. Karel (The bards name) is never without his master work lute by his side, his harmonica on his belt, or a...