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Search results

  1. K

    Can WoW Combat Tactics Translate?

    I agree there isn't a good way for fighters to hold aggro in DnD. That was really the question I needed answered most here. Hopefully the Knight class and the feats that were mentioned will offer some help. There is targeted AoE in I believe Magic of Faerun. I don't have it handy but it's a...
  2. K

    Can WoW Combat Tactics Translate?

    I wasn't planning on picking up the PHB2 but I'll try to check out the Knight. Can anyone tell me what the taunt feat is called and what book it's in? I've been avoiding buying anything from WOTC for a while so I'm kinda behind on all the new feats and PrCs.
  3. K

    Can WoW Combat Tactics Translate?

    I've been playing lots of World of Warcraft lately and it's making me think about dungeon combat in ways I hadn't really done before. Currently I'm setting up a campaign in Rappan Athukk and the environment - enclosed rooms, set numbers of bad guys, the possibility of adds if the group messes up...
  4. K

    Oh No! Sharpie on the Battlemap!

    I know I've seen people post methods of getting permanent ink off a wet erase map but I can't find the threads. Any one have any tips? Now, I just need a way to keep the gm from mixing up the vis a vis and the Sharpies...
  5. K

    D&D Books That Don't Really Get Used

    I'm pretty good about mining my DnD books for ideas. Mostly I've just stopped buying anything that advertises lots of prestige classes, feats, and spells and just go for adventures, campaign settings, and source books (ie Book of the Rightious). Where I do blow lots of cash is on other games...
  6. K

    Alternate Magic Weapon Systems

    I know there have been a couple different products that have attemted to revise the way magic weapons work and are created. Can anyone give me the names of those products and maybe some commentary on their, um, plusses, and minuses? I'm specifically looking for a system in D20 where a character...
  7. K

    The X-Box 360

    Elder Scrolls IV is also going to be released for the 360. I don't know if it's a "launch title," but the ES4 promo sheet just has PC and XBox 360 listed on it.
  8. K

    Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures

    This is one of the games I'm really stoked to check out this week. I'm working a couple booths down from them at E3 so I've seen some of the promo stuff already. The art the have up is all dark, gritty looking oil painting-type stuff. It looks pretty appropriate for the feel I associate with Conan.
  9. K

    Rifts Video Game?

    nice, but not quite the format I was hoping for :\ Especially N Gage. If its any good I hope they port it to something not quite so craptastic. E3 doesn't open until Wednesday, I'll try to find out more then... "Excuse me Mr. N-Gage rep, what other platforms will that be released on?"
  10. K

    Rifts Video Game?

    There's a huge banner in the N-Gage booth at E3 with the Rifts logo and a bunch of Riftsy type characters on it. Does anyone know anything about it?
  11. K

    Land Of The Dead

    I've been waiting for a good zombie film to bring things back to their roots. No more turbo zombies! They should be slow and attack in waves like the crushing tides of the sea! Plus Asia Argento is kinda sassy.
  12. K

    What are the best books for Scarred Lands?

    I know this is an old thread, but no one mentioned the Warrens of the Ratmen. I thought that was a pretty worthwhile book. I always liked skaven in WFRP. Warrens did a pretty good job of porting that over to DnD. It includes descriptions of the various clans, tactics, history and motivations...
  13. K

    Scarred Lands Help

    I didn't mean to belittle your synopsis, Nightfall. We just happened to post at about the same time. I'll use the blurb from Relics and Rituals - which I've had since it came out, I don't know why I never noticed the first 2 pages...always skipping to the spells, I guess. Shockwave Strike is...
  14. K

    Scarred Lands Help

    Those two pages are exactly the kind of broad overview I was looking for. The details can come later. Thanks!
  15. K

    Scarred Lands Help

    I'm just about to start a new campaign in the Scarred Lands. I'm a fan of the setting but none of my players know much of anything about it. I know getting them to read source material doesn't usually work out, so I'm wondering if anyone else knows of a concise description floating around the...
  16. K

    World's Largest Dungeon VS Rappan Athuk

    Yeah, what's with that? I've tried to ask about WLD a couple times and rather than actual information I get responses that border on fan boy silliness. Most of the "WLD in play" threads make it seem pretty tedious. I can't even find a decent review of it and the several stores near me that have...
  17. K

    You last "Kill"

    My last kill was, um, a party. After getting hit by half a dozen Glyphs of Warding (yes, actually hit by them, they just didn't learn) they decide to go through the big arched doorway. Without searching first. All bunched together. Symbol of Weakness. I rolled Str damage in the open, turning 2...
  18. K

    World's Largest Dungeon VS Rappan Athuk

    Don't know if this has been covered already or not, but how do the two compare? I've never tried to run RA straight through but I rip off individual levels all the time to use in my campaign as bits of the Underdark, lost temples, whatever. I know it's 3.0 and has some typos/incorrect info, but...
  19. K

    What Does it Take to be a D&D DM?

    How about a willingness to admit and learn from mistakes. I don't claim to be a great DM but I have fun, the players have fun, and everything else is just gravy. I'm just finishing up my first long term campaign (a little shy of the 2 year mark, playing once a week with a brief Vampire break)...
  20. K

    Warforged: How much does their adamantine/mithral sell for?

    I would say it is an evil act, but it's one that's definately going to happen. It's really easy to apply 21st century American ethics to our fantasy, but things like this have happened in our own history. The term redskin didn't come from the color of a Native American's skin, it came from the...