• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. F

    Shards of Alara

    When I looked up some previews for the set I have to say I wasn't super-impressed w/ them other than the great art, but after going to the prerelease this weekend something clicked and I love the set a lot. I'm a pretty casual player who just plays w/ friends most of the time and I have the...
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    What Do Gamers Eat?

    As the DM I'm both blessed and cursed- I rarely pay for the copious food and beer that players bring over, but I'm constantly busy w/ one thing or another (looking up a rule, talking to whoever's turn it is, rolling dice) that I don't have a chance to eat much of it. Often I've lost track of...
  3. F

    The best class for solo games

    If you want to play the same kind of adventures as a 'normal' D&D campaign, the above answers are all good, and w/ a cohort anything becomes more possible- but if you want the most interesting solo campaign that highlights the best aspects of one-man play then I think rogues or maybe versatile...
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    Sunless Citidel vs. Keep on the Shadowfell

    They are both so similar in many ways... exploration of ruined keeps filled w/ kobolds and goblins, descent into secret cultlike (or evil druidic like) areas, potential pipsqueek npc interactions (Meepo, Splug)... that I think the only difference of opinions will lie in the unpredictable ways...
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    D&D 4E [4E] Spoiler - Changing the first encounter in KotS

    If the Dragonborn is bloodied because they attacked him, then start off one of the shield bearers as bloodied or weakened too- he must have fought back. Its not a tough fight and they'll go to town soon after so don't worry too much. The last surviving kobold can also run away to report them...
  6. F

    Stone Age D&D

    Wizards could represent more primal spellcasters who use primitive nature magic. Their spellbooks can become big sticks w/ magic runes or ideograms carved into them. Reflavor some spells and you're good. Rituals could be recorded in similar ways on big stone disks or something. Really, I...
  7. F

    FFG to publish Warhammer and Dark Heresy RPGs

    Sounds great, I definitely need to pick up a copy of the main rules. I'm getting a little burnt out on my high-level D&D games, so a fast and loose gritty game seems promising. How are the adventures in the side-products, worth picking up or any side rules you'd deem extremely useful within...
  8. F

    FFG to publish Warhammer and Dark Heresy RPGs

    That's great news, I heard Dark Heresy sold well and it would be a shame not to see such a rich universe expanded. In a related question, are there any threads on EN World about Dark Heresy? Anyone played it / have quibbles with certain rules? I'm strongly leaning toward buying the main...
  9. F

    Trail of Cthulhu -- interview and commentary

    Looks good; though for some reason I kept reading the title as 'Trial' of Cthulhu, and trying to wrap my head around the image of a caged god explaining himself in court was interesting. 'It wasn't me, all these cultists were the ones wreaking havok in my name."
  10. F

    Anyone else think 4th Ed is to combat WoW?

    A D&D rogue is more fun to play during intrigue and personality driven segments of game.. but during combat they can be boring to play. Why would more interesting combat mechanics make them lose the current fun things they can do? Combat is almost all of WoW, but its a hefty chunk of D&D too.
  11. F

    price of a wish

    To piggyback on this wish discussion... the crafty PC wizard in my game just turned 17th level and got wish. His plan is to scribe wish scrolls so he'll have enough to cast a bunch in succession for +5 inherent intellect. Powerful, but fine. I'm not certain how much it would cost (xp and...
  12. F

    Greatest Character Showdown Final Round (Voting CLOSED)

    Greater hero? Indiana Jones. I wonder how a bunch of polls like this would do in a greater sampling of less geek savy folks. Sure we all know the ins and outs & minutia of these characters, but I wonder which names and traits would resound in the larger public consciousness more.
  13. F

    Greatest Character Showdown Round 4 (Results IN)

    1. Gollum 2. Abstain... could never sit through an entire episode of either of their shows, bleh 3. Robin Hood 4. Holmes 5. Han 6. Jones 7. Batman 8. Obi-Wan
  14. F

    Feast For Crows rocks so far!(small spoilers)

    Whew.. just finished it. Great to get sucked into one of these books again, though keeping track of all the different lords of Riverrun and the Vale gets a little tedious at times. True that its not as strong as the other books in the series but I think it was still great. I think...
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    The Matrix

    Something that always bugged me about the last film in particular is the machines behavior at the very end. Threats to them are eliminated... Smith is gone, Neo is dead, all thats left is the rebel humans. And though they could easily kill them they stop.. why? Because of a deal they made w/...
  16. F

    Great Hero Showdown Round 4 (Voting Closed)

    1. Jones 2. Bats 3. Holmes 4. Kirk 5. Robin 6. Sam 7. Han 8. Spidey
  17. F

    Great Villain Showdown: Final Four [Results Posted]

    1. Lecter 2. Moriarty I like my villians with a veneer of civilization and sophistication.
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    Great Villain Showdown [5th Round Results Posted]

    1. Hannibal Lecter 2. Emperor Palpatine 3. Sauron 4. The Joker
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    Great Villain Showdown: 3rd Round [Results Posted]

    1. Hannibal Lector 2. Ctulhu 3. Moriarty 4. Joker 5. Galactus 6. Jack 7. John Doe 8. Wile E. Coyote 9. Voldemort 10. Mr. Burns 11. Flagg 12. Fu Manchu 13. Pinhead 14. --- 15. Dracula 16. Hal 9000