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  1. O

    Blood and Guts II

    You're absolutely correct here, without a good senior NCO, a young officers life is miserable. The platoon Sgt can really make or break the young Lt... I will never argue that senior NCOs are best to lead platoons, they know their jobs, are trusted by the men, etc. And some fresh Lt walking in...
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    Blood and Guts II

    Well i have two fathers: one Company Sgt Major, and one First Sgt, but as i am an officer now myself, i guess i'm also biased... I'll try to find better proof and will post it in the future.
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    Blood and Guts II

    I agree with that, (and i appreciate the work of senior (and junior) ncos, trying to avoid being hanged by mine...) but in the text it says eg. :"Company: Approximately 5 Platoons (62 to 190 soldiers). Typically commanded by a Captain, with a First Sergeant as second in command." While it should...
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    Blood and Guts II

    I think I found some mistakes (sorry really didn't want to, maybe it is just me...) p2:"We will beat back the forces of General Fjoder Fortunatov and remove his rogue government from exile." (flavour text) Maybe it's just my shaby english (and the fact that i didn't sleep since 36h), but the...
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    Military prestige classes, feedback please

    Thanks, I guess i'll make a BnG advanced training feat "Ranger Training", that will give you something like a feat: forced march (or endurance), and give you as permanent class skills: survival, rope use, climb, ...; a permanent promotion bonus +1, and you may wear the Ranger tab. This is based...
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    [Blood and Guts] Help me assemble a Special Forces team

    I found the Strategist Prestige Class, it was at the end of BnG, while I was searching with the other classes... The character I was playing is a level 2 Fast/level 2 Charismatic/level 2 Smart/level 1 Soldier, he started out as Combat Engineer private, got himself promoted and was sent to OCS...
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    Military prestige classes, feedback please

    Can someone help me out here please, I thought that Ranger training was something you could do without ending up in a Ranger unit. And that is was meant for small unit leaders, and that you learned survival, creative leadership, endurance, ... during that course. Is that correct, or did I miss...
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    [Blood and Guts] Help me assemble a Special Forces team

    Is that SF officer advanced class already written out? I tought I had seen it somewhere, but I lost track off all the int I found here... edit: also the Tactician advanced class mentioned above, in what book is that mentioned? Thx
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    [Blood and Guts] Has anyone played Raid On Ashkashem?

    Bought the new adventure this morning, and my first impressions are very positive. The GM will have to put some logistical work in the timetables, but I think my players will like it very much. Just one fault even i couldn't oversee in the printer friendly version. On page 11, on top, Cam's...
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    Anyone have a status on Twilight?

    I clicked on one of the banners on the forum promoting a pdf selling company, i checked it out and they have tons of old twilight:2000 books in pdf. For those who want to enhance their collection... (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/catalog/index.php?cPath=21_23) I hope this is allowed, after all...
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    [Blood and Guts] Has anyone played Raid On Ashkashem?

    Thank you for the reply. When I started reading the module, my first impression was that a very stealthy party, including a good marksman, could do a great job in this campaign. But then I remembered that my party isn't very stealthy, they try, but one way or another they always fail... I was...
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    [Blood and Guts] Has anyone played Raid On Ashkashem?

    Hi, We've been playing Blood and Guts for a year now, and I would like to play Raid On Ashkashem, which I recently picked up. I would have to adapt the game to our party (US army), and to their levels (level 7). I don't want to wait much longer to introduce this game because they're really...
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    The Official Welcome Thread

    Hi all, I found this great forum last week while I was searching for D20 Modern: Blood and Guts material, and I actually found a lot of information on this board. (Altough I probably missed alot since I couldn't locate a search function :heh: ) I'm a 24 year old student at a Military Academy...