• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Rothnoran

    Nostalgia Trend in Gaming

    Tunnels and Trolls? You know I am going to pick that up! I only hope that new versions of Powers & Perils and Dragon Quest are soon to follow (although probably not because both are now owned by WoTC). Hell, I love to get nostalgic in my game...and I have been greatly inspired by all of those...
  2. Rothnoran

    Limiting the scope of your campaign

    OK but it is still pretty silly that you have to "prepare" a spell three times in order to cast it three times. How about, if you know a spell you can cast it...what "preparation" is required? We are working on a system where you have spell points based upon your Spell Craft skill (this makes...
  3. Rothnoran

    Limiting the scope of your campaign

    My "Campaign" book has grown into a monstrosity of 246 double sided, 2 column pages. Of course, we modified the combat system and several other things. Eventually the SRD, modified for my campaign, all the feats available, all the spells and a tone of other stuff have made it into the book. One...
  4. Rothnoran

    Limiting the scope of your campaign

    The game world only lives because of the players in it and indeed some times GMs may forget that (I am sure we have all played in games where the GM walked you around while all you really did was roll dice). But I am not talking about limiting what your players can do so much as providing them...
  5. Rothnoran

    Limiting the scope of your campaign

    And with any luck, the poor mechanic has not bought 15 different tool kits, with each kit only having one or two unique items. Instead, he has his unique tool kit with only one (or two if worried about breakage) of each of the tools he needs.
  6. Rothnoran

    Limiting the scope of your campaign

    You have hit the nail on the head. Certainly choosing different parts of various supplements is the way to go. They make it easy to put together a game world (why do the work of writing up class X when someone else has something like it that you can use of modify). The hard part sometimes is...
  7. Rothnoran

    Limiting the scope of your campaign

    I agree 100%. Players want to be able to customize their characters...and should be able to. I just insist that it fit within the "game world". Clearly, a player may want to be a Shadow Dancer, but in my world there are none. What I have to do then is help the player see that through skill and...
  8. Rothnoran

    Limiting the scope of your campaign

    I looked at Eberron and it was a bit to "high fantasy" for my taste. It looks like the system has had a lot of work put into it but it also struck me as to open-ended. I prefer a more "low-fantasy" game. The other night during my game session I was describing a typical serf house and barn. One...
  9. Rothnoran

    Limiting the scope of your campaign

    Absolutely. And PrC's should be logical outgrowths of the available standard classes. ...right, the spells make sense from the perspective of the character, not just for the game mechanic and the obvious benefits of in game use. Thanks for your reply Thanee
  10. Rothnoran

    Limiting the scope of your campaign

    That is the thing of it as well...buying the new book. Of course the game companies are out there to make money and some books are very useful (like Green Ronin's "Mythic Vistas") but a lot of the books are just people banging out new PrC's, Feats and Spells...a lot of which make no sense. It...
  11. Rothnoran

    "THIS does only 1d4 damage?!"

    alternative Yes, the whole HP idea in D&D is just a game mechanic. Weapons, do not do more or less damage, the way in which they hit you does more or less damage. A 9' dagger through the chest will likely kill you while being clubbed on the chest with the flat of a long sword (a very poor...
  12. Rothnoran

    Have any of you DM's tried this?

    2 spins on this I can address this from 2 perspectives. I have GMed two different groups, with different objectives and goals, who adventured at the same time in the same general area. One group was "good" the other "not good". This was very fulfilling because the actions of each group provided...
  13. Rothnoran

    Limiting the scope of your campaign

    I started playing D&D in 1979 when the system (and I would guess RPG's in general) were far more limited in scope then they are today. Now, with the bombardment of Books, PDF's and all manner of supplement there are literally thousands (well hundreds for sure) of "classes" and "prestige...