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  1. G

    Dark Druids new 1e version Now Available

    Rob Kuntz's Dark Druids is now available again ... this time for use with 1st edition AD&D! * Dark Druids is a 56 page module by Robert J. Kuntz, covering an outdoor area, three dungeon levels, the Dark Druid variant class, historical commentary explaining the module's connections to early...
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    Dungeon Module F3 Many Gates of the Gann now available

    PDF Versions Are Now Available for both F1 The Fane of Poisoned Prophecies and F3 Many Gates of the Gann ... head to the Chaotic Henchmen Productions section of RPGNow. See the links in my signature for more info, previews, and reviews.
  3. G

    F3 - Many Gates of the Gann

    Holy cow, Bryce! I didn't realize you posted your reviews here too! Anyway, thanks again for purchasing the module, taking the time to read it, and taking the time to write a review! (And thanks for writing the reviews of other peoples' stuff; I enjoy reading them!)
  4. G

    Dungeon Module F3 Many Gates of the Gann now available

    F3 Many Gates of the Gann and F1 The Fane of Poisoned Prophecies for $9 each Both of the Chaotic Henchmen Productions modules are included as part of the After Gen Con Sale put on by Pacesetter Games & Simulations. Right now both modules are $9 each (the lowest price I've seen either of them)...
  5. G

    Dungeon Module F3 Many Gates of the Gann now available

    No release to announce as far as F2 goes, but I have been working on it the past few days. Many venues to explore and things to interact with, and a lean toward toward naturalistic-type effects/situations instead of mechanical ones. So instead of killing monsters and finding objects that give...
  6. G

    Dungeon Module F3 Many Gates of the Gann now available

    Awesome, thanks! I hope you find it enjoyable!
  7. G

    Dungeon Module F3 Many Gates of the Gann now available

    Dungeon Module F3 – Many Gates of the Gann is NOW AVAILBLE! You can buy it today at FRP Games or at Noble Knight Games. (Don't forget to also pick up F1 The Fane of Poisoned Prophecies if you don't have it yet. Or ask for either one of the modules at your local game store. If necessary, let...
  8. G

    [CHP] Dungeon Module F1 – The Fane of Poisoned Prophecies

    [CHP] Dungeon Module F1 – The Fane of Poisoned Prophecies Dungeon Module F1 – The Fane of Poisoned Prophecies is now available! The print version is available at FRP Games, or ask for it at your local game store. (Distributed by WarPath Games.) A 1st Edition AD&D module for character...
  9. G

    D&D Minis in SF Bay Area

    Gizzard, we have a fairly healthily-sized group that plays out of the south bay. We're trying to start up a league at Neutral Ground. Send me an email (via my profile) if you're interested in joining up and I can keep you informed.
  10. G

    D&D Mini experiences at Winter Fantasy

    Try the flash demo. It explains the basics pretty well. Check out the right-hand column of this page: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/minis
  11. G

    Attacking a grappler

    I'm not sure I agree. You randomly determine your character's stats, your new form when you are reincarnated, whether your Augury is successful, the types of spells found on a scroll, and whether Teleport takes you to the place you wish. None of these things have equal likelyhoods for each of...
  12. G

    Attacking a grappler

    Re: Re: Attacking a grappler To pick nits: It's not necessarily an equal chance. The rule says you randomly determine the target, but it neither offers guidance nor makes requirements on how to determine the odds.
  13. G

    Polymorph Errata

    Huh? I think you are fundamentally misinterpreting that passage from Tome and Blood. (Either that or we're both agreeing with one another while misunderstanding one another.) "The new form ... can have no more Hit Dice than you have, or that the subject has (whichever is greater), and in any...
  14. G

    Polymorph Errata

    Just to clarify, it is limited by the higher of caster and subject. From Tome and Blood: "The new form ... can have no more Hit Dice than you have, or that the subject has (whichever is greater), and in any case the assumed form cannot have more than 15 Hit Dice." I wasn't having that...
  15. G

    Polymorph Errata

    Not possible. (Probably.) The form can have no more hit dice than the greater of the caster's and subject's hit dice. Stone Giants have 14 hit dice. Why? Fish don't die the instant they are taken out of water. Though there is no explicit rule to handle such situations, I see no reason why the...
  16. G

    Lizardfolk = ECL 4?!?!

    Let's see your comparison. I bet you're forgetting that Lizardfolk get two hit dice (with all the standard benefits thereof) and the half-dragon gets none. (The same thing applies with the mule.) ECLs for templates must account for the fact that you are sacrificing/losing valuable hit dice...
  17. G

    Readying vs. Stilled, Silenced Spell

    Yes, absolutely. You already gave the reason why:
  18. G

    Lizardfolk = ECL 4?!?!

    No. The DMG's numbers are different from ECLs because the DMG's numbers are not ECLs. The DMG's numbers work (in many ways) like ECLs, but there are some important differences. The ECL mechanism introduced in the FRCS was merely inspired by the stuff in the DMG, and is not necessarily 100%...
  19. G

    Entangle Questions...

    Exactly right. Any spell that does something "every round" does so just before the caster's action every round. (Technically, it happens on the initiative at which it was originally cast, which isn't necessarily just before the caster's action if the caster subsequently refocuses or delays.)
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    Entangle Questions...

    No. From the SRD: "She can break free and move half her normal speed by using a full-round action to make a Strength check or an Escape Artist check (DC 20)." If you take the full round action and do break free, you can immediately move half your normal speed. No, because you don't have to...