• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. C

    From The Shadows (A Ravenloft Campaign)

    "Certainly...the village...why not?" Thadeus says with a shrug. "Can't be any stranger there than it is out in these woods. "And maybe I can find me a pint o' somethin' strong enough to wash this place from me thoughts for a bit."
  2. C

    From The Shadows (A Ravenloft Campaign)

    "Ah," Thadeus grunts in response, waving away the question. "If this be a dream, I'm about ready for me sunrise pi...," he pauses, catching site of the young girl in the corner of his view. "Er, um...sunrise meal is what I meant," he finishes with a poorly concealed blush. "So where be the...
  3. C

    From The Shadows (A Ravenloft Campaign)

    Thadeus moves close to the circle, but stops just short, looking about for any signs of the missing vardo. "Well if that don't beat..." he begins to mutter, but the thought trails off into the night. "I'm open to suggestions," he says, throwing his arms up in exasparation.
  4. C

    From The Shadows (A Ravenloft Campaign)

    "Are ye' sure it weren't our fire you were seein'?" Thadeus grumbles, the events of this strange night having taking their toll on his spirits. "Well, any port in a...," he begins, but his eye catches the little girl. He shakes his head, blushing a bit. "No, that's not quite the right sayin'...
  5. C

    From The Shadows (A Ravenloft Campaign)

    "Oh bloody ..." Thadeus starts to exclaim, spitting out the furry little arachnid. His disgust quickly turns to near shock as the creature disappears before he has the chance to slap it away.Turning back to the ladies, he grumbles something under his breath as he makes his way to his feet...
  6. C

    From The Shadows (A Ravenloft Campaign)

    Thadeus draws near to the immobile girl's side. "By the stink o' a goblin's arse, she ain't breathin'! And I've no healin' spells left to give." He looks around at the other's, a burning fire in his eyes. "I'm open to any ideas, friends." Not receiving an immediate reply from the group, he...
  7. C

    From The Shadows (A Ravenloft Campaign)

    Heal Check roll = 6. I don't have my character sheet in front of me tonight to check for bonuses.
  8. C

    From The Shadows (A Ravenloft Campaign)

    Thadeus breaks into a wide, toothy grin. "Yo ho," he adds with sly wink as he gets to his feet and offers the girl his hand. "Ah, keep yer sword then." He looks about sheepishly for a moment, embarrassed at his miscalculation. "Ahem..." the Priest clears his throat nervously. "I coulda swore...
  9. C

    From The Shadows (A Ravenloft Campaign)

    Using his bulk to his advantage, Thadeus pins the girl beneath his wait. His strong hands grip her wrists to keep her blade safely at bay. "What'r ye about, lass?" he asks at last. "We've had enough fightin' for now." That's fine. I can play along either way.
  10. C

    From The Shadows (A Ravenloft Campaign)

    "Yo ho!" Thadeus yells as he and the women tumble across the rough ground. She proves a fiesty foe, but the good Brother is no novice to the most ancient of fighting styles. I rolled another 14 (my luck is bound to run out soon) + 3 = 17
  11. C

    From The Shadows (A Ravenloft Campaign)

    Thadeus looks to Varren's wound, sympathy growing in his eyes. "I'm sorry I've no healin' left to give ye." Another scream steals his thoughts. He turns to see a wild-eyed woman launch into the clearing, her sword aimed in Varren's direction. Uncertain if he can make it in time, Thadeus...
  12. C

    From The Shadows (A Ravenloft Campaign)

    Thadeus gathers himself, not entirely certain if he is more shaken by the attack, the odd feeling of detachment in this strange place, or his young squire referring to him as 'Father' Thadeus. "Father indeed," he mutters, gripping tightly his mace as he moves to join the battle. He arrives...
  13. C

    From The Shadows (A Ravenloft Campaign)

    "Oh bloody . . .," Thadeus begins to yell, but the gruesome burning pain of the bite silences him. He beats at the creature, but it's grip is unrelenting. Fortunately, Alexander's blade does what the Priest could not...vanquishing the ravenous attacker. "Thank ye . . .{cough} . . .lad,"...
  14. C

    From The Shadows (A Ravenloft Campaign)

    Thadeus shivers at the cold-spoken words of his oppenent. Despite himself, he backs away a step to gather his strength. Equal parts horror and hatred burning in his heart, he looks to launch his next attack...quarter no longer in his thoughts. next attack roll: 13 Damage (if applicable) 4...
  15. C

    From The Shadows (A Ravenloft Campaign)

    Thadeus' grin grows wide as he feels his heavy mace strike cleanly against his opponents shoulder. The blow hits with a thick, meaty slap. "If yer itchin' for a scrap ye've come to the right place...ya hey!" Damage: 7 + 3 = 10)
  16. C

    From The Shadows (A Ravenloft Campaign)

    "Yo ho!" bellows Thadeus, easily dodging the initial punch of his attacker. "Now we're in me element," he adds with a beefy grin, finishing the thought with a mighty swing of his mace. While the man's head would make an easy target, the Cleric aims a bit lower hoping to disable the man instead...
  17. C

    From The Shadows (A Ravenloft Campaign)

    Thadeus' blood runs cold as he scans the oncoming strangers. "Come to me, lads!" he urges his new companions. "There's evil about," he adds, staring into the eyes of the nearest man, "...and it stinks o' death." His own eyes blur for a moment...whether from the strange feeling about or from...
  18. C

    From The Shadows (A Ravenloft Campaign)

    "What...be...the trouble...with the lass?" huffs Thadeus, arriving a little behind the others and more than a bit out of breath. Her troubled face pains her deeply. After a moment he turns his attention to what seems to be the cause of the girls concern. Not far away, the trees give way...
  19. C

    Shackled City - Life's Bazaar [FULL]

    Good point...tough to keep rolling with our fearless leader. Hope everything's okay. I was beginning to wonder if I ran everyone off. :)
  20. C

    From The Shadows (A Ravenloft Campaign)

    "By the gods, we must be hurryin'!" shouts Thadeus. With a cry to Ilmater, he hurries towards the sounds of the young woman. "Come on then, boy," he calls over his shoulder as he moves into the darkened woods. "'Tis a poor night to die alone."