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  1. N

    Druid incapacitating spells?

    There is one spell mentioned in I believe Masters of the Wild: Waterball. Its a 4th level spell that functions like a wizard Fireball (only its water-based) and its deals subdual damage. Its a great crowd-control spell. Sure it knocks everyone silly but it doesn't cause any real damage and...
  2. N

    Wild Shape and Equipment

    The Shifter class (Masters of the Wild) gained the ability to not meld with its equipment. Also, it stated that its equipment changed to match its new form. Of course, this ability was done away with when they re-wrote the class into the Master of Many Forms (Complete Adventurer). As a house...
  3. N

    Siege Engine rules

    Try the Master Equipment Guide or the Stronghold Builder's guide.
  4. N

    First time rogue

    If you like the halfing but don't like the fact that they don't have Darkvision, then take the offshoot: Deep Halfing It's stats are explained in the Monster Manual (under Halfing of course). They basically have all the stats a standard Halfing has except they don't have some of their skill...
  5. N

    How far can you see...or Where the @$&# did THAT shot come from?

    Well first ask the question of whether the archer can even see the target. The spell does not grant him the ability to see farther, only a more accurate shot. If he can see the target, it would make sense that target would be able to see him. Of course if he is camouflage, under cover, etc, the...
  6. N

    Powerful Archer Builds

    You're right that is insane damage. That's why as a DM, I play my critters smart to make sure they never meet the players under "optimal conditions". As I mentioned before, a simple wind-wall would make any archer totally useless while the spell was in effect. There was an article in Dragon...
  7. N

    What have i missed about Greenbound Summoning?

    edit: political content removed. Sorry!
  8. N

    What have i missed about Greenbound Summoning?

    There are some pretty powerful feats, some perhaps more amazing than this one. The thing that sets them apart from this is that they usually have some nasty prerequisites for them. So far I haven't heard any for this one, but I would imagine they are small to none.
  9. N

    What have i missed about Greenbound Summoning?

    De minimis non curat Lex Luthor: let's see if my Latin is up to par. That means: Lex Luthor does not care in the slightest Correct?
  10. N

    Powerful Archer Builds

    If you think the 3E Quiver of Ehlonna was broken, it was NOTHING compared to the 2E version. It stated you could make ANY arrow of ANY kind you wanted (or javelin). +5 arrow? No problem. Arrow of slaying (whatever you were up against at that time)? No problem. As a joke, we created an arrow...
  11. N

    Powerful Archer Builds

    Regardless of how many arrows you fire, an archer still has inherit weaknesses. Our DM threw a master archer at us once. My druid cast wind wall as we watched every arrow "bounce" harmlessly away as the spellcasters killed him quickly with magic missles, scorching rays, etc. Plus if you are...
  12. N

    What have i missed about Greenbound Summoning?

    The only thing that I could see that would limit this feat is the restictions of the summon spell itself. Keep in mind it takes a full-round to cast the spell. Even casting on the defensive, once you make you concentration check, when the next round starts, you are still casting, giving...
  13. N

    How to build a dungeon?

    I'm curious on how you plan to attract people into your dungeon. I mean if you've been building this thing with local help, everyone around is going to know that you don't have much money. Do you plan to hang a sign outside the cave that reads: "Certain death" or "Come and get it!" Or maybe...
  14. N

    Dragon Disciple... Worth it?

    Sure can. Remember the main requirement is the ability to cast arcane spells without preparation. Usually people think of a sorcerer, who have this ability naturally. For wizards however, they are required to take the Spell Mastery feat. (I think that's the right name). It allows a wizards...
  15. N

    Druids and fighters- wildshape and all sorts of fun

    Um. OK. Who the heck is Jake the Snake Roberts?
  16. N

    Druids and fighters- wildshape and all sorts of fun

    I have had a few years of Latin in High School so I was able to translate your login name. My snake comes in very handy, especially for flanking purposes or when you find yourself seperated from your party, its a good backup. Give it a good trick selection and its a great guard. It is much...
  17. N

    Prestidigitation question

    Of course if you modify copper pieces to look like Platinum pieces instead of gold, you would increase your profits by a factor of ten. Then it just might be worth it.
  18. N

    Ways to get to Fochlucan Lyrist?

    The Monk gains Evasion and I believe so does the Barbarian (not sure). Keep in mind the Lyrist is a fairly powerful class so it stands to reason that multiple levels would be required to gain the prequisites.
  19. N

    Prestidigitation question

    That's obviously a simple illusion spell. It probably wouldn't take much to research a spell that does that (it would probably be only a level 1 spell unless you have it do more).