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  1. L

    (It Might Be) A Small Request (Then Again, It Might Not)

    have you tried cleaning up your machine? run a virus-check, do whatever anti-spyware proceedures that mac users do, and cleared your cache?
  2. L

    What's your favorite PHB spell?

    Spiritual weapon. it's an extra attack for any cleric who is willing to spend the time directing it where needed. usually i just direct the spell against the biggest nasty, and then continue with other clerical duties.
  3. L

    Cost of slaves

    also, if you have access to the Kingdoms of Kalamar Players Guide, it has a rather large sidebar on slave pricing that seems to be fairly good.
  4. L

    Best way to revitalize the economy of a town in D&D

    1) do you happen to be near any viable trade routes? do you happen to be in a position to set any trade routes up? 2) cut spending where neccecary. 3) bribe the local kingdom to set up a garrison near town. the added coin from soldiers pay, etc.. might help. 4) does your DM really want you to...
  5. L

    sniper shot spell question

    welcome to why I asked the question in the first place!
  6. L

    sniper shot spell question

    sure... sorry bout the delay, was very busy. for a good measure, i'll throw in the relavent text from sniper shot while i'm at it.
  7. L

    sniper shot spell question

    but the wording "treat this ability as sneak attack for all other intents and purposes" is what confuses me in this regard.
  8. L

    sniper shot spell question

    quick question: does the spell "sniper shot" from CAdv increase the range on an Order of the Bow Initiate's (CW) ranged prescision attack?
  9. L

    Cleric Feats

    divine metamagic: quicken divine metamagic: maximize divine metamagic: reach spell extra turning x3 combat casting divine spontenaity no particular order here... but i would alternate divine metamagics with extra turnings.
  10. L

    Bad DM stories

    i once had a DM who used some form of accelerated forwards or backwards time travel in EVERY session. it got really really old, really really fast (pun intended).
  11. L

    Which variant rules do you use, and why?

    in the small (3person) group i dm, gestalt characters from UA. in the other groups i'm a player in, we have a home-brewed system that resembles action points...
  12. L

    Opinions on the non-PHB races?

    did the bhuka show up before sandstorm? i don't really think so, but i could be wrong. anyhow, i think that, in an environmentally oriented game, they stand out as an interesting potential roleplay.
  13. L

    Requirements for the perfect character sheet

    an idea that's been going through my head for a little while about skill sections in character sheets. i do actually agree with most of what you said. were i to have the time to design a new character sheet, i would actually have two skill sections: one blank skill section on the front page...
  14. L

    I need help with out of control Quentin Tarantino-esque gangster characters!

    :lol: LMAO. no, really. anyhow, to the problem at hand: i would really suggest talking to the guy. if he's doing this all the time, and bothering people with it, then something needs to change. it also sounds to me like he's a bit obsessed and looking to play out those obsessions. or, just...
  15. L

    Should WotC update the rules WITHOUT issuing a new edition?

    hmm... my issue is that it could be majorly confusing for two people who ostensibly have the same book, if one is eratta'd and one is not, with no note that eratta have been inserted. maybe future printings should contain an eratta appendix? or have footnotes where eratta has changed or...
  16. L

    What do your Heroes do when they Retire?

    only one i've had retire recently has settled down as the court wizard for the local kingdom. this of course occurs after the group saved the royal family's lives, so the party cleric also retired to the position of court priest. ... OOC, the cleric's player was sick of playing a lawful good...
  17. L

    Should WotC update the rules WITHOUT issuing a new edition?

    actually, no. I think it's very important to make sure that everyone has the same information when they buy the (presumably) same set of books. having errata on the 'net is certainly a much more useful way of trying to keep everyone on the same page. i think this holds especially true when...
  18. L

    Why does everyone hate drow?

    sorry, this just deserves the "romancing the stone" endpoint on the line... ...and stole my bible! :lol:
  19. L

    My player is driving me crazy!

    as one of MS' players, i can already tell you that wouldn't fly. we are all there, we all know the situation (we've been a pretty regular group for over a year). the only other situation in which there has been real intra-group conflict was resolved by having the two players who were at...
  20. L

    Lonely Gamers Anonymous (a lament)

    sing out brotha! tell us of the pain that is trying to get people into actually enjoying the playing of the game! this reminds me of my current group in many difficult ways. we've been playing weekly (with about 2 month-long hiaturs for real world issues) for a year and 4 months now... and...