• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. B

    Tarumen, Land of Earth and Sky

    Zan Half elf Monk "Well it seems to me that we should amass a list of things to do and deligate what can be done tonight and who should do it." Zan begins to pace and think and the continues his statement "We need to find it so anything that can be used to track it would be good. We need...
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    Tarumen, Land of Earth and Sky

    Zan - Half elf monk "Hello I am Zan happy to meet you all! Lets say we form some sort of plan tonight to catch the beast and then tomarrow we'll head out looking for it." *Zan looks around for any response from the others*
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    Tarumen, Land of Earth and Sky

    *Zan is still looking for the building with the purple flowering vines*
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    Tarumen, Land of Earth and Sky

    Zan: Half-elf Monk *listening as intently as he can Zan notices his pies have been brought out. With a huge smile on his face suddenly he forgets everything he was thinking about.* "Thanks!" *Zan flips the maid a silver piece for a tip as he devours the first pie. After finishing the...
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    Tarumen, Land of Earth and Sky

    *Distracted in listening to the elves conversation Zan begins to half-stutter in his conversation with the maid* "..Whats that?... yes... yes a room.... what kind?.... private, private I say now please be quiet and if you could hurry with the pies this may turn out to be a more busy night than...
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    Tarumen, Land of Earth and Sky

    Zan Kai'jin Half-elf Monk *Looking around the room Zan's eyes are drawn towards anything resembling a warrior. Staring first at the Elf but then his eyes lit up when he say the group of what looked to be adventurers. Zan look's around them for a table to which to get close enough to hear what...
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    Tarumen, Land of Earth and Sky

    *Zan takes his time in latching up his lizard's bags as well as walking away, ever vigilant in listening to the information given to the others* Maybe I will check out these beast hunters I could always use a good fight. *Looking down at his lizard friend Zan decides rest is more important...
  8. B

    Tarumen, the Land of Earth and Sky - Full

    i do have the food i called it feed because thats what the book did and i have 5 days worth. also i do have the pack saddle i just called it saddle pack =/ oops ...... now that i think of it i know y you think i don't have that stuff. i thought it would be easier if i treated my lizard as...
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    Tarumen, Land of Earth and Sky

    "Hello captain, My name is Zan," I say as I begin to unlatch certain buckles on the lizards bags so as the gaurd can see inside, "I'm not bringing in much just some gear I thought might be useful go ahead and take alook. As for weapons just these clawed gloves and my staff." *Zan looks past...
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    Tarumen, the Land of Earth and Sky - Full

    i am(hopefully) officially done!! everyone meet ZAN!!!!
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    Tarumen, the Land of Earth and Sky - Full

    sweet =) thanks and i decided to go no barding lol i hope this guy in the tower doesn't try to shoot my lizard =)
  12. B

    Tarumen, Land of Earth and Sky

    Zan - Half-elf *Zan takes a step forward slowly looking around at those he has just incountered. Upon hearing the man with the hawk now on his shoulder talk he stares at him for just a moment. With a glance and a head nod at the giant lizard behind him he begins to approach the bridge.*
  13. B

    Tarumen, the Land of Earth and Sky - Full

    i know we started but RL really took a grip to me these past few days if i do it right now can i still buy those magic items? its just like two or three i think shouldn't take more than 10 minutes for me to update everything.
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    Tarumen, the Land of Earth and Sky - Full

    sorry guys about not being able to be as frequent as my posts for the past 2 days i worked two doubles in a row each on about 6 hours of sleep lol and i have to be up in 5 hours to start my new shift craziness. but i still plan to fix up my char a little and should be fully ready by tomarrow...
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    Tarumen, the Land of Earth and Sky - Full

    its good to know my lizard will at least live lol but i have extra i might just buy it anyways =) also i thought the max was 3700 for one item but hey if you want to increase it then go ahead. and lastly i say HA! i couldn't see a crazy combo if it hit me in the face....multiple times...
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    Tarumen, the Land of Earth and Sky - Full

    hmmmm ok a few things first sense i have it can i just use the price guildlines for magic items in the DMG that way i don't have to go out and buy the arms and eqiupment guild? should i buy.... i think its called barding?... for my lizard or do you usually not focus on things like that in combat?
  17. B

    Tarumen, the Land of Earth and Sky - Full

    i just copied and pasted the chart into my character i guess i am just going to use the average HP for him. (22) Do you wanna name a price for him? Suddenly double the price of a mule (16gp) seems awefully low for a giant lizard. It wouldn't bother me at all especially sense i had nothing...
  18. B

    Tarumen, the Land of Earth and Sky - Full

    sounds good i was going to buy that book anyway =) thanks i'll update my characeter now.
  19. B

    Tarumen, the Land of Earth and Sky - Full

    oops:\ I'm honestly not really attached to the gorrilla I just wanted something to replace the mule so my characeter wouldn't have to carry all that equipment. :p So its more of a forest right? I would say it could be a bird but I don't see even a large bird being able to land and take off...
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    Tarumen, the Land of Earth and Sky - Full

    Finally done with mine, man am i excited woot woot!