• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. X

    First impressions of D20 Call of Cthulu

    "So, Cthu, have your people eat my people and I'll get back to ya!" on cell phone... "Hey, guy! book me into the Betty Ford clinic. People understand addiction better than gibbering madness. Ciao, baby!" I dunno, CoC Modern might be fun. :)
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    Poll about gamers and drugs

    Way back in the day, a guy smoked some pot in his car then came into my apartment to DM. He thought he would be great but it was more entertaining to him than to us. I climbed up on the chair he was in and perched by his shoulder playing a quasit familiar. All 190 pounds of me leaning over...
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    What spells exist for nations to use?

    Birthright had lots of great Realm spells and provided for wonderful effects from apparently month-long rituals. The effects would cover one or more provinces or units depending on the spell or the level of the caster. I'd suggest looking at magic item creation times to work out the time the...
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    How do you differentiate Gnomes from Dwarves and Halflings?

    Gnomes were listed on the Monsters of Cerilia list in the first BR book. Basically left them up to DM to flesh out their use. In one campaign my Dwarf scion hired a Blooded gnome to be the court wizard. It worked out great. I liked the Dragonlance Dwarf novels take on the subraces as the...
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    How do you differentiate Gnomes from Dwarves and Halflings?

    One of the things that Birthright did well was todifferentiate between the various short races and rework some humanoid races well. Dwarves were more than just dour, they were of a denser mass in bone and flesh that explained some oftheir abilities. Halflings were what in 3e would be an...
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    Is Animating Dead Evil?

    Re: Souls and the Animated Dead Raise Dead (p. 242) and Resurrection (p. 246) have the pertinent points. Raise Dead - "A creature who has been turned into an undead creature or slain by a death effect can't be raise by this spell." Resurrection - "You can revive someone who has been slain by...
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    Iconic heroes: can we recover from abandonment?

    Would it be possible to play the elderly Iconic Xylarthan from the "Men & Magic" tan booklet that was in the white box set? :D