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Search results

  1. Adeodatus

    List all of your character names! *read the instructions*

    Remus Ironfist, male, Dwarf Gagni Goldtooth, male, Dwarf Chade Tealeaf, male, Halfling Cora Brighteyes, female, Aasimar Avi Marat, male, Human Cormant Andreas Treyel, male, Half-Elf Isobel Savont Le'Annriel, female Eldarin Domingart, male, Dwarf Kashannes Lanneset, male, Human Rastand...
  2. Adeodatus

    Deep computer games?

    I have to add another shout out for Planescape: Torment. This game ruined my life for a whole semester in college. I considered writing a paper about it. The bestpart of it all was when I finally got to what would have been a big boss battle in any other game but here it was a long...
  3. Adeodatus

    Tolkien as GM. CS Lewis as paladin...

    For D&D: DM-St. Augustine Adeodatus(the historical one not me)-Paladin Soren Kierkegaard- Bard Flannery O'Connor- Cleric C.S. Lewis- Wizard Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz- Fighter Mark David Chapman- Psion White Wolf World of Darkness: Storyteller-Seneca players: Mark Twain Hunter S. Thompson...
  4. Adeodatus

    what is your favorite Final Fantasy game and why ?

    I loved FFX because it was a tragedy. the audience/player knew that it couldn't end happily but kept playing on the hope that it would and then nope life sucks. Then FFX-2 came along with its Charlie's Angels vibe and didn't seem to fit until I remember something about tragedies. In Ancient...
  5. Adeodatus

    So when's the movie finished?

    I work in a movie theatre so let me add some insight. Ticket prices are so high because most of that goes to the movie studios. The theatre makes its money from concessions. Comercials and pre-show entertainment also add some revenue for the movie house. Ads, at least at Rave, are assigned by...
  6. Adeodatus

    That Amazing Blind Kid Sure Plays a Mean Xbox

    A Quick One While He's Away
  7. Adeodatus

    Reviews/Ratings for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?

    I totally agree. I made sure to read Dahl's book before I went to see the movie and, unexpectedly, it made me enjoy the movie more because I felt it was really catching the spirit of the story. The whole dad sub-plot was throw in to give the story an ending and was okay mainly because of...
  8. Adeodatus

    RotS, or Backstroke of the West

    "Giving first aid the already disheveled hair projection" Huh? What in holy green heck does that mean? This stuff is just too funny!
  9. Adeodatus

    Rate Fantastic Four *SPOILERS*

    Being the third to vote I gave it it's highest rating so far-5. I think they did a fair job on the personalities of the Four. The FF as a big family I never really bought and the Ultimate Doom was really really really lame. You can tell they tried hard to not have Mr. Fantastic rip off from...
  10. Adeodatus

    New Corpse Bride trailer

  11. Adeodatus


    Yes it does! I have high hopes for this movie. I think that Lewis' work is much more adaptable to the screen than most of the material you see adapted these days. (I am looking at you Lord of The Rings.) I am a picky English major and movie buff however, so what does my opinion matter.
  12. Adeodatus

    King Kong teaser

    I am a projectionist I saw the trailer, but it was upside down and backwards! It was so cool I want to see the entire movie that way. What was wierd is I could pick out Jack Black's voice even with all the sound backwards.
  13. Adeodatus

    Best movies of 2005 . . . so far

    In no particular order: Batman Begins (Year One was better, but thats just being picky.) Cindrella Man (I didn't think Ron Howard could do it but he did pretty well.) Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants (Why did I like this flick? Am I macho enough to admit?) Upside of Anger (Costner was better...
  14. Adeodatus

    Rate Spielberg's War of the Worlds

    I was dead-set against enjoying WotW, but had to watch it because of my job. (I am a projectionist at a theatre.) I was actually really enjoying it...until the aliens showed up. Tom Cruise was such an jerk to his kids and you could see the same kinda bad attitude in his son. I was impressed...
  15. Adeodatus

    Rank the Star Wars Movies (merged)

    Somebody already said it for me. But make the gulfs a little bit bigger.
  16. Adeodatus

    Just got Netflix. Name some great old movies.

    Don't forget The Thin Man series. There is nothing like the alcoholic banter of the William Powell and Myrna Loy. Additionally, check out Cool Hand Luke to discover why people like Paul Newman.