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  1. S

    Appropriate classes for a pirate game

    I was in an Eberron pirate game and played a halfling barbarian with one level rogue. It was fun swooping down on ships while riding my pteradactyl.
  2. S

    Gehenna or Baator?

    I am aware of the rules and I am deliberately breaking them. Hail Eris!
  3. S

    Replacing the Astral plane with Spelljammer

    The planes could be planets, solar systems or even entire galaxies with their own unique physical laws. Imagine flying through the Abyssal Nebula, setting down on the planet Arborea, gazing upon the seven Celestia Moons.
  4. S

    Gehenna or Baator?

    Of course he could always be in the Abyss. Maybe hooking up with a nice incubus.
  5. S

    Gehenna or Baator?

    I was just wondering what plane the Rev. Falwell might find himself. Acheron is another possibility.
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    Help me roleplay a "3" Wisdom

    Your character should have some shallow new age type philosophy. Like something from Oprah.
  7. S

    BattleStar Galactica:Season 3.5--1/28/07--Arc 12

    That would mean he is one of the final five. I don't think Baltar knows who the final five are.
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    BattleStar Galactica:Season 3.5--1/28/07--Arc 12

    Any speculation about what was going on between Gaeta and Baltar? What is the secret Baltar threatened Gaeta with?
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    Unanswered Questions, Wild Theories and Strange Observations for/about/on BSG.

    I think we have seen four of the five in Baltar's dream(the one in which Roslyn kisses him). Who the fifth is I do not know. Maybe the chief.
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    Lasts nights Sotuh Park. NON religous question.

    If you wish to discuss the religious aspects of the recent episode without fear of the thread being closed I recommend checking out www.infidels.org
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    Need a short plot for my game

    Would like to hear how it all turned out.
  12. S

    Need a short plot for my game

    While windwalking they accidently stumble into the elemental plane of air. They arrive in a particularly windy area and have to make some sort of saving throw to hold on to all their equipment. Items that are blown off must be retrieved. Try to get things they will really miss like...
  13. S

    BATTLESTAR GALACTICA: Season 2A Part 10; NSCR/9.23.2005. Mid-Season Ending

    It is called rape and I think to call it just interesting is too flippant for such a violent act. Why don't you try imagining it happening to your mother or your sister and then tell us how interesting you think it is.
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    can anyone recommend music for a Victorian/steampunk campaign?

    Why not try some industrial/techno music like Front242?
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    Timetravel for characters....

    Here are a couple ideas... Planar travel: The PCs do a little plane hopping and somehow come back to a different time period. Maybe they stepped into the wrong color portal during astral travel or maybe a plane shift spell is miscast. Psychic memories: An item with strong pschic impressions...
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    BattleStar Galactica S2/E7 08.26.05

    The chosen one is supposed to be a woman.
  17. S

    Battlestar Galactica:Season 2; Part 4 NSCR/8.5.05

    Notice that before Boomer gives up the number of Cylons that Baltar is countion down from 10. He got to nine and then Boomer shouted out "Eight!". Sounds to me like she was just guessing. How would she know anyway. The Ceylons couldn't have know which ships would survive the initial...
  18. S

    My homebrew world needs a "hook"

    1. Your world is connected to the planes Mechanus and Limbo. Law and Chaos are more important than good or evil. Sladi and Modrons are the angels and demons of this world. 2. Dragons have been hunted so close to extinction that different species have started to mate in order to survive...
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    What are you reading (May 2005)

    Passing by Nella Larson and The Huntsman by Whitney Terrell
  20. S

    Zombie games

    cheapassgames How about the Great Brain Robbery by Cheapass Games. It has zombies and cheese. What could be better?