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  1. D

    HUGE Doctor Who news coming tonight! [Spoilers]

    IIRC, wasn't the last cancelling more to do with contractual issues and an attempt to get outside funding from major US networks than with an actual lack of ratings?
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    D&D 5E Why are we still stuck with divine casters knowing all spells?

    Casting spells of a higher power level was not the intent of my suggestion, I just included a similar house rule that I've used, and poorly worded the paragraph to imply that my suggestion didn't have a level limit. As mentioned earlier, once a day, full round, etc were all just jotted down...
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    D&D 5E Why are we still stuck with divine casters knowing all spells?

    I've never played 4e, so the spell may have changed, but "Duplicate any cleric spell of 8th level or lower (including spells to which you have access because of your domains)." seems to be the only similarity between Miracle and my idea, and my idea was also unrefined and with largely no...
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    3G: Dungeons & Stereotypes

    I really wish someone would do this now. It would be hilarious. Also, as much as it can annoy me to see these sort of inconsistencies, remember that some of the writers of police procedurals like CSI have stated that they sometimes deliberately throw in some of these ridiculous inaccuracies as...
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    D&D 5E Why are we still stuck with divine casters knowing all spells?

    I rather like the idea of some sort of rules-supported alternative to remove curse that can be implemented, and was always a bit disappointed with the various versions of DnD I played that never spelled out some sort of alternative that could be used. What ever happened to the time honored Quest...
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    Imagine there was another Earthlike planet in our system

    Since 1963, international treaty has banned any nuclear testing above ground. Underground testing contains most, if not all of the radiation, as the main source of radioactive fallout is the loose matter being drawn into the explosion, irradiated, and spewed high into the atmosphere as part of...
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    Imagine there was another Earthlike planet in our system

    I blame hollywood and my lack of interest in digging further to find real evidence for my own ignorance, and yes it is embarrassing. Not wanting to dwell on the expense of these missions, if the common objection to any of the various scenarios is the primary difficulty, and we've established...
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    Imagine there was another Earthlike planet in our system

    There are logistical challenges, yes, but the general attitude is that they are insurmountable, which they are not. We assume that our technology is at the same level today, which may or may not be true with 60+ years of confirmed knowledge of extraterrestrial beings in our solar system, but...
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    Imagine there was another Earthlike planet in our system

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marco_Polo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giovanni_da_Pian_del_Carpine You could argue that Marco Polo was an explorer, not a merchant, at that stage of his life, and Giovanni was technically a courier, but 20 seconds of research discovered two people who had traveled...
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    Imagine there was another Earthlike planet in our system

    Once upon a time, there was this road, and it took about a year to go from one end to the other with your caravan. And people were still willing to leave behind their friends, their families, to travel this road. This year to travel this road, it could even be longer, depending on whether or not...
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    Share you worst campaign meltdown

    Oh, I was annoyed, I admit, but we've got a reliable core group now, and I'm over it. :) My reasoning behind the 'girls night' was to try and re-start the game by getting them interested, and without them we were low on players... Bad decision on my part, sorry. :( (Note that the events of the...
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    Looking for an old book...

    Precicely that. Thanks muchly, it was irking me because I should have known the name, but couldn't recall it. :)
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    Looking for an old book...

    I remember attending a session of Rolemaster some years back, and the GM had an optional sourcebook I would like to hunt down. The problem being - I don't have any idea what it was called. I believe it wasn't an actual Rolemaster book, merely some generic supplement, but basically it was a very...
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    does identifying an item reveal a curse?

    If it wasn't for this thread, I wouldn't have known at all! ;)
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    does identifying an item reveal a curse?

    I've gotten into the habit. As a friend of mine pointed out when we were talking about rarity in comparison to prices, "Everyone has an opinion. That's why no one values them." More or less a quote. (Can't recall the precice wording)
  16. D

    does identifying an item reveal a curse?

    Which is found on Pg. 274, just below Table 7-31 in DMG 3.5, for those of you who are looking.
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    The Best and Worst Rules of D&D

    I said something, which was written while waiting to go to sleep, and it really didn't make any sense, so I'm deleting it. Hehe. ;)
  18. D

    The Best and Worst Rules of D&D

    Why is it just as easy to suffocate a child compared to a 40 year old, or an 80 year old? I mean, depending on strength, they'll put up more of a fight to make you let go, but it all takes about the same amount of time. Does gaining a level somehow mythically increase your lung capacity?
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    Tripping a hovering creature

    Hrm. I wouldn't call it the same thing as a trip, but you could indeed disturb a creature's method of support when they were swimming/flying through natural means. I mean, if you've ever horsed around with friends in a pool, it's quite easy to send them paddling around, trying to recover their...
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    Is mobility weak compared to other feats?

    IIRC, 3.0 tumble limited you to 20 feet of movement as part of a tumble. Thus, you couldn't actually tumble for 30' or more, as you can in 3.5 with larger than normal movement, or by taking a penalty to your tumble check. Sounds better, in a way.