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  1. erucsbo

    Pathfinder 1E Post here if you're a PATHFINDER RPG fan!

    I'll add myself to the list haven't played in quite a while but PF still remains the peak for a balanced game that is still flexible enough for story-telling. Been playing more 2e recently, and definitely missing d20 and especially PF.
  2. erucsbo

    World's Largest Dungeon in actual play [Spoilers!]

    I thought that was G. K was the Shallows and had the hags, merfolk, tritons, and Thorodon the green dragon. We skipped G (would have loved to have done that but I don't think it would have really suited my group).
  3. erucsbo

    World's Largest Dungeon in actual play [Spoilers!]

    How far did you get through the dungeon?
  4. erucsbo

    World's Largest Dungeon in actual play [Spoilers!]

    Question for those who have played through this, especially if it has been a few years. What stands out in your memory as iconic moments / scenarios / encounters from WLD? And why?
  5. erucsbo

    World's Largest Dungeon in actual play [Spoilers!]

    IIRC they were posted in the thread - perhaps you haven't reached them yet? There was a bundle of pages that got lost in a server crash too, but don't think those posts were in that lot. I may still have a copy floating around somewhere if you can't find them.
  6. erucsbo

    World's Largest Dungeon in actual play [Spoilers!]

    thanks for posting. Mine last much longer than a year and I think that was what helped things turn sour. The shorter time you took worked in your favour. All the best with the next campaign - may you roll 20s when you need them and 1s when it doesn't matter.
  7. erucsbo

    World's Largest Dungeon in actual play [Spoilers!]

    I very much doubt it. But as this uses standard monsters it shouldn't be too hard to wing it. Treasure / magical items would likely be the greatest difference (imho).
  8. erucsbo

    World's Largest Dungeon in actual play [Spoilers!]

    you wanting to help the party or the BBEGs?
  9. erucsbo

    World's Largest Dungeon in actual play [Spoilers!]

    ditto - except for the final fight. My group were well and truly sick of WLD and just wanted to get out at the end. If I had my time over again I think I would have split it up in to separate adventures (among other changes).
  10. erucsbo

    World's Largest Dungeon in actual play [Spoilers!]

    you aren't using the WLD prohibition against teleporting? And you might be able to do a bit of this off-camera with the opposing evil forces and supporting NPCs while just letting the PCs deal with the BBEGs - if it helps reduce your workload.
  11. erucsbo

    World's Largest Dungeon in actual play [Spoilers!]

    ask him if he wants to DM, or wants out of WLD. Killing the character isn't going to help because it is player knowledge. The level of player knowledge is the problem - does he know about cursed items, specific vulnerabilities, secret rooms etc - in that case you have a real issue and need to...
  12. erucsbo

    World's Largest Dungeon in actual play [Spoilers!]

    no idea about 3.0 - we ran through with straight 3.5. Some issues we found - Sunder sucks (with the giants) - it can screw your fighters big-time. A large party (6+) has a much greater chance of taking down a single big monster than the EL would otherwise indicate, likewise swarms and lots of...
  13. erucsbo

    World's Largest Dungeon in actual play [Spoilers!]

    :devil: I would be lynched if I tried that with my group. I reckon I could probably get by doing F or D as a one-shot (since my players skipped those sections) but any mention of "World's Largest anything" would probably see me getting hog-tied and pelted with d4s. Enjoying being a player...
  14. erucsbo

    World's Largest Dungeon in actual play [Spoilers!]

    anyone still going through this? Even though my group have finished I'd still be interested to hear what other groups get up to.
  15. erucsbo

    World's Largest Dungeon in actual play [Spoilers!]

    Now that we have finished the WLD I am able to be a player instead of DM and am playing the paladin NPC that I had in the WLD (at various times with the party and at other times apart from them). After a battle where she took out 5 very powerful spectres in 1 round all I can say is that Paladin...
  16. erucsbo

    World's Largest Dungeon in actual play [Spoilers!]

    I had a lantern archon appear in E, which got killed by the assassin in the party who thought it was a Will-o-wisp which led to a big split and lots of in party fighting. Had Vrisht appear outside the Tomb (Region N) as noted, had another appear in K to lead the party to the Garrison in G and...
  17. erucsbo

    World's Largest Dungeon in actual play [Spoilers!]

    4 years, 4 months playing every fortnight (with a few missed). Each session about 5 hours (maybe closer to ~3.5hrs of actual gametime). let's say about 400 hours of gameplay 2 permanent character deaths, 4 permanent character retirements, and about 6 ressurrections (IIRC) my players sorta...
  18. erucsbo

    World's Largest Dungeon in actual play [Spoilers!]

    Hi Sevlow good luck with this monster. 1) - I didn't do region B so can't help you there 2) - my players bypassed most of A (and headed in to E) so can't help with that one either 3) - there is errata, for some sections including stuff in this thread, particularly from jim pinto and Jim Hague...
  19. erucsbo

    World's Largest Dungeon in actual play [Spoilers!]

    And we are done After 4 years and 4 months the party has left the World's Largest Dungeon. Players were well and truly sick and tired of being stuck there and in retrospect it might have been better to have them escape much sooner and use some of the sections as stand-alone adventures. After...
  20. erucsbo

    World's Largest Dungeon in actual play [Spoilers!]

    whoops my group's chances of escaping the WLD this year have taken a setback. Overconfident in their ability to push the giants back without taking much damage they rushed in, and got hit by two dispel magics (I've upped the 2 clerics to level 10 instead of 9) that got rid of some invisibility...