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  1. Venom

    Wreck Ashore

    Zeratol joins in with Ulfar “Yeh Gordo, I’m sure the new guy doesn’t want to see you playing with your greatsword. Any way you know what happens when you play with it to much”. :) :) Zeratol makes a mental note to stay well away from Ulfar when he decides to “bless” everyone. He has been a...
  2. Venom

    Wreck Ashore

    Zeratol responds to Bromyx saying “Correction, there are only 8 pirates, we just killed two of them earlier today (or was that last week some time ;) ), but we would be happy to have you join us”.
  3. Venom

    Wreck Ashore

    Now a little more at ease, Zeratol thinks to himself “Bromyx, ………. Bromyx, where do I know that name from. Aaah yes, it sounds like that medication I was taking for constipation a while back”. :D (Yes as well as being a little paranoid, Zeratol is also a little bit of a hypochondriac. This...
  4. Venom

    Wreck Ashore

    Being as careful as ever (and a little paranoid) Zeratol takes a long hard look in all directions scanning the swamp for other lizardman, concerned that this guy is just buying time till the rest of his clan can surround him. Being a little sidetracked Zeratol shouts back to the lizardman...
  5. Venom

    Wreck Ashore

    Everything starts to go into slow motion, but just as Zeratol starts to think he has finally learnt how to control the Matrix he realizes it is just his VERY SLOW TEAMMATES who have not posted in days that has slowed things up. :) :) :)
  6. Venom

    Wreck Ashore

    Zeratol who up till now had been deep in thought about important philosophical questions (like what to have for supper, and if the robe he is wearing makes him look fat) looks up. Spotting the creature he stops dead in his tracks and says to himself “Well #### me, a 7 ft tall talking monster...
  7. Venom

    Wreck Ashore

    Zeratol takes a good look around to make sure no other humans have gone undetected. When he is happy that the coast is clear he emerges from the tall grass, dusts off his robe and casually saunters over to the rest of the group. Upon reaching the dead humans he kicks one lightly with the tip...
  8. Venom

    Wreck Ashore

    Zeratol continues his slow stealthy advance towards H1 taking another shot with his crossbow when has moved as far as he can.
  9. Venom

    Wreck Ashore

    Zeratol thinks to himself “Ahh @$#%& (some unpronounceable elfish swear word) here we go again, every time we go on a little trip I get to do some crossbow practice”. Seeing Human1 duck into the tall grass he moves 30ft NNE (move silently) to try get a better shot with his crossbow. Zeratol...
  10. Venom

    Wreck Ashore

    Is there a map for this section? It will make it a little easier to visualize the movement and combat. If not we will play it by ear. :)
  11. Venom

    Wreck Ashore

    Zeratol, who up till now had not been feeling himself ;) checks and loads his crossbow. Always being a little paranoid he runs up the nearest large dune and scans the soundings with his keen elf senses, looking for any danger to the party. Twitching has nose as he smells the salty air he...
  12. Venom

    Omega Pathfinders Game Thread

    Carl will form up on Sarge with the rest of the squad. While checking that me has a fresh mag in his Morita Carl decides to rather go with the Tinderbox (Hope I took one with on this mission, if not the Morita will have to do).
  13. Venom

    Omega Pathfinders Game Thread

    “Well while we are all throwing in our two cents worth” Carl starts “Sarge what are the odds of jump jetting back over to the other side of that burning trench. From there we can circle around to what’s left of Beta company and use the twin 50’s on the buggies to give them cover and shoot the...
  14. Venom

    Omega Pathfinders Game Thread

    Carl shouts to Bishop “Get the hell out of that hole” and then to the whole squad “Does someone have a charge big enough to seal that hole once everyone is out, We need to stop them from swarming us.” “On second thoughts if anyone has some nerve gas etc… that might also work…..” Carl...
  15. Venom

    Omega Pathfinders Game Thread

    Carl still hanging from Sarge’s lizard line :) :) :) starts to scramble up the edge of the tunnel trying to get out as quickly as possible.
  16. Venom

    Omega Pathfinders Game Thread

    While attempting to grab the lizard line Carl says sarcastically across the com “You might have told us that 5 minutes ago Sarge. I ain’t exactly doing my submarine impression for fun you know.”
  17. Venom

    Omega Pathfinders Game Thread

    Carl is happy to have finally reached the Marauder, it feels like he has been stuck in the sludge for weeks and the last few seconds seem to have dragged on for ever. ;) ;) ;) Carl radios Jacob saying “Dude I’m in position , I know we have to be careful around the crumbling edge of this...
  18. Venom

    Omega Pathfinders Game Thread

    Upon hearing Carina kick the hatch open Carl says to her over the com “If I were you I would just have stayed in the Marauder we were going to hook you up to the other Marauder and drag you out. “ Carl will continue to swim upstream.
  19. Venom

    Omega Pathfinders Game Thread

    Carl keeps on swimming :confused:
  20. Venom

    Omega Pathfinders Game Thread

    Carl keeps on “rolling on the river” making his way towards the Marauder.