• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. M

    Got Dragon???

    Should be getting mine soon as well. Today I recieved something from "Dragon" that was some oriental-esque d20 supplement in a brown envelope. Anyone else get this?
  2. M

    Calculating EL's

    Thanks, I already have. :D
  3. M

    Is this right?

    I've just started experimenting with conversions and figured I'd take a crack at converting a module. Since the First two Giant's modules have been converted (Only 1 in the newer conversions) I am trying to convert G3 Hall of the Fire Giant King. It's more just for myself then for anyone else at...
  4. M

    Calculating EL's

    Ah I see, I actually figured out something similar while going through things again. Instead of looking for 12+8 which there obviously isn't I took the sum of those two number (20) and look on the mixed pair chart for the closest equation that totalled up to 20 and 11+9 did the trick which would...
  5. M

    Calculating EL's

    Looking at the chart on Encounter Levels in the DMG it says that 10-12 CR 1 monsters are an EL of 8, and 2 CR 10 monsters are an EL of 12. This is my dilemma how do you add these together to make one full EL? Lets say I have 2 Fire Giants and 12 Gnolls. Thats EL 12 + EL 8. Obviously its not an...
  6. M

    "The Savage Caves" book review

    I'm halfway through this book right now, and will probably finish it tonight in one more sitting. Coming right off of reading a Salvatore book this book is refreshing and yet a bit annoying (is that the right word for it?) to me at the same time. It's not a bad book persay so far, it's just that...
  7. M

    Help with Visual Basic

    Thanks! Thanks guys I'll keep that in mind. That last change to the program made it work yesterday and it seems to be working flawlessly at this point. I made a few more tweaks to it, mainly cosmetic changes but it's basically done. It's not much, and its most likely not done very efficiently...
  8. M

    Help with Visual Basic

    Hmmm That could be the problem as well. For a fleeting moment I thought I might resort to a module but I have no previous experience with using them so I'd be going into it pretty blind except what I could find on it in my textbook. I declared the global variables in the general declarations...
  9. M

    Help with Visual Basic

    Well.. Thanks for the replies. Putting it all on one form occured to me but in the end I decided to go with multiple forms for multiple reasons, most self evident in some way. Each way has its advantages. (like if I woulda put it all on one form I prolly wouldn't be here bugging you guys, lol)...
  10. M

    Help with Visual Basic

    Hi, I'm a pretty inexperienced programmer, but I'm majoring in Comp Sci in college so am learning as I go. I just recently finished taking a Visual Basic course and wanted to try to make a D&D alignment generator for fun, just to see if I could do it. It's a 36 questionnaire based out of the...
  11. M

    d20 CoC Conversions

    Ok I've gotten my book and have been looking over the conversion section and experimenting with regular characters, "normal" (killable) monsters, and gods. Am I just reading the conversion rules wrong or something because they seem very limited. For instance if you use "The Skill Method" to...