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  1. TheFlamingRheo

    Swedish made hard drive enlarger pump

    Piratecat, Just sign the form please. The joke is now over, done, discontinued, dead, ruined, destroyed, or to put it plainly reduced to less than -10 hit points.
  2. TheFlamingRheo

    Swedish made hard drive enlarger pump

    One warranty reciept for Swedish Made Hard Drive Enlarger Pump, filled out by Piratecat.
  3. TheFlamingRheo


    Yeah, but at least I can successfully bluff you on a roll of a 1 his character's wisdom is 10, while my Cha is 28
  4. TheFlamingRheo

    New still underpowered ranger.

    Well I am guessing if it is an epic level feat than it requires you to be an the epic levels. And to think that I stand up for you when people make fun of you, no more.
  5. TheFlamingRheo

    New still underpowered ranger.

    I believe that the ranger should stay the same except that whenever they reach the prerequisites for a two-weapon fifgthing feat, one that requires two-wepon fighting, that they auto-matically pick it up. I also believe that the two-weapon fighting should bealoud in any armor, just like the...
  6. TheFlamingRheo

    Greatest Villian of All Time (You Decide)

    The greatest villian of all time was created by my DM and I. We called it the cute and fuzzy seizure monster, aka pikachu. It was invincible, when ever someone came near they needed to make a willpower save or bend down and try and pet it.
  7. TheFlamingRheo

    two-weapon fighting ?

    Man, if you said FFT was not part of the series in front of a friend of mine she would eat you alive. Other than that, stateing stuff from Dragonstar doesn't really help someone who does not own the book. Thanks anyways. FFt is part of the series!
  8. TheFlamingRheo

    two-weapon fighting ?

    FFVII: vincent, and quite a few enemys use guns FFVIII: Gunblades, andIrvine; he uses a rifle. FFIX: the cannons on the flying ships. FFT: chemist, and the mediator. Also in Tactics, Mustadio says that airships and guns are lost technology, he also states that guns can be infused with magical...
  9. TheFlamingRheo

    two-weapon fighting ?

    Where exactly can I find these rules? Also doesn't everbody think that if Flying Ship technology is highly used then firearms would be some what commen.
  10. TheFlamingRheo

    Meta-magic PrC

    I say make them give up necromancy only, this class seems more suited for the evoker anyways. Also, I believe that Jack's meta-focu should be a meta-magic feat. Then again no listens to me anyways, unless I screw up that is.
  11. TheFlamingRheo


    Well Gamecat and I are friends, well he is my DM. We also go to the same school and have known each other for three years. The only reason I post in his name is that he does not have a computer at his house, which sucks.
  12. TheFlamingRheo

    two-weapon fighting ?

    Your right they are all out to get me, HELP does any one know where to buy a +2 RPG company bane, keen, vorpal scimitar at!
  13. TheFlamingRheo


    And that is why The Flaming Rheo and Gamecat respect Crothian's opinion so much. Thank you.
  14. TheFlamingRheo

    Question about Intimidate

    I like that it, but what about if just went and killed one of thier comrades or the leader? What if you did that in one hit? I believe that you should still do it your way, but allow players a free intimidate check if they just went and raveged an oppponent. But of course no one cares about my...
  15. TheFlamingRheo


    I consider any monotheistic religion to modern, I am polytheistic, I believe in all gods but by doing so believe in none.
  16. TheFlamingRheo


    Well, they were idiots too. What people should do is wait untill someone's god brings the apocalypse and then start praying to them. It is better to rule in Hell then serve in any heaven.
  17. TheFlamingRheo

    two-weapon fighting ?

    Whats wrong with the word girl, does that make you feel insignificant? Okay I am just asking Olidammara and Norebo to damn the PHB for screwing me over. Also, would you people stop correcting every little thing I do?
  18. TheFlamingRheo


    If you are using any of the campaign settingsthen this is practly impossible due to the fact that all the gods have a backstory involving a couple of the other gods. Also, this is fantasy monotheism is just to modern.
  19. TheFlamingRheo

    two-weapon fighting ?

    Goddamnit, okay then what exactly is this ranged two-weapon fighting feat in, also Lily did you base you name off the girl from slayers.
  20. TheFlamingRheo

    Lookin' for a race....

    I suggest the aperusa, spelljammer comic relief. They recieve +2 cha, feign death once per day, SR 12, immune to read thoughts, and nondetection permantly. (As though they were a sorcerer of thier total levels.) Also, theyhave no chosen god but instead worship the god of whatever cleric has...