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  1. M

    D&D 5E Some spells _really_ powerful?

    Bryk Man I'm sorry for you 4 hour combats sound rough. I agree that players should be able to asses and strategize, but that should be before the fight. Once the dice hit the table 1,2,3 go go go is the way to do it.
  2. M

    D&D 5E A tweak for humans?

    Considering a feat is explicitly stated to be equivalent to +2 to a stat. I can't see how it could possibly be over powered.
  3. M

    D&D 5E Proficiency Bonus to AC

    Traditionally AC hasn't helped in that regard either. Protection from those sorts of attacks are what saving throws are for.
  4. M

    D&D 5E Proficiency Bonus to AC

    AC only marginally represents dodging through adding dex mod to AC. Skill at avoiding blows or turning lethal blows to merely getting hurt is pretty much what HP does.
  5. M

    2014: The End of Character Classes?

    I personally like classes especially in a team based game like DnD. Classes can be a good way to ensure that players aren't stepping on each others toes and, as long as the challenges are varied, gives everyone sometime in the spot light. Classless on the other hand can lead to characters with a...
  6. M

    How do you handle Experience Points?

    At the moment its RAW for me. Though im playing a very harsh old school style ATM where gaing levels is the reward for playing well and death, and starting again at level one, awaits the unwise or unlucky. when playing a more story focused game I use the level when appropriate model.
  7. M

    Should game designers remain neutral when designing D&D?

    Sorry OP no system can ever be neutral. Even looking at DnD the fact that its a game based around dungeons, quasi historical arms and civilizations, magic and monsters and everything else that makes the game DnD, is going to have an impact on the rules and therefor ruin any chance at neutrality...
  8. M

    Realms of Adventure: Race and class conversion thread

    Since I did half giants already and I love Darksun here is everyones favorite mantis people. Thir-Kreen (Mantis People) Thri-kreen are hardy desert hunters, also giant praying mantises. -They have two sets of limbs that are equiped seperately, but act on the same initiative and all penalties...
  9. M

    Incandescent light bulbs get a reprieve in the US

    The war against standard light bulbs really grates on me. I work in industrial recycling and get to handle CFL bulbs all the time. ( you should see the gear we wear to protect ourselves against the mercury) CFL bulbs are a toxic nightmare. The majority of which are improperly disposed of...
  10. M

    Alt D20 Attribute system

    A quick and dirty way to make attributes more powerful, not my thing but hey you are asking for advice, is to use a roll under mechanic for skills with modifiers of -5 (easy) to +5 (hard). If you want to attach a skill system give out points up to a -5 mod to the roll. You can have a ton of...
  11. M

    Why simpler - much simpler - is better

    DMMike I dunno I love the idea of warlocks if not exactly the implementation. A simple " I blast stuff with raw magic" guy has a certain appeal to me. Like a fighter type for the caster crowd. As for art I can probably put something together but I'll need some hooks. ;)
  12. M

    Those other two pillars

    I don't agree with this at all. Present editions may be subpar in this regard but earlier editions treated combat as a failure, its what got you killed, being a savvy explorer with a quick wit kept you in the game a lot more than being the toughest fighter because you were only a few bad rolls...
  13. M

    Why simpler - much simpler - is better

    Simplicity is a double edged sword. Don't get me wrong I am all in favor of simple games, my current game is only a few pages of rules and works jus t fine, but simple games tend to lack staying power.. I like hooks upon which I can hang my imagination. It's daunting when 'you can attempt...
  14. M

    Favorite/Least Favorite Class

    Regardless of edition rogue/thieves are my favorite class. They are just so iconic, the hero whop triumphs when brawn or spells fail is to me what being a hero is all about. sorry paladins but I want you to get your stuff together. What are you? The fighter already has the knight in shinning...
  15. M

    Realms of Adventure: Race and class conversion thread

    I was inspired by DMMike's giant and decided my first race conversion will be Half-giants (or goliaths for 4e people) I loves me some Darksun. Half-giants are big and strong, very strong. - double HD at first level - +2 damage in melee - +2 penalty to AC - Can't wear standard armors...
  16. M

    Realms of Adventure: Race and class conversion thread

    Here are reposts of 2 of my favorite classes the Barbarian and Monk Barbarians are wild, powerful and have little regard for "civilized" peoples. - HD d12 (+3 HP after level) - +1 to hit per level +1 damage per 2 levels. Extra +1 damage per level when HP is below half. If they deal a killing...
  17. M

    Realms of Adventure: Race and class conversion thread

    Men are doing ok an additional trait is pretty boss. Giants are cool!
  18. M

    Realms of Adventure: Race and class conversion thread

    For my homebrew there are the main 4 classes and races of a standard DnD game. But I get bored with standard and want to convert over every race or class, if possible, to Realm of Adventure format. I would love to have help to! I anyone wants a conversion or to try their hand at one go ahead and...
  19. M

    Analyze this combat system element: the action framework

    I don't mind characters being able to counter. I don't think they need to be down played in fact I think it will make combat faster and a combat character shouldn't be spend their actions trying to survive. Its probably fine as is. You might want to playtest it before making too many changes.
  20. M

    What's your favorite free RPG?

    3e via the SRD as well as pathfinder a good choices, with the added bonus of being something that you can find many other people playing. There are a host of OSR games that are both good and free. Dark Dungeons comes up a lot. My recent favorite is Searchers of the Unknown. A one page game...