Search results

  1. S

    Can you jazz up this adventure hook?

    I'm thinking about throwing in an adventure hook, but it lacks something. I'm having trouble thinking of a cool final encounter, in particular. Any brilliantly creative sorts able to think of something to give it 'oomph?' *********** One of the PCs awakens from a...
  2. S

    Adventures in Origins Registration...

    I got bored 54 minutes into banging my head on the beleaguered Origins Registration server and started keeping a log, trying to track down the elusive black-text-on-a-white-background 'rare spawn' Problem With Request screen. 12:54 Problem With Request, white text, black background 12:55...
  3. S

    Yet another Elven history

    ['cause there can never be too many contradictory explanations for how it all began...] In the dawn of days, the Father of Elvenkind, Corellon Larethian, stood hand in hand with the mother of our people, Lalithil Araushal. Where he was bright and a whirlwind of activity, with eyes like the...