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  1. T

    Creative and unusual traps?

    Ill add a couple of mine, as far as im concerned they are origonal creations, but im never sure where my insparation comes from in the first place... Catch the pidgeon - Shoulder width (concealed) trapdoor in the floor, ladder (slightly wobbly, nothing too dangerous) leading down into the...
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    Trying to play a warlock...

    Im currently playing an 18th lvl human warlock, and the best and most potent feat I have is Extra Invocation. I took Point Blank and Precise Shot at first level, which realy helped early on, and Improved Precise at 12th, which has not seen any use at all. At 18th lvl however, unless I roll a...
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    Feeling Lost?

    I have a similar problem with dnd, so many freakin rules, and then exceptions to those rules, and then adjustments to the exceptions... ugh So i ran savage worlds instead, the first fight i ever ran, invloveing 22 npcs and 4 players who had never encountered the game before, took 45 minuets...
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    Poll: Do you want Save-Or-Die in 4th Edition

    heres my opinion, not directed at anybody, just thoughts on the subject... Save or die is a board game mechanic, like snakes and ladders, 1, 2, 3, 4... akk snake. it should have been chucked out years ago when dnd moved from being a (complex and highly interactive) dungeon game into a role...
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    Ways to cast in armor

    I may be far off the mark, but isnt there a selection of feats that solve this. iirc Armoured Casting (no asf in light armour, dosnt grant proficiency) Improved Armoured Casting (no asf in medium armour) Cant recall where these feats reside, but im sure they are there. As for sugestions of...
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    Carrying Oddball Weapons

    Pole arms tend to be used like a walking staff when not employed in battle, if its an expensive or awkward design its likely to have a leather hood. Battlefield polearms are longer than their civilian counterparts mind you, the english quarterstaff for example was traditionaly 15" as was the...
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    Half Elves...Wtf... :P

    Im going to avoid saying anything to do with rp romance (haveing been jumped mid fight by the character played by the DM's girlfriend). Our groups fix for the rather weak half elf, was to give them the choice - humans bonus skill points, or a bonus feat at first. Im still campagining for a +1...
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    Tell Me About the Warlock's Hideous Blow

    Hideous blow is kinda weak imo, unless you spend a feat to use a martial weapon your going to be doing an aditional d8 damage at best, and If youve got a weapon worth adding your blast damage to, you should probably give it to your fighter. Eldritch Glaive however is realy rather good, its part...
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    What Is Your Adventuring Groups Name?

    Our AoW group entered the arena under the name... Diamond Lakers
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    [CyberPunk] CyberPsychosis

    This is an excellent discussion, and i had to think carefully before replying to it Im a big big fan of dystopia rpg. Ok, first thing i want to state, Shadowrun's essence loss is a rules balance specifically targeting the cyber-mage powergamer, and a role play hook that you can chose to dabble...
  11. T

    Character levelled 1 through 20...have you?

    managed to get a 2nd edd wizard to 15th with only one death that im kinda proud of. Currently doing age of worms, taken my (pure) warlock from 1st to 18th lvl, and I fully expect him to be epic when the curtain closes. He's died about 4 times now though, so it's kinda taken the shine off.
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    Need some gladiatorial inspiration

    Sounds great, im glad it went well. I realy like the noble savage princess bit too. Frenzied berserkers scare me a lot too, think ive seen and read more third edd TPK's involveing FB's than dragons. Best of luck for your next session.
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    Balancing Power Attack

    My group always thought power attack was just too powerful, particularly because it didnt have limits like the other BaB altering feats. so we agreed to get rid of the animated shield, stupid spell anyway, it would be like fighting with a hyper 7 year old running around your feet (though it...
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    SLA Industries. . .

    Sla is amazing. Any game where the whole system can be fitted onto 2 sides of A4 gets my vote. Im into my second year of a sla campain that will probably end with my players finding out a possible TRUTH. Its their reward for letting me gm it for over 10 years. Mytholder is ablolutely right...
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    Need some gladiatorial inspiration

    Heres a thought, If you want to promote actual gladatorial showmanship, rather than rutheless combat effecienty. You could be quite heavy handed with bonous's and penalties imposed by the collective will of the watching masses, and as this is a dream sequence, you can justify it very easily. As...
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    Racial insults for humans to toss at non-humans

    Just one more, a personal favorite when my elven supremecist was addressing the polluted half breeds... "Half-man"
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    Does the ranged character stink?

    Just wanted to mention my experience of a ranged fighter... I made a ranger with all his feats focused on archery, with the manyshot/ rapid shot feats and some fairly pokey stats iirc. He was great when it came to mowing down hundreds of 2 hd creatures but suffered greatly against anything...
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    Best Five RPG Books You Own

    Nice thread... 1) Sla Industries - evryone should have a copy (I have 3!) 2) Cyberpunk 2020 - first boxed set (thank you Declan) 3) Paranoia - first printing (first thing I GM'd) 4) Killer 5) MERP - first edition, which was so badly laid out only the gm could ever find anything. Lots of...
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    Helm of Opposite Alignment ... Think "A Clockwork Orange"

    Just to add my thoughts to an intresting thread... Prety much evryone has had a base thought at one time or another, the urge to harm in some way an object of frustraition/ anger/ fear and so on, the diference is most of us dont act on these impulses. Likewise, as gm's and players, we have...
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    Making a different kind of wizard

    As a change of flavour i tend to go for themes i can get my teath into. My last themed wizard was a rampant explorer and all 'round nosey guy. Focused entirely on movement enhanceing and detracting spells (the GM actualy let me adjust my spell list to fit this focus) things like fly and slow...