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  1. AdmundfortGeographer

    Frieren: Beyond Journey's End anime

    It was such an on theme ending. I’m looking forward to rewatching it in the expectation of catching more things that are alluded to having a connection in later episodes. Such as how Flamme’s favorite spell, taught to Frieren, making a field of flowers had been the spell Frieren cast to...
  2. AdmundfortGeographer

    D&D General BG3 Massive Spoiler Thread

    I am certain when I came across that it convinced me to give it a go because I have the anti-interest in playing an “evil” storyline. That, plus hearing other people who played a good Durge play through, struggling against the “urge” was very rewarding convinced me. I’m glad I did it as a later...
  3. AdmundfortGeographer

    D&D General BG3 Massive Spoiler Thread

    I can concur that the story is quite fulfilling. I did my redeemed Dark Urge as a duergar paladin who romanced Karlach (I wanted to finally get the hot date achievement!) All of the conversations with the companions through dark urge story beats felt like they had more attention to detail than...
  4. AdmundfortGeographer

    D&D General BG3 Massive Spoiler Thread

    The Alert feat with the BG3 initiative system is the biggest game changer feat. Alert is always my first or second feat, or if I have a build that will not value any other elixir (giant strength, bloodlust, or battle mage), I’m giving that character all of the initiative boosting elixirs.
  5. AdmundfortGeographer

    Frieren: Beyond Journey's End anime

    I’ve been beyond impressed about this series! The animation is some top tier showing off for a TV series anime. I’ve been singing praises for this slow burn show. But calling it a slow burn is not completely right because the fight sakuga is there. I can’t wait for the final episodes!
  6. AdmundfortGeographer

    Dick Turpin

    Finished watching the first two episodes of The Completely Made-up Adventures of Dick Turpin. I thoroughly enjoyed them both and am looking forward to more. I got a feeling like a blend of Monty Python’s Holy Grail plus Discworld plus D&D heists. I may be misremembering, but this might be the...
  7. AdmundfortGeographer

    D&D General BG3 and 5E Theories. Top 10.

    I think trivially inexpensive re-specc’ing characters might be up there in a major deviation that has many downstream effects. Even with the abundant consumables and alchemy, I might enjoy going through Tactician on a self-challenge with disallowing multiclassing.
  8. AdmundfortGeographer

    D&D (2024) D&D 2024 Core Rulebooks: 'We'll Still Be Working On Them In May'

    Time to update the ENWorld sidebar indicating the core books have a 2024 May release date? 😉
  9. AdmundfortGeographer

    D&D General BG3 Massive Spoiler Thread

    Page 145-146 of the physical book. described quite like the BG3 Withers, but this one is an Omuan wight made by Acererak, wearing a bronze mask.
  10. AdmundfortGeographer

    D&D (2024) Playtest 8 Monk Discussion

    In the AD&D 2e era, when the monk and assassin were removed from the PHB, in 1999 TSR released The Scarlet Brotherhood and published a 2e version of both Monk and Assassin. Assassin was tagged a rogue class, Monk was tagged a priest class.
  11. AdmundfortGeographer

    D&D General BG3 Massive Spoiler Thread

    I’m guessing the new phenom game called Palworld. If so, I’ve heard it described as Pokemon with guns.
  12. AdmundfortGeographer

    D&D General The Resurrection of Mike Mearls Games.

    great appreciation for pointing out that multiclassing has held back 5e game design. I would love to read Mike tackling an alternative that offers the fantasy people use multiclassing to achieve but not turn every class level of every class into a cafeteria menu.
  13. AdmundfortGeographer

    D&D General BG3 Massive Spoiler Thread

    I think the Unstoppable is a number of attacks that are converted to zero effect. My memory is the harder difficulties have more Unstoppable points. Just like one crit smite takes one away. But that each Magic Missile takes away one Unstoppable point, five missiles = five Unstoppable. I...
  14. AdmundfortGeographer

    D&D General BG3 Massive Spoiler Thread

    Another reason I started shoving in the second run was that I had enough cognitive load already, adding shoves and weapon dipping and controlling reaction asking and alchemy brewing… on top of handling 6-9 characters and each new thing they got with leveling … I only had mental room for so much...
  15. AdmundfortGeographer

    D&D General BG3 Massive Spoiler Thread

    I had a Fear Of Missing Loot and only shoved when I needed to step back to avoid AoO, or when I could get to the body later (like out to the street below). In the second run I had a good idea who had loot I might care about and shoved much more. I even shoved allies to get them into/out of...
  16. AdmundfortGeographer

    D&D General BG3 Massive Spoiler Thread

    My first and second playthrough both took about 200 hours. I just wanna find every side quest and do everything.
  17. AdmundfortGeographer

    D&D General BG3 Massive Spoiler Thread

    I can understand the common feeling of a discordant tone shift after Moonrise/Nightsong then into Act3/Rivington. The tone shift might be like grinding gears in a normal modern CRPG, but I’ve had TTRPG games have big tone shifts as destinations change or we hit new tiers of play. In that way...
  18. AdmundfortGeographer

    D&D General BG3 Massive Spoiler Thread

    IMO a reasonable place for the horn to get them to show up might be that gnoll/flind fight if you want to kill the flind and not just dominate it, or the githyanki attack on the Risen Road bridge where Voss first appears then flies off. The Goblin courtyard partying maybe?
  19. AdmundfortGeographer

    D&D General BG3 Massive Spoiler Thread

    Trying to recall, but I am highly certain I tried getting the warhorn to call the ogres but could neither get them to answer the horn unless I was in the starting map. Neither the mountain pass nor the Underdark got a response. I think the horn blows but someone chimes up with something like...
  20. AdmundfortGeographer

    What games are you playing over the holidays?

    Finished my second play through of BG3. Thought about a Dark Urge run as a paladin but I’m likely going to pause a while. Today I just bought Wasteland 3 to try another genre of isometric CRPG.