• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Sephiroth no Miko

    Magic Kingdom For Sale* (*Some Assembly Required)

    *Pheader had been hanging back, mostly observing, since his companions seems to be unusually loqacious today. At Allyra's urging, he gives a courteous nod of his head, and introduces himself.* "And I'm Phaeder. Well met." *Though his appearance is a little severe (and probably rather...
  2. Sephiroth no Miko

    OOC - Magic Kingdom for Sale* - Full

    I deeply apologize for my abrupt disappearance this last week but was pulled away by an unexpected family crisis. The bad news is, it's still not yet resolved so I'm not going to have time to post updates for the games I'm in. :( The good news is, I will hopefully be back in action sometime mid...
  3. Sephiroth no Miko

    Dawnforge: Heroes of Legend - Game Restart

    I deeply apologize for my abrupt disappearance this last week but was pulled away by an unexpected family crisis. The bad news is, it's still not yet resolved so I'm not going to have time to post updates for the games I'm in. :( The good news is, I will hopefully be back in action sometime mid...
  4. Sephiroth no Miko

    [Planescape] Squaring the Circle Redux - OOC (Full)

    I deeply apologize for my abrupt disappearance this last week but was pulled away by an unexpected family crisis. The bad news is, it's still not yet resolved so I'm not going to have time to post updates for the games I'm in. :( The good news is, I will hopefully be back in action sometime mid...
  5. Sephiroth no Miko

    [Planescape] Squaring the Circle Redux - IC

    OOC: Where do you wish to place it?
  6. Sephiroth no Miko

    Templates, and the level adjustments

    Page 148, near the bottom of the 2nd column in MM 3.5
  7. Sephiroth no Miko

    Who else is a maniac who cannot but tweak all gaming stuff?

    Mmm... ditto. It's so hard not to tinker with something here, fiddle with something else there... Classes, races, feats, spells, skills, environmental modifiers, you name it, I think I've probably tweaked it. :heh: But the nice thing about 3rd edition is that is much more customization friendly...
  8. Sephiroth no Miko

    Magic Kingdom For Sale* (*Some Assembly Required)

    "Strange clothes, floating dark blob?" *muses Phaeder.* "Not a nature spirit like Aya, then?" *he hazards. To his companions, he says,* "Shall we tell everyone to make camp while we check this out? They're probably all tired of travelling and the lake does provide a nice chance to take a short...
  9. Sephiroth no Miko

    Magic Kingdom For Sale* (*Some Assembly Required)

    "Anything else of note? You had a rather strange expression on your face..." *Phaeder asks the scout.*
  10. Sephiroth no Miko

    Magic Kingdom For Sale* (*Some Assembly Required)

    "Hmmm.... I think there's a shipwright or two in there, yes," Phaeder answers, looking at the lovely expanse of blue water ringed by the forest. He grins at Allyra and Rezomael suddenly and shakes his head. "You two are leaving me in the dust.... but then, you were always better at planning...
  11. Sephiroth no Miko

    Magic Kingdom For Sale* (*Some Assembly Required)

    "Who knew the untamed wilderness would be such a great place to meet unattached women?" *quips the ghost. Phaeder gives Anshul a swift mental kick.* "Joking, joking! Hey! Ow! Geez, what crawled into your bedroll this morning and died...?" *To the rest of the party, Phaeder merely adds,* "Yes, I...
  12. Sephiroth no Miko

    [Planescape] Squaring the Circle Redux - OOC (Full)

    Uhm, well 'cause she is...? :p :heh: Actually, I only noticed that after you pointed it out but I have to admit... the resemblence is striking... ;)
  13. Sephiroth no Miko

    Dawnforge: Heroes of Legend (IC Thread)

    Silently, Sssakkariah follows. She wasn't much good in the water and preferred someplace she could maneuver if they got discovered.
  14. Sephiroth no Miko

    [Planescape] Squaring the Circle Redux - IC

    As Flaust expected, the situation does suddenly get very ugly very fast. As she is backing out of the plume of smoke from the irritable nightmare, and quietly drawing her bow, she notices Zoe turning her back on the hag from out of the corner of her eye. Within the space of a few seconds, her...
  15. Sephiroth no Miko

    [Planescape] Squaring the Circle Redux - OOC (Full)

    Ehhhh, bloods of your level shouldn't be taking smack from a hag anyway. :p Though I'd suggest dimensional anchoring the nightmare first personally. Besides, how am I suppose to give you guys treasure if you just knuckle in to the demands of every NPC you meet? ;) (Badurth was understandable...
  16. Sephiroth no Miko

    Magic Kingdom For Sale* (*Some Assembly Required)

    *Phaeder continues to minister to the wounded until everyone has stopped bleeding, offering what quiet comfort he can. He hums softly as he does so, falling back on the solace of his music to soothe rattled nerves. Once people have been tended to, he starts trying to pull the camp into a...
  17. Sephiroth no Miko

    Dawnforge: Heroes of Legend (IC Thread)

    "I hear sssomething but I ssstill can't make it out," murmurs Sssakkariah, cocking her head. "Isss it headed our way?" she asks Kyna or Yoseph. Regardless, she readies her spiked chain and concentrates briefly, mentally fortifying herself for a possible encounter. As she does so, her skin...
  18. Sephiroth no Miko

    [Planescape] Squaring the Circle Redux - OOC (Full)

    Sheesh, the gate-town of Torch should probably just be re-named 'Extortion.' :p
  19. Sephiroth no Miko

    [Planescape] Squaring the Circle Redux - IC

    "If it's proof you want, my dearies, then proof you shall have," the old woman responds, grinning wickedly. "I know you're looking for a certain creature that controls the fiends' ability to teleport. If something were to happen to it... why, I'd imagine the fiends would find themselves...
  20. Sephiroth no Miko

    Magic Kingdom For Sale* (*Some Assembly Required)

    "No kidding..." *Phaeder agrees wholeheartedly.* *He will pause to bind his own wounds, then continue healing others, burning charges off his wand of cure light wounds as needed if he runs out of spells.*