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  1. J

    Rpg.net is run by fascist dorks

    What is it with the mods at that place? First, I'm in this thread about welfare, and since the posters there are a bunch of bleeding heart leafy-suburb-living gated community types, I find myself arguing with the whole house. So, in the space of like 2 minutes, I find myself missing a couple...
  2. J

    Arresting the PCs

    House-rule some EFFECTIVE methods to subdue characters. It's not like being surrounded and ambushed and konked over the head is something alien to tall tales. The inability to simply capture these rogues sounds more like a DM failure to me than anything else. A brute squad should be able to...
  3. J

    Spycraft news - genre books to be stand-alone

    Not really on topic, but I wish point-based fantasy that emulates classes well was more in-demand and available. I wish D&D would move that way, really. What with all the dissatisfaction with this or that in D&D, you'd think it would be more viable. I'm not really able to get excited about...
  4. J

    Pathfinder 1E Paizo's Pathfinder Forums

    Judging by how extraordinarily civil the Paizo forums were the couple of times I posted there, I think the user-unfriendliness is a feature, not a bug. :)
  5. J

    Mind Flayers?

    Yeah, I forgot about that, obviously. :) A fellow MF lover. Just curious, what was the deal with that immunity to everything but a special metal thing? Did you keep that in your campaign? I own no Eberron but that seemed kind of dumb to me - MFs are supposed to be all brain and no brawn...
  6. J

    Mind Flayers?

    Let's talk about Mind Flayers. I know about most of the source book and Dragon material (Illithiad & 3 associated adventures, Lords of Madness, Unveiled Masters, Savage Species, Underdark books, various Monster Manuals etc., Astromundi Cluster, etc.) How about more adventures? Anybody got a...
  7. J

    Tone Artists?

    I'm curious about who's doing lots of tone work (i.e., pencil or pencil and wash)* for RPGs. *For example Toren Atkinson, David Roach, David Griffith, Matt Cavotta, Scott Roller, Arnie Swekel, Eric Polak, Chuck Lukacs, Des Hanley. Don't have to be WotC, that's just the examples I have laying...
  8. J

    Favorite current FRPG artists?

    Who do you like?
  9. J

    A few designer-type questions

    1) I need suggestions on how to reconcile the power of magic (specifically arcane magic) with the fact that magic-users are only a faction and don't dominate the world or even the areas where they hold sway. I could do a cold-war thing between divine and arcane, but that seems like a patch...
  10. J

    Calculate humanoid weight after scaling?

    Yeah, if you take a cube of 1x1x1 filled with water, and cut any one dimension to 0.5, you now have half as much water in the cube. So what's the formula? Math isn't my strong suit obviously. Is it A=B( X * Y * Z) where A=new weight B=original weight X=new dimensional scale Y=new...
  11. J

    Calculate humanoid weight after scaling?

    I could do that, but I don't think it'd be right. That way my guy would weigh 100 lbs. at 3ft tall, and 400 lbs. at 12 feet tall. The relationship isn't proportional, if memory serves.
  12. J

    Calculate humanoid weight after scaling?

    Say you take a 6' 200 lb man and scale him down to 90% of his normal size - what's the formula for calculating his weight if his density remains constant?
  13. J

    What sort of product do you want to buy that no one is producing?

    Historical Medieval settings. The sort of thing an anthropologist making the Ultimate Historical Medieval Setting would write, sans the leftism. History is NOT written with the referee in mind. I want visuals on their material culture, their habits, (social) class behaviors, locations, etc...
  14. J

    Artist pay scale?

    Hi, I went to art school years ago and now I'm dusting off my desk and getting a portfolio ready. I'd like to take a crack at getting RPG work (I like fantasy and superhero genres best but I'm not choosy). What are the sizes (full, 1/2, 1/4?) and the going rates for each (B&W)? If you don't...