• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Jalinth

    RS1-Stolen University (Salix Judging)

    Sorry, I've been caught with the sudden, unexpected need to move. I've been packing and such for the last while, and so haven't had a chance to post. I'll do my best to post some ASAP
  2. Jalinth

    RS1-Stolen University (Salix Judging)

    "Sounds better then blowing down the front doors. After you..."
  3. Jalinth

    RS1-Stolen University (Salix Judging)

    "Fine with me. Let's be about it then." Jack let's the Juggler take the lead, following a bit behind. He stays low, and tries to stay in cover as best he can. Going to be using my stealth skills. The GM will roll for it if required correct?
  4. Jalinth

    RS1-Stolen University (Salix Judging)

    "Uh... Why are we sending the scientist away from the where are the super tech things will be? I mean, I'm willing to check out the labs but I wouldn't know a force field generator from a van de graph generator. Hmm... How hard to use is that teleporter you built? If ya could show one of us, you...
  5. Jalinth

    RS1-Stolen University (Salix Judging)

    "I saw her to. There one moment, then gone the next. I wonder what was up with that. Teleporter? Illuision?" Jack shrugs. "Nothing we can do about it at the moment though."
  6. Jalinth

    RS1-Stolen University (Salix Judging)

    "Cool..." Jack follows Zenji through the portal, watching for danger.
  7. Jalinth

    RS1-Stolen University (Salix Judging)

    Jack has been pacing, trying to figure out if there was anything to do. Thusfar he was drawing a blank. Like he said back at base, force fields weren't really his thing.
  8. Jalinth

    RS1-Stolen University (Salix Judging)

    What was the result of the rock hitting the field? How about the touching of the field?
  9. Jalinth

    RS1-Stolen University (Salix Judging)

    Jack followed along with the group, taking in the sights. Force fields were a little bit outside his area of expertise. When/if he saw Jones reach for the field, Jack says "No man. Let me do that. If it is gonna hurt, I've got a better chance of walking it off"
  10. Jalinth

    RS1-Stolen University (Salix Judging)

    "I just hope that his superthugs don't resist my KO powers as much. I hit him with most everything I had and he didn't blink." I should be able to post regularly now
  11. Jalinth

    RS1-Stolen University (Salix Judging)

    Sorry about the silence. I've been rather busy this past week. I'll be back up to speed by Monday, and will try to get a few posts off before then
  12. Jalinth

    RS1-Stolen University (Salix Judging)

    "Sneaking is the way I'd vote to. Just figured I'd offer both ideas. Always seems like things are easier if the bad guys don't know you're there. 'Fraid I can't help with the shield though. Everything I've learned about forcefields I got from Star Trek. 'sides my powers don't really do much of...
  13. Jalinth

    RS1-Stolen University (Salix Judging)

    “Questions and comments I’ve got lots of, the two main ones being can we get a map of the place and will we have any SWAT teams standing by do clean up after us, like we did at the bank? See I have is a plan. Actually one and a half. We get the good doctor to build some kind of super tech shield...
  14. Jalinth

    RS1-Stolen University (Salix Judging)

    "No, No. We were just saying how much we were looking forward to the post-mission debriefing is all. Let's go report to the major and head back to base. Might as well save everything until then eh?"
  15. Jalinth

    RS1-Stolen University (Salix Judging)

    Despite the action of the last couple minutes, Jack isn’t even breathing hard. “Nah, I figure the cops know what they’re doing, and everything I know about that I learned from watching CSI. Thanks for the eye in the sky by the way. What little you had a chance to relay was certainly useful.” he...
  16. Jalinth

    RS1-Stolen University (Salix Judging)

    Asmor, I must say you are pulling off the young hot head off with panache. However Jack is somewhat less impressed. :) Jack’s eyes widen as Zenji’s words sink in. It is only through pure force of will that he prevents himself from slugging the hot-headed idiot. "A rush? Zenji, shut the heck...
  17. Jalinth

    RS1-Stolen University (Salix Judging)

    “It’s all right people, it’s over. Just stay calm and the cops will lead you out.” Jack says to the cowering people. As soon as some SWAT types get into the room, Jack walks over to the Crier. ‘He sure gave up fast...’ Jack thinks ‘Hope he’s not dumb enough to try anything now.’ With his faith...
  18. Jalinth

    RS1-Stolen University (Salix Judging)

    Shaking his head at the Crier's sheer toughness, Jack tosses a bolt of neural interference at him. "WILL YOU PLEASE SHUT UP!" he yells before walking into the office and taking a look around. Attack AoA5. Paralyze at Crier. (1d20+15=20) If that hits, then DC 20 Will Save. I've got precise shot...
  19. Jalinth

    RS1-Stolen University (Salix Judging)

    With the Crier seemingly disabled, at least for the moment, Jack spins to face the new threat. With an arrogant smile he sends some sedatives at the new gunman.Cursing the Crier’s resilience, Jack sends another almost undetectable pulse of force at the him. Undetecable to those watching that is...
  20. Jalinth

    RS1-Stolen University (Salix Judging)

    I suspect that Crier is going to be displeased with us. Dazzle Crit, Fatigue hit, and a good chance of getting a knife in his arm. Sucks to be him. Now all we need is for his minion to be mind controlled and fill him or one of the paralyzed gunmen full of lead. I'm having a good time thus far.