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  1. T

    GOO's Mech D20 SRD now avilable in PDF

    Per a request from the original author, I cast resurrect thread. The original version of this document had a bad/incomplete section 15 license. It has been updated to be correct, but no other changes have occurred. I will now let this sink back into obscurity for another 7 years.
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    Doing XP Awards better

    Thank you every one for their responses. I can see I wasn't too far wrong in the idea for handing out XP. One interesting thing I picked up from this discussion is that leveling should (or does) occur about every 4 to 6 sessions. The way I've been doing it has been about 10 to 15 sessions...
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    Doing XP Awards better

    I'm looking for some advice on the best way to determine experience awards for my group. Currently I simply hand out a set XP award for each session to each character, less some if the player isn't there for the session. It is a simple way of doing experience, but perhaps I'm missing...
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    The great d20 sci-fi bakeoff

    I'd also recommend Traveller D20 (T20) as meeting all of your requirements. The book includes the vehicle design system and scalable combat systems, And nothing says "shotguns in space" better than Traveller. And there is some much support material for anything thats missing.
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    How fast should magical power return to a caster?

    I find it interesting that none of the options request a longer referesh than one day. I've played systems where it can take as long as a month to recover most or all of the magical power. They seemed to work fine, and forced some tactical changes.
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    Licensed Professional Feat

    This keeps coming up in various discussions on another board, so I thought I'd ask the collective. The usual comment is: to become a doctor requires only Treat Injury 5 ranks, what about a medical licence? Above is my attempt to create a feat for a medical licence, but there isn't enough game...
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    Licensed Professional Feat

    Licenced Professional (General Feat) You are now licenced by a professional organizations to work in your given field. Prerequisite: 5+ ranks in the appropiate skill, pass a DC20 entrance exam, pay an annual fee of Cr100 to Cr10,000 depending upon the organization. Benefits: You get a glossy...
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    Using D20 Modern for Traveller D20: The Campaign Setting

    My preference would be to use the MDT=10, plus save of Fort save 10+1/2 damage. That seems to about as grim as most people will still play, without coming up with a new system altogether.
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    Using D20 Modern for Traveller D20: The Campaign Setting

    I've been considering options. From a D20 player's point of view, Traveller combat goes beyond grim'n'gritty to vicious'n'ugly. I did a statistical analysis of several high-lethaity options in this thread on the COTI boards.
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    Using D20 Modern for Traveller D20: The Campaign Setting

    The feeling was that vehicle mounted guns are different enough from hand held weapons, that a BAB + DEX/STR was not going to accurately model a remote mounted, computer aimed weapon. Gunnery is a wisdom based skill. This goes back to a discussion about getting rid of BAB altogether and...
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    Using D20 Modern for Traveller D20: The Campaign Setting

    I have seen both editions of spycraft skills, and I wasn't changing the skills that much, I think, to want to inflict a wholesale change like spycraft. From D20 Modern the big change is the introduction of the Technical skill. This cascade encompasses a number of skills in D20 Modern. In...
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    Using D20 Modern for Traveller D20: The Campaign Setting

    I haven't completed the design. Known rule changes: I've borrowed the T20 Technical skill, which replaces a number existing skills, and extends to other items not covered in the D20M/F skills. I've added a number of feats and talent trees to better simulate the skill sets. Added the two T20...
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    Using D20 Modern for Traveller D20: The Campaign Setting

    On the Citizen's of the Imperium boards, there are infrequent but persistent requests to update the Traveller D20 rules to use everyone's favorite D20 rules: D20 Modern. I've been working on integrating the D20 Modern and Traveller D20 rule sets, and liberally borrowing from whatever other OGL...
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    D20 Modern Vehicle creation

    Just for another option: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=d20modern/fb/20040323a Wizards official approved adapt from real world vehicles rules.
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    Would you like to see any of the oWoD rules converted to d20?

    I voted no, not because I don't care, but because I wouldn't have any use for them. In the oWoD, our group plays Changeling, which isn't on your list. I'm also of the opinion that the rules you use for a game flavor strongly the style of game played. By converting the WoD (old or new) to D20...
  16. T

    What do you do beyond combat?

    Other suggestions: Investigations: A crime or other mysterious event has occured. The characters need to figure out what happend by talking to people and gathering clues on the scene. A lot of political intrigue involves talking to people, attempting to convince them they need to do things...
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    Yet Another Leadership Thread

    Using half-trained men as armed forces was pretty standard until the middle of the 18th century. The break and run was pretty usual problem armies had to deal with. This is part of the reason I like Leader as a skill rather than a feat. I'd argue the point that the crew of 1st level people had...
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    Yet Another Leadership Thread

    I would, if, as you point out, the D&D rules didn't nerf the forest of pikes against your lone hero, who should be a pincushion. Proper equipment for the troops is essential. Giving each a half used magic wand of fireballs, or other attack spell makes for some very unpleasant battlefields...
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    Yet Another Leadership Thread

    I'm another person in favor of using a Leadership as a skill. I use the feat tables to describe the approximate strenght of the people the leader can attract, and have the character make Leadership skill checks (with charisma) to find and recruit their cohorts, followers, hangers-on. You'd...
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    Doomstriders: Cost and Construction times

    No, your math is correct. It will take the better part of 19 years to build a medium doomstrider. Given the fact that you have a crew of 79 building a small mobile building with medieval technology, this is really unsurprising. You will need to make some modifications to the rules to make this...