• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Mechanurge

    What do you want to ask WotC?

    Old-schooler! Quick, git 'im! (heh. it's called sneak attack now)
  2. Mechanurge

    What do you want to ask WotC?

    1. What will happen to the Dragon and Dungeon brand names? 2. Will Dragon and Dungeon licensing return to Paizo before or after people at Wizards are fired? ;)
  3. Mechanurge

    Pathfinder 1E Paizo no longer publishing Dungeon and Dragon

    What a sad day. This blows AND sucks at the same time. I can't believe WotC would be stupid, or malicious, enough to do this. Both Dungeon and Dragon are institutions within the greater D&D community. They nurtured countless writers and artists, some of whom now work for WotC. I am really...
  4. Mechanurge

    What didn't people like about Greyhawk From the Ashes?

    I didn't like the Greyhawk Wars and FtA because they polarized a world that had heretofore been a greyscale, finely-balanced and very interesting equilibrium. Suddenly it became black-and-white with Iuz's Empire overrunning everything interesting in the North, the Great Kingdom disintegrating...
  5. Mechanurge

    Planescape, Inner Planes and Guide to the Astral Plane

    They all have great flavour and writing but I wasn't impressed with the artwork in The Inner Planes. I think diTerlizzi was gone by that point. Great info sources though.
  6. Mechanurge

    Big things are developing. Stay tuned.

    My vote is for Paizo buying out Necromancer Games. It's too early for a Greyhawk setting book. Regardless, "What's good for Paizo is good for gamers".
  7. Mechanurge

    Sales of upcoming Greyhawk Ruins will determine it's future

    I'm not sure it's fair to judge the popularity of a setting by an adventure, but I will definitely buy this book to support the setting. It's great that Greyhawk is at least being given consideration after years of being ignored. That said, it's true that Greyhawk is defined more by its...
  8. Mechanurge

    Mearls says adventures are hard to sell [merged]

    Yes, because you'd have to have been drunk to think this was a good adventure. ;)
  9. Mechanurge

    What's your favorite villainous creature?

    Then you might like the latest adventure in the Savage Tide path from Dungeon, called The Lightless Depths. I like slaadi. And SLAADI like ME.
  10. Mechanurge

    Prepping Planescape III

    Nifty. Are you the fellow who did the Sigil moebius on deviantart?
  11. Mechanurge

    Best of Necromancer?

    Wilderlands of High Fantasy makes for some fun reading, though I haven't run it yet.
  12. Mechanurge

    Necromancer Games shutting down next year.(UPDATE post 93)

    Wow, that's really a shame. I still enjoy reading their titanic Wilderlands of High Fantasy set. Does that mean the Judges' Guild will be gone as well?
  13. Mechanurge

    Moil, the City That Waits

    Yes, Moil appears in the Planescape adventure Dead Gods as a transit demiplane on the way to Tenebrous' (aka Orcus) hideout in the Negative Energy Plane. I believe it was spelled Ranais, the Funereal World, but I could be mistaken.
  14. Mechanurge

    What Gaming Stuff Do You Plan/Want To Buy This Year?

    Fiendish Codex I Fiendish Codex II Fiendish Codex III The Deck of Many Things Maybe some Gamemastery Item Cards
  15. Mechanurge

    Mad God's Key + mystery/CSI fans = physical evidence

    Mud/clay from the area around the tomb. A specific type of stone or stone dust (feldspar, pink granite) left at the scene of the crime. A bit of fur from a pet or animal that wanders a regular path between the tomb and where the PCs are.
  16. Mechanurge

    Celestial Codex Series?

    Meh. Celestials seem more like NPCs to me than monsters, and there are only so many variations on "fields of happiness and bliss" for the locations for that to be useful. I'd rather have a book of Rilmani, Slaadi and Inevitables, frankly.
  17. Mechanurge

    Dragonmarked Review

    Wow, that was one of the longest, and most useful, book reviews I have ever read. Good job, Graf. The only thing you should change is the formatting and sentence structure, as it's currently a little hard to follow. Personally, I like a little bit of ranting in my reviews. Unbiased, perfectly...
  18. Mechanurge

    Fiendish Codex III: Yugoloths poll

    I'd definitely like to see a book on Yugoloths, but with a different take than the string-pulling "White Wolf Vampires in Planescape" schtick that's been so overused. Something a little more like the 1E versions, or a completely original new vision.
  19. Mechanurge

    Why won't WOtC let another company publish...

    Au contraire, it's extremely likely that WotC would cram any new Planescape book full of new classes, PrCs, spells, feats and whatnots in the interest of garnering as much attention from non-PS D&D gamers as possible. Just look at the Planar Handbook to get an idea of what a new Planescape book...
  20. Mechanurge

    Why do you play D&D?

    I play D&D to adventure in Eberron, The Forgotten Realms, Greyhawk, Planescape and other cool worlds. The rules just seem to come with the worlds, for some reason. ;)