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  1. D

    The Dungeon Rumble

    How did you do initiative? Just roll one at the start, or create different initiative orders when combats sprang up?
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    2 part inquirey, favorite class and why

    Scout with maybe a level or 2 of Fighter. They have the skills of a Rogue, are a little more durable, and Skirmish damage is insanely easy to get off with Spring Atk. Make sure to get Improved skirmish too. Plus they have a lot of other fun abilities and are super mobile.
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    Naming Characters After Yourself?

    My name is Bob and I actually played a Trebor in a 3 episode mini-campaign. Normally though when I (and my brother) make up character names, we try and give subtle "shout outs" to cool stuff. Usually kind of obscure and you wouldn't think about it, but if you ask, it comes from somewhere. My...
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    Backstory - How Not To

    I'm a fan of back story. I like the DM to include it in the game too. It doesn't have to be part of the big overall plot, I think it's better actually as just a little side quest, or some flavor here and there. Example: In the Western game I'm playing in, my character was a former member of The...
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    Warhammer fantasy roleplay disaster, what happened

    Yes your character was doing some pretty shady and borderline evil things. I'd definitely agree with the rest of the party. 100% Now this doesn't necessarily mean you're a bad role player, it just means you were playing a semi-evil character in a party of good PCs. I wasn't there so I have no...
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    GM's anyone ever have a Female?

    I've been in plenty of games with female players, but have only been in one with a female GM. She was really bad, the whole thing was way too "video gamey". I'm not saying all female GMs are bad, this one just happened to be.
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    New DM and virgin players

    As the DM who ran YOU through the Shattered Gates, I have 2 pieces of advice: 1: Definitely modify the Dungeons. One thing I really didn't like about that adventure was that there was a combat encounter in EVERY SINGLE ROOM. You don't need that. You get too much of a plodding feeling of "Next...
  8. D

    Have you ever ripped off an idea & passed it off as your own?

    Oh god all the time. Not a carbon copy, but based on other stuff all the time. Although I don't try and claim it as my own idea. If someone notices this character/scenario/whatever is from source X, I say "yeah, exactly!" And they usually say "Awesome!" Pretty much every other DM I've played...
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    How to stop player whining? Drama!

    Alright this is gonna be another long post, but here's my final plan: I AM going to wait until next time we play to handle this. The other day I ran into our other newbie player for a couple seconds, the guy who is the problem players friend. He's a cool guy. Great player too, although new...
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    How to stop player whining? Drama!

    @ Zelda: Yeah I hear you. I'm just really frustrated now. The guy is probably my best friend, and like I've said a bunch of times already a generally great guy. But I have NEVER seen anyone act like this in almost a decade of playing, and that includes ACTUAL 12 year olds and some serious noobs...
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    How to stop player whining? Drama!

    Yeah poo bomber is from Janx earlier in the thread. I think it's a good (and funny) analogy. As, for whiney douche, that's what he's being. Complaining jerk? Protesting ass? I don't know how else to describe it. If I'm starting to seem angry, it's because I am. In my 8 years of role-playing...
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    Favorite Change in any D&D edition

    I know the OP said just one, but I gotta do two. The best is higher rolls are better, especially the death of THACO. My personal favorite though is Hide and Move Silently into one skill for 4th edition. I've never played 4th, don't plan to, and really haven't read through all the rules even...
  13. D

    How to stop player whining? Drama!

    Yeah this thread has become insanely long. Quick version: This guy is a good friend, but whines and gets upset whenever ANYTHING bad happens to him or the party. We mentioned it to him, he had a fit and ruined a game session, we nicely talked about it with him and he was good for 2 sessions, but...
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    How to stop player whining? Drama!

    Sigh. The Poo Bomber returned. :( After two good, no problem whatsoever sessions, he was a whiney douche. Which is sad because it was a really fun session. Our DM had an AWESOME villain who picked us apart, and the best thing is he wasn't even that powerful, (just 1 level higher than us) just a...
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    Running Gags

    Do you have any fun running gags or inside jokes in your campaign? For example, our group has a fun one: The Bartender. Every single NPC we meet is very detailed, our DM does a great job of roleplaying them, different voices, mannerisms, ect. Even the most minor NPC, no matter how briefly we...
  16. D

    WOW d20 - Tinker Base Class

    Yeah I think 1d6 per 2 TL is perfect. 1d6 per 3 is too low, and I think 1d6 every level is just a TOUCH too much. 2 just right though, on track with say, a Rogue's sneak atk.
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    WOW d20 - Tinker Base Class

    I haven't seen the WoW Tinker, but a friend of mine plays the Tinker base class from the ORIGINAL Warcraft RPG. Great class imo, really fun. A little overpowered with 1d6 damage per TL. I do really like the invention rules in that book though, very complicated and hard to understand at first...
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    Feat ideas for a kind of strange character

    I'm playing in a Western Steampunk game using for the most part 3.5 rules, one of our new players has a great character, but we're trying to find the best feats for him. It's an odd character, a multi class Fighter / Tinker from the Warcraft RPG. He's a nearly 7 foot tall hulk of a man who...
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    We go left!

    "Left is right, right is wrong. Hang a left and move along."
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    How to stop player whining? Drama!

    Update! We played again and he was good. A ton of bad stuff happened actually and he was still good, so I'm thinking the issue has been solved. Huzzah for sitting down and working out problems like mature adults! Our DM has done some stuff too to make it a little less frustrating for him too...