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  1. V

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row - "Rat-catchers"

    Ella watches Valana inspecting the cells and wonders aloud "Perhaps... " Ella will search for this spill mark in the other cells
  2. V

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row - "Rat-catchers"

    Ella eyes the situation pensively. Ella will roll a knowledge check to glean any extra information
  3. V

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row - "Rat-catchers"

    "There has to be a way through here" Ella mutters somewhat to herself.
  4. V

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row

    Does this mean we can finally rest?
  5. V

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row - "Rat-catchers"

    Ella sidesteps to put the ratling (#6) between her and Thurst and swings her quarterstaff with all of her bookwormy strength.
  6. V

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row - "Rat-catchers"

    Ella slips in behind the group, awaiting an opportunity.
  7. V

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row - "Rat-catchers"

    "Oh, this is lovely." Ella whispers.
  8. V

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row

    What are the chances of us getting a good time to rest?
  9. V

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row - "Rat-catchers"

    Ella stoops down to inspect the slime with Valana. "It looks like what we had for dinner a few nights ago" Ella says sarcastically. I'll take a stab at a knowledge check as well, couldn't hurt
  10. V

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row

    I'm out on vacay for about a week.
  11. V

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row - "Rat-catchers"

    Still maintaining defensive position
  12. V

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row - "Rat-catchers"

    How far away are the living ratlings?
  13. V

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row - "Rat-catchers"

    Still maintaining defensive position, waiting for an opportunity. I should have bought a sling, but god knows I'd probably just hit Thurst in the back of the head with it.
  14. V

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row - "Rat-catchers"

    Ella pauses for a moment then decides to ready her staff and takes a defensive position behind Thurst.
  15. V

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row - "Rat-catchers"

    Ella whispers toward the front of the group "Tread lightly, this place reeks of magics".
  16. V

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row - "Rat-catchers"

    Ella peers over the shoulders of the rest of the group. Ella will roll a knowledge arcana check against the blue flame
  17. V

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row - "Rat-catchers"

    Ella carefully tries to keep pace with the rest of the group, but trips on her robe and falls flat on her face. *WHOOMP* "..ow" she squeaks as she picks herself up off the floor. Lightly dusting herself off, she attempts to regain her lost steps. Quickly moving up to the rest of the group...
  18. V

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row - "Rat-catchers"

    No change in tactics yet. Ella's still hurling garbage.
  19. V

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row - "Rat-catchers"

    Yes, improvised weapon. Whatever rubble or hard material is laying around to toss.
  20. V

    Ptolus: 165 Vock Row - "Rat-catchers"

    Ella slowly back out of the crossfire and prepares to assist however she can, she looks around for something slightly weighty to throw.